
B.Phoenix: Re-Birth

A 40-year-old man suffering from severe depression and loneliness, while dying of a brain tumour and multiple system failure, looks outside his bedroom window and wishes to a shooting star, to get another chance. After closing his eyes for the last time he suddenly wakes up in 1970s LA in an orphanage, in the body of a young boy named Phoenix. Let's follow the rise of Phoenix in the art culture and Hollywood. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This book is heavily inspired by another book called Hollywood: Re-Coded. If the author of that book hadn't stopped writing I would not have picked this story, as I am the least bit educated on entertainment subjects, especially Hollywood regarding matters. There will be some new OCs and some existing people. The history of Hollywood will be heavily edited to fit the story's purpose. The cover photo is taken from Pinterest, and the female lead would look somewhat like her.

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"Ughh... Am I cursed!?" Blinking my eyes, I grumbled the sleep away: "Is it normal to wake up before your alarm clock rings."

Shutting the to-be-alarm off, I stepped down from the bed, folded the blanket and patted the creases off.

'I am abnormal, don't you think, Phoenix?'

'Hmm... How so?'

'You know, wearing a blanket even in summer, waking up before the alarm, making the bed without anyone dictating, starting my mornings around 3:30-45 am every day of the year, and the cherry on top of the sundae that is my life- I have you in my head.'

'Haa... First of all, stop starting your sentences with- you know, every time you speak- I mean, even after learning so many languages, your day-to-day vocabulary is shit. Also, you should know that I am just a voice in your head that you gave name and personality.'

'I am just a voice~ Why do you always grumble, that too with a Posh voice, huh? And about my vocabulary, I'll have you know mr Phoenix, I am more than capable of using different words to start my sentences- it is just easy to use the same words~'

'That's just lazy writing'


'Nothing, complete your morning rituals and don't waste the time.'

'Yeah, yeah~'

Freshening up, I stepped out of the house and welcomed the slightly foggy air and fresh dew on the grass and leaves around me. Oh, also the commanding voice of sister Sonja:

"What are you gawking at, you dumbass. Let's start!"

"You know, your potty mouth is flourishing with leaps and bounds, every day."

"Shut up~ Just run... and don't let me catch you~"


As the scenery blurred around me with each lap of the property; I couldn't help but get motivated to run even faster and longer than my sister- thinking about the dread that would follow if I ever got caught, I am sure that demon would beat the living-daylight out off me- with all the martial arts she has learned and is still following up at that accursed of a gym uptown.

Well, it's not like the gym is a bad place, I even respect its owner- Mr. Seth a lot. It is just that I don't really like the members there- those people are either just worthless bums, who go there to show off and don't even know how to throw a punch properly, or even if they are good- they pass lewd and misogynistic comments toward my sister. However, every time she enters the ring she beats them until they either pass out or shout for help from the coach.

Anyway, all this used to happen when she was still relatively young and new to that gym; nowadays, she is more like the lady boss in there... haha. Still, I remember when Mom first asked sister Sonja, if she wanted to learn self-defence- I was around four years old at that time, and I saw her jump out the bed, accidentally throwing her biology book on the floor and give a bear hug to Mom, shouting: "Yes!"

Then, as we were on our way to the gym- me because I clung to Mom's dress and cried desperately to go with her and then there was sister Sonja and Mom, of course. Mom told us that the gym was run by one of her old colleagues and that he would be the one to decide what to teach sister Sonja, after inspecting her physical condition, an eccentric guy.

After checking her physicality Mr. Seth determined that he would teach her Kick-Boxing, and that was when, I first argued defiantly with him- as the news of a young girl joining the gym spread, some dumbass boys started leering at her and threw discouraging words. However, when I complained about this to Mr. Seth, he simply shrugged and told sister Sonja that in this gym, she either has to live under these people's shadow and be content with it, or she should learn what he is teaching her and beat them by her own hands, and legs.

Well, all that is in the past now.


Completing my third round, or approximately 5 km run- I took some calming breaths. The Sun had already risen at this time, and after a few minutes of break, it was time for stretching, as usual, I heard my sister shouting from the main gate:

"I am leaving- will bring some fresh bread, as usual."

Just like that with the rather loud sound of the engine, the Cutlas drove off.

Waving bye to the air, I started my real exercise:






At around 6'o clock, Garfield, Andrea, Paula and Fuyumi joined too. 

Now, for Garfield, Paula and basically anyone else- running laps around the property was fine, except Fuyumi, that's why, I had devised another way for her to warm up and join the group, simultaneously. Fuyumi has been living here for six years now, and even though she is blind- she has played and walked on this property so many times, that she has almost mapped out the walking pattern for herself. Hence, I mark a line with some used pillows at a distance of around three meters from the Banyan tree, then hold her hand and let her count the steps from the line to the base of the tree, after which, she simply sprints as fast and comfortably she could from point-to-point; it is basically fast running, but hey it works... 

Around the time I am done with  squats and lunges,  Garfield and Andrea join me for  push-ups and pull-ups; For pull-ups, there is a low-hanging branch of the tree, that is sturdy enough for kids our size and age.

As for others- Paula, Fuyumi, Juliet, Pepper & Jerome (twin), Lacey and Anthony; They complete their warm-ups and stretching, at which time Mom usually show up to train us.


Here is where things get interesting- after sister Sonja got admitted to the  gym,  I was usually left alone, not like there was no one around me, more like I am the eldest after sister, of course, other than Mom; So I started pestring Mom for sending me too, to the gym, and as obvious it is, she denied, saying I was too young. This in no way was a false statement, but being young, as I watched my sister show off the tricks and stances she learned to me every evening, made me jealous and eager to show her off, at the same time. So, what I did was, go to the Mind-Library  and search for some awesome fighting techniques.

The next day, when sister Sonja was showing off with a persistent smirk on her face, I cooly stood up and tried the stance I had seen in the Mind Library-  my ankle got twisted and some muscles got severely strained.

After resting for a month and listening to Mom's scolding every day; I had still not given up on learning, at least something. I guess Mom observed my attitude too. Therefore, as soon as I reached age five, Mom started teaching me basic Boxing,  which gradually progressed with my age. Also, ever since last year, she has been giving me some  Taekwon-Do  lessons too, although, they are basics. 

Soon, seeing that I was becoming  cool  by learning these new tricks- Garfield and Andrea weaseled their way into the training sessions; Then the whole dam broke and everyone else started clinging to Mom and us... I used to get a lot of stink eyes from her.

Later Mom realized that including children would be rather good for their future health and would also help them maintain discipline and a stable mentality. Hence, now it is mandatory for everyone to wake up around 6:30 at the latest, and join the daily exercise.

From all this, the important thing I realized was that, even though Mind Library  is there to help me, I should always maintain a cautious mindset towards it, so as not to repeat the mistake of learning any martial art or other such things without prior conditioning of the body.

Simple exercises that I have been performing on a regular basis for a few years now, are fine to learn though.

My personal workout is over after finishing up the daily sparring and training with Mom and then doing- Kapalbhati, Anulom/Vilom and Bharamarasan under the tree.


'Sometimes, I wonder if Mom was a part of some military regiment or something... haha, no way. She is such a caring and loving woman. Right?'

'Hmm... at this, I could agree too.'

With such wandering thoughts, I exited the ground. Leaving behind the children, who were half-assing the morning practice including Garfield, only Andrea takes this seriously.

'I think that girl is going to be a martial arts master or something~'

'Yeah, and beat up the bullies~'

After taking a bath and putting on some decent clothes- Bermuda and an oversized T-shirt. I reached the dining hall, where sister Sonja was already placing the food, so I helped too.


When Mom saw that I was such a genius at the age of three, she thought it would be better to sign me up at the public school located in midtown, my sister went there too. But, being who I am, how can I let her rest peacefully? Hence, when my  clinging-to-her-dress-with-a-snotty-crying-face  attack failed; I went to the school, but after reaching there I would either run off the class shouting incoherently or make my fellow children cry in harmony with my crying. This facade lasted for only three weeks and then I was expelled, ever since then, Mom has been providing private lessons at home.

As usual, my army of minions followed in my glorious footsteps and they too are getting home-schooled. In the end, except for sister Sonja, who went to that public school till high school and later to college, no one else attended that school.

Now, Mom could teach us most of the things up till the elementary school syllabus, but starting from middle school onwards, we could only learn- Maths, Practical Physics, language, Social studies and very basic Chemistry. Hence, she decided that it would be wiser to appoint some tutors for us from middle school onwards, of course, only for specific subjects.

All of us are free to play around or watch TV- shows from 2 pm onwards, that is when our studies are over.

Recently, other than practising with that old Ukulele, I have been diligently practising playing the Bamboo Flute too- it is more for my entertainment than to play it for the public, as it kind of gives me peace of mind.

Other than me, I could always spot Garfield with his painting brush and some papers, painting the tree and sunset; Painting, I have found is the bane of my existence- I draw and shade with amazing talent, but painting... Once I tried to paint in camaraderie with Garfield and the other children- I just tried to paint a simple mountain, the sun, river and the hut, I swear... and to this day that horrifying and shameful past has been hanging in the hall among some good and amazing paintings... always keeping me humble...

Seriously though, I can predict that Garfield will become a famous painter- he paints amazing worlds on canvas from such an age.

'Well, it is time to read those imps, some stories.'

'Hmm... then your time to sleep.'



'Tomorrow is the day...'

'Yep, the Sunday edition and children's section'

'Haha... I am getting excited~'


'Don't you think that this chapter had too much exposition?'

'I know right?'

'Tch... some dumbass'

'Plus, he is trying that, fourth wall-breaking method. Even though this bitch can not write in simple methods. Haha...'

'Eh... Leave him be he would either get roasted in the comment section or simply drown in self-shame.'

'I bet it's his last attempt at this ridiculousness'

'What's there to bet, it is a simple fact'



'Why are you using (!) with capitalized letters? Pffthaha'

A/N: Ugh...

Anyway, this is a long exposition chapter, because I thought the characters up till yet were either not fleshed out properly or not introduced totally. 

Also, I am allergic to maths, so my numbers would sometimes not add up. Hence, either leave it be or correct me in the comment section- I wouldn't even question the maths and edit it as it is, so be careful while providing help.

'He is also illiterate in the common sense'

'Fat too'

'Lonely too'

'Lazy af'

'Hentai addict'

'Even at his age, he has no gf'

'Pompous bitch'

A/N: Should I just stop writing this story, a character's death? How about it... hmm?

'I am really sorry, my dear and highly worshipped Lord *******'

A/N: Huuu...

Lastly, these sentences encapsulated in '' were Blue and his inner voice.

Wait and watch as to how your future unfolds, you haughty asshole!
