

Today was the day before Valentine's Day.

When class 2-A entered their class room it was decorated with various shades of pink and red hearts.

Some strung together like a banner, a few hearts randomly placed on the walls around the class room, and some hanging from the ceiling on the end of a spiral.

"Woah, so much pink!" Ashido said excitedly as she and many other students shuffled into the room

"It almost competes with you Mina." Uraraka giggled behind her hand

"I know right!" Ashido laughed with her

"This is a little overboard." Jirou grimaced at all the pink

"Affirmative." Aizawa said walking to the podium

"Hey Aizawa Sensei, you do all this?" Kaminari asked his teacher curiously

"No, Principal Nezu and Midnight decorated the rooms." Aizawa answered with a tired look

"*Ahem* Sir, are we going to have some sort of event?" Iida question raising a hand

"I was getting to it. *sigh* Tomorrow, during homeroom you will be allowed to exchange Valentine's gifts

to whomever you choose, but after homeroom you'll return to your regular studies." Aizawa told them

"Really!" A bunch of students shouted in surprise

Aizawa sighed again.

"I'm sure some of you have already gotten a gift so tomorrow morning is the perfect time to give it to that special person. However, no PDA or I'll expel you." He threatened

"Yes sir!"

"Alright now open you text books and turn to page three hundred and ninety four." Aizawa instructed

Some students whined about having to actually do school work.


The next day everyone showed up to class excited and nervous. Well everyone who had a Valentine's to give.

Kirishima walked up to Ashido's desk the moment he saw her.

"H- Hey Ashido, so I uh got a reservation at this place. I thought we could go together." He said showing her his phone

It was a breakfast restaurant, but it was fancy and famous for it's Natto.

Ashido's nearly falls out of her seat.

"Kiri! I love it!"

"Great! I'm glad." Kirishima grinned

"I got you something too!" Ashido said scrabbling to get it out of her backpack

"Wha- really?" Kirishima asked

Ashido nodded pulling a box out from under her desk.

"Of course, here. Isn't it super cool." She handed him an item

Kirishima looked at the box to find it was a special vintage Bruce Lee action figure. Very manly looking.

"Hell yeah it is! Thanks

Ashido!" He said as his sharky grin grew bigger

She stood up to give him a hug.


"Good Morning Uraraka, I have something for you." Iida greeted with his arms behind his back in a formal stance

"For me?" Uraraka asked standing up from her seat

Iida nodded.

"Happy Valentine's Day, here." He smiled pulling a small Bouquet of money from behind his back

Uraraka's eyes bugged as she saw the money flowers.

"Iida they're beautiful!" She said as she took the bundle from Iida

"Oh! I got you something too. it's not much, sorry. I hope you like it anyway. " She smiled as she pulled out a gallon or orange juice from her backpack

Iida took the item to inspect it.

"It's my favorite brand of orange juice, how did you know?" He asked her

"Iida you talk about it all the time silly." Uraraka laughed

"Well thank you." Iida said with kind eyes as he hugged her


"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Kaminari grinned as he approached Jirou

"You have something for me charging port?" Jirou cocked an eyebrow

Kaminari frowned at the nickname.

"Well I did, but if you're gonna be a meanie then I might return it." He teased

Jirou rolled her eyes and gave in.

"Fine. Sorry, I'll be nice."

Kaminari pulled out his phone.

"Okay here." He held it in front of her face

Jirou looked at the screen.

"Kami, that's a picture of a guitar." She said with a slight frown

"Yea I know, I couldn't bring it to school so it's still in my room, BUT it's a replica of Jimmy Hendrix's guitar. It's got the certificate of authenticity and everything!" Kaminari explained

Jirou took his phone and looked closer at the screen.

"Oh my got it is!" Her eyes widened in surprise

Kaminari smiled big.

"See, who's two thumbs and is best boyfriend?"

"This guy." Kaminari pointed his thumbs to himself

Internally though he's surprised he won the budding war in Ebay.

"Shuddup, I could kiss you!" Jirou almost squealed

Kaminari shrugged

"Well if you want too." He leaned forward puckering his lips

She flicked his forehead.

"Not here, later." She told him as he started to pout

Jirou sat his phone down on her desk and turned to her backpack.

"I got some for you, but it's not as cool as what you got." She pulled out a ukulele and laid it next to Kaminari's phone

Kaminari looked at the black and yellow instrument and saw it had writing on the lower part.

"Is this sighed by Tyler and Josh?!" He asked holding it up in the air like it was baby simba

"Yea, d- do you like it?" Jirou asked nervously

Kaminari held it to his chest

"Like it, I love it!" He told her

Jirou laughed at his excitement.

"Then, since I know you don't know how to play the ukulele it also comes with free lessons from your girlfriend." She smirked

"Can we make out right now?" Kaminari begged jokingly

"Aizawa Sensei said no PDA in the class room." Iida interrupted from across the room

"I'll make out with you too Iida!" Kaminari shouted at him

Iida looked stunned then blushed.

"I- that's very kind, but I'm not interested." He turned back can't around to Uraraka


"Good Morning Todoroki." Yaoyorozu smiled as she stood in front of his desk

Todoroki looked up at her.

"Good Morning Yaoyorozu, I have-"

Yaoyorozu interrupted him as she placed a food kit basket on his desk.

"Here! I wasn't sure what you would like so I got you a soba kit." She said

Todoroki looked at the contents in the basket. It had everything one would need to make soba.

"This looks expensive." He commented

Yaoyorozu looked to the side embarrassed.

"My mother helped me pick it out. She said this was the best option to... woo you."

Her mother was a little kooky and absent minded, but she was right ninety percent of the time.

Todoroki furrowed his brows, but not out of anger or confusion.

"Interesting, my mother told me the same thing." He said pulling out a book

Rei went with him to the Bookstore and helped him picked out a book for Yaoyorozu since he knows she likes to read.

"Todoroki." She said with a soft smile taking the book he handed her

"Um do you like it?" Todoroki asked sounding unsure

It was actually the book she was planing to get in her next trip to the bookstore.

"Of course I do, it's from you. Do you like your's." Yaoyorozu smiled excitedly

Todoroki looked back at the basket.

"I do very much." He smiled thoughtfully


"Hey Tokoyami I got you some fresh apples." Asui placed a Wooden basket full of different colored apples on his desk

Tokoyami looked surprised.

"This is a whole basket. You shouldn't have." He told her

Asui shrugged.

"It's no big deal. My aunt and uncle own an apple farm, ribbit." She smiled

Upon special request from Tsuyu they delivered a batch to the school for her.

Dark Shadow appeared.

"Are you gonna give her what we got. C'mon I wanna see her face." He begged

Tokoyami shook his head.

"Alright Dark Shadow, give me a moment." He said getting the item out of his bag

"Here you go Asui, enjoy." Tokoyami said kindly as he handed it to her

It was a jello heart that looked like a human heart.

Asui giggled and smiled.

"This is really sweet of you two. Thank you."

"We knew you would like it." Dark Shadow nodded as Tokoyami blushed


"Hey Ojiro, I got you something you're absolutely going to love!" Hagakure's clothes walked up to his desk

"Oh, I... I got you something too." Ojiro said with a small smile

"Let's give them to each other at the same time then." Hagakure suggested

"Great idea." Ojiro agreed

"3...2...1... happy Valentine's Day Ojiro!" Hagakure said loudly

"Happy Valentine's Day Hagakure!" Ojiro said almost as loud as they show what they got for each other

*Gasp* "Ojiro you didn't! I love it!" She said seeing the heart shaped box full of caramel chocolates as stated on the outside of the box

She grabbed the box handing him the tickets and held it to her chest.

Ojiro looked at the tickets which he soon found out were movie tickets for a new karate movie.

"Woah this is so cool! Oh I um I'm glad you like it." He said rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush

"Ojiro you're such a sweetheart." Hagakure giggled


Kirishima and Kaminari noticed Bakugou was sitting at his desk by himself. Midoriya wasn't even sitting behind him. He was off talking to Uraraka and Iida.

"Bakubro, aren't you gonna give-"

"Don't have one." Bakugou interrupted Kirishima

"The what was that a-" Kaminari tried to say until Bakugou grabbed his face, but not harsh enough to hurt the other

"Wanna keep your damn jaw!?" He blonde shouted gather attention

"Jeez dude you okay?" Sero asked cautiously from his seat behind Jirou

She was off talking to Ashido about their gifts.

Bakugou let go of Kaminari and looked to the side.

"M fine. Leave me alone." He says sitting back in his seat

He was tense, but he didn't know why it made him so anxious. There's really nothing to worry his spiky little head about.

"Alright, just... don't forget about it." Kirishima said said quietly patting him on the shoulder

"Shuddup." Bakugou murmured looking out the window


Later the Dekusquad was hanging out in his room on the floor studying.

"Midoriya, I thought you were going to give Bakugou a Valentine's Day gift." Iida inquired from his spot next to Uraraka

Midoriya's body jolted.

"Yea, weren't you going to confess to him too?" Uraraka added

He told them a month ago about his plan.

Midoriya looked up from text book with a faint blush across his face.

"I was... b- but I'm nervous and he looked pretty angry so m- maybe I'll wait until his birthday. That's only two months away." He said getting flustered

"I think you should give it to him today. I'm sure he'll say yes. Ribbit." Asui patted him on the back from his left

It was comforting.

Midoriya shrugged looking down at his textbook that his hands were now laying on.

"I- I don't wanna ask him then get rejected. That would make things awkward between us. I don't even know if we could still be friends after something like that. I shouldn't have bought the gift in the first place. I... got too excited." He told them blush growing deeper as he frowned internally hating his passed self

"Why would he reject you?" Todoroki asked with a stoic expression from cross the table

"Because he's Bakugou." The other three answered

"Because he's Kacchan." Midoriya answered

Todoroki frowned confused.

"Midoriya, Bakugou likes you." He said

"What!?" The other's eyes widened in disbelief

"You... haven't notice?" Todoroki asked like it was common knowledge

He and Bakugou talk often, albeit the blonde would say no they don't if you asked him. When they talk some how the topic always goes to Midoriya.

"No!" Midoriya looked somewhere between terrified, happy, and sad for not noticing it sooner if it was true

Todoroki shrugged.

"It's very obvious that he likes you." He said plainly

Midoriya's mind was beginning to race.

"What, how? I never noticed." He said running over every interaction he's ever had with the blonde

Asui taps her index finger to her chin.

"You know now that I think about it, Todoroki's right ribbit. Bakugou does stare at Midoriya a lot ribbit. Almost as much as Midoriya stares at him." She teased with a laugh

Midoriya whole face turned pink.

"I don't stare at k- Kacchan!" He stood up clenching his fist to his sides like a kid throwing a tantrum

"They also train together with All Might. Most of the time it's just them." Uraraka pointed out purposely ignoring Midoriya


"Bakugou very clearly cares about him. He's shown it countless times." Iida nodded

"Aggressively of course." Todoroki added with a small smirk

Midoriya faltered.

"I think you guys are seeing things wrong." He said trying to calm himself down

"Or maybe you are." Uraraka stood up to walk around Iida and over to him

"Well, there's only one true way to find out." Asui stood up nudging him with her elbow and a smile

"Give him the present Deku." Uraraka said placing her hands on her hips

"This is a bad idea guys." Midoriya shook his head while rubbing his upper arm

"Midoriya you can't wait forever." Todoroki said standing up also

"I know, but I'm just worried. We worked so hard to get our friendship back and I might ruin it because of my feelings." Midoriya looked down at the ground feeling small

Iida sighed standing up and gripping Midoriya shoulders making him let out a squeak of surprise.

"Midoriya! It's time for you to be the man you are and go get your happiness!" He said in a commanding voice

"B- But-" Midoriya tried to argue, but Iida wouldn't have it

He shook his head and frowned.

"No buts except for your's out that door to give Bakugou is gift." Iida pointed towards the door

"Go get your man, Deku!" Uraraka smiled

Midoriya nodded getting swept

up by his friends encouraging words and smiles.

"Yea, you- you're Right. I deserve to be happy just like everyone else." He told them

"So what are you gonna do?" Todoroki asked

"I'm gonna march to Kacchan's room, give him his present, and confess my love for him!" Midoriya

"You can do it Midoriya!" Asui cheered as Midoriya opened his door to leave

"Thanks guys!" Midoriya smiled heading down the hallway


Midoriya stood in front of the door that was clearly Bakugou by the name plate.

He was frozen only able to stare at the door as his mind spiraled down and filled his body with anxiety.

"This is a mistake, why did I think this was a good idea. This could ruin everything we have. I got caught up in the moment, let my emotions control me, and now I'm right a Kacchan's door. He's gonna hate at me again. I can't do awkwardly at his door

"Kacchan! H- hi." Midoriya greeted, waving nervously

"What are you doing here?" Bakugou asked looking him up and down like he was suspicious of the other

"I... I um cam- came to see you haha." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck laughing oddly

Bakugou frowned still suspicious of him.

"Okay... Was actually gonna come get you anyways."

"Come get me?" Midoriya questioned

Bakugou nodded.

"Yea, come in." He turned walking deeper into his room expecting Midoriya to follow him

Midoriya did so.

"Okay." He said walking a few steps in the room and shut the door all without turning around

"What's that?" Bakugou pointed to his body

"Wh- What's what?" Midoriya shrugged feeling the sweat run down the side of his face

"Behind your back, idiot." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Oh, oh that. Haha, it's um..." Midoriya shrugged to come up with an excuse but can you when you're literally holding a present for the other person

It's now or never Midoriya thought as he gulped harshly.

"I- it's for you Kacchan." He said pulling it out from behind his back

Bakugou snatched the box analyzing it.

"You're wrapping skills suck, Deku." He smirked

"I know." Midoriya said looking to the side fidgeting with his fingers

"Can I open it?" Bakugou asked holding the present in one hand

Midoriya blushed.

"Y- Yea if you want." He nodded

Bakugou proceeded to sit on the floor like a child on Christmas.

Midoriya smiled for a second until he remembered what the present was for.

"I uh just wanted to give you that. I'll be on my way." He turned and grabbed the door handle

Bakugou looked up at him with a frown.

"Huh? No, you're staying." He told the other

"I really don't think I should." Midoriya said not facing him

"Why not?" Bakugou challenged

"Well- I- urm-" Midoriya stuttered again not being able to come up with a excuse

He was so bad at improv.

"Heh- see you don't have an excuse so sit the hell down Nerd." Bakugou demanded

Something about Midoriya giving him a present made his earlier nervousness melt away.

Midoriya turned finally.

"Kacchan, I really-"

Bakugou's expression softened as he looked at the other.

"Deku, just sit down with me while I open this."

Midoriya thought for a moment then nodded. He just couldn't deny Bakugou.

"... okay."

Midoriya sat down on the floor just as Bakugou started shredding the paper away from the box.

"I thought you would like it. If you don't the receipt is in the box so you can return it get something else."

He informed him as Bakugou opened the box

Bakugou started laughing as he saw the contents inside the poorly wrapped box that's now shredded like a wolf got a hold of it.

"Wh- why are you laughing?" Midoriya looked at the other with wide confused eyes

Even now Bakugou didn't laugh much unless it was menacingly.

Bakugou stood up continuing to laugh.

"Just wait a minute." He walked to his closet

"For what?" Midoriya asked still very confused

Bakugou opened the door.

"I'm gettin something, hold on." He said as he laughing calmed down Bakugou picked up a box that sat on the floor in side the closet and handed it to Midoriya.


Midoriya looked at the box

"Is that for me?" He pointed to himself

Bakugou shoved the box at him.

"Yes you moron. I would've given it to you earlier, but I didn't want all those extras bothering us." He said returning back to his spot

Midoriya inspected the box on his lap.

"You're definitely a better wrapper than me." He said with a small smile

Bakugou scoffed.

"Course I am. Open it." He told him nodding once

Midoriya carefully opened the wrapping paper as to not to get it everywhere. Then he opened the box to fine an All Might figurine staring at him.

"Kacchan, you- I- we got the same thing?" He took it out of the box looking confused

Bakugou nodded.

"Yep. Except mine has a note the bottom." He turned the box in Midoriya's hand so he could see the yellow sticky note stuck to the bottom

/"Go out with me Nerd."/ Midoriya blushed after he read the note

His head snapped over to Bakugou eyes beginning to water.


Bakugou put his hand over Midoriya's that was in the floor for body support.

"I know you like me, but I wanted to wait until Valentine's Day to confess that I like you too. 'M Not great with words so an special edition signed All Might figurine and a note is the best you're getting outta me. Sorry." He said as a pink blush rose to his cheeks

Midoriya's bottom lip wobbled.

"It's perfect Kacchan, b... but how did you know I liked you." He asked looking at those crimson red eyes

Bakugou scoffed again.

"Are you kidding me? Deku, you aren't very subtle." He told the other

Midoriya looked down, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"S- sorry. That's probably embarrassing for you." He choked a laugh

Bakugou knew Midoriya would react like this. He's such a crybaby Bakugou thought.

He squeeze his hand in his own.

"I don't give a shit." Bakugou reached over with his other to wipe the tears slowly rolling down Midoriya's blushing cheek away

"Then m- me either." Midoriya said with a sniffle

"So, we dating?" Bakugou asked with a grin

"Yes." Midoriya nodded with a short laugh

"Good... that means I can do this." Bakugou said just before he leaned into kiss Midoriya's

soft lips

Once he pulled back to see the damage he was met with a breathless looking Deku.

"Kacchan you kis-"

"Is that green apple?" Bakugou asked licking his own lips as he noticed the taste was sweet

"My l- lips were dry earlier." Midoriya answered voice still a ittle shaky

"You damn Nerd." Bakugou laughed

"Wha- How does that make me a Nerd?" Midoriya said starting to laugh

Bakugou's laugh was always contagious to him.

"It just does." Bakugou kissed his cheek and Midoriya blushed brightly again

Guess Todoroki was right Midoriya thought with soft smile looking at his Kacchan who was opening his figurine.


Years later those same All Might figurines sit on a shelf above the headboard to Izuku and Katsuki Bakugou's bed.


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.




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