
Chapter 6 - Following the energy

We've been sailing towards the energy source for a few days now. As we move farther in our direction the energy is getting a more and more ominous feeling to it. It feels so cold and dominating, like the crushing will of a God staring down on me. Sometimes I find it hard to breathe, hard to walk, the others feel just fine, they don't feel anything at all, like it doesn't even exist. Maybe this has something to do with how much of this stuff that is getting into my body. The amount has nearly tripled since I first discovered it. So far there haven't been any serious negative effects for me except my lack of bending. I mostly stay in the cabin and sleep, it's getting harder and harder for me to move around. Nami wants to turn the boat around because of how pale my face is getting. Chopper is stumped because my vitals are normal and I appear to be as healthy as a horse aside from the obvious signs.

"We really need to stop this, Korra. You can barely walk!" Nami is trying to persuade me again.

"I can't, Nami. Don't you get it, don't you see? This reaction I'm having is the only clue I have, it's the only thing I can find, it's all I got. What if Asami is over there?"

"What if you die before we even find whatever is over there Korra."

"It's all I've got Nami. I still have no idea where the hell I am. This feeling, this energy, no matter how bad the effect is on me, it's not hurting me, it's just pressing in on me like some kind of intense focus from an entity."

"How do you even know that? What if..." The door banging open interrupts her, thankfully. Dealing with her growing concern, while I am thankful for it, it doesn't make refusing her good will any easier. I have to do this, I have to see what is here.

Usop is in the door telling us, "Nami, you're gonna wanna come see this, Korra you might want to as well if you're up for it." He looks uncertain and fidgety.

I get Usop to help me up to the deck, and at the front of the bow, we see it. A dark crest of land on the edge of the horizon. Looking at it makes my skin grow cold. It's like I'm staring into an abyss and the abyss is staring back into me. Nami finds a telescope and starts to describe what she sees to the rest of us. It's dark and cloudy, but she makes out trees and sheer coastline. Whatever is over there is making me more uncomfortable by the second, but I have to grin and bare it. If I show any weakness now I know that Nami will try to persuade me against it again.

"Oi Korra! You feel naniwhatsit from island right!?" eyes blazing, Luffy asks me while looking over his shoulder.

"That's definitely what I'm looking for Luffy," I say with a grim smile on my face.

"ALRIGHT!!!!!!!! ISLAND! ISLAND! ISLAND! Oi, Sanji! Do you think it has good meat!?" Luffy's eyes have stars in them, his fearlessness gives me resolve. It seems like he's smiling all the time.

"Korra, please rethink this!" Nami begins to try and persuade me again.

"Give it up Nami, the captain has already spoken," Zoro says while glancing towards the both of us. "I just hope they've got some good booze."

"Uhg fine dammit! If she wants to get herself killed then be my guest, but that doesn't mean the rest of you are off the hook!" Nami hissed out through gritted teeth. "We're using the buddy system! There are still four hours before we make land. Franky, you and Chopper stay with the boat. Usop you go with Luffy. I'll go with Zoro, and Korra can go with Robin." She made plans in a quick and decisive manner, we had four hours to pack the stuff we wanted to bring with us, well, they packed, I just sat and watched."

We made landfall and Luffy immediately went off the plan. He went off onto the island before any of us were even off the boat. We couldn't find him anywhere.

Nami made quick changes to her plan and had Usop stay with the ship as the lookout. The rest of us set off in random directions. Nami and Zorro went to look for any kind of civilization on the island, while Robin helped me search for whatever this energy was. It required a lot of sitting and waiting. Trying to meditate with her giving me soft smirks every now and then was not easy. I've never been someone who felt shy, but her sultriness was starting to get to me.