
Curve 22: It is only darkness that accentuates the beauty of light

The small feast had ended. It was time for Kei, Huno, and Yeji to depart the Imperial Palace. However, Yeji drank some wine offered to her by the Emperor and the advisors. As someone with low tolerance, she was stupefied. Despite of that, she insisted that she was not fuddled and she could go with Huno and Kei to the skywhale terminal to head back to the Goryeong Fortress.

The Supreme General, Seojun, was visibly concerned for his daughter, Yeji, as he escorted her and two others, Kei and Huno, to the grand calash that was waiting for them outside the palace. As they walked, he turned to Kei and said, "I don't know what it is about you that has me feeling uneasy, but I can tell that you're not an ordinary man."

Kei, looking Seojun in the eyes, replied with respect in his tone, "I can say the same about you, sir."

Seojun then went on to express his love for his daughter as a father, saying "Yeji might be your leader, but to me, she'll always be my daughter. Please take care of her."

"Yes, sir. I will." Kei responded.

However, Yeji, who had overheard their conversation, interjected, "Dad! What are you saying? I can protect myself. I don't need a dummy like him protecting me." Huno, who was struggling to carry Yeji, tried to calm her down, saying "Lady Yeji, please calm down."

The Supreme General let out a soft laugh and said to Huno, "Huno, make sure she won't cause any trouble. You know how difficult she can be when she's drunk."

Huno reassured Seojun with a smile, "Yes, sir. Don't worry, I'll make sure she's all right."

Upon reaching the gate of the Imperial Palace, they were greeted by a group of guards standing at attention. As they made their way past the gate, they came across the Archpriest of the Divine Order, Eamon Grale, who was also on his way out.

The Archpriest, Eamon Grale, approached the group with his head held high and a docile expression on his face, as if he was the very picture of humility and respect. He greeted the Supreme General, Seojun, with a deep bow and Seojun reciprocated the gesture. Eamon spoke in a humble tone, "Supreme General, I am glad to see you."

Seojun responded, "Archpriest, I heard you came here to meet the Queen."

"Yes. The Queen and I discussed important matters, but I am afraid I can't share them with you."

Seojun, not particularly interested, replied, "It's all right, I'm not interested."

Kei, however, was not so easily convinced of Eamon's supposed humility. He looked at Eamon with suspicion and thought to himself, "He is the archpriest of that church? Fredred, can you sense any corrupted energy from him?" Fredred, who was also suspicious, responded, "Wait up, Kei. I'm not sure why, but I can't sense anything bad from him." His tone puzzled after attempting to sense his spirit core.

Eamon set his glance upon Yeji and asked, "It seems your daughter had quite a fun. If I may ask, what's the occasion?"

The Supreme General Seojun, spoke to him, "I'm sure you heard about the spiritual practitioner who defeated the twelfth commander of the South Battalion. His Highness the Emperor, in recognition of his skill, invited him to the palace." He then added, "It just so happens that this spiritual practitioner is a member of my daughter's conclave."

Eamon, pretending to be unaware, looked at Kei and Huno, "Oh, really?" he said in a deep tone, his face showing a warm and genuine smile, but Kei knew it was a facade. "So, I am curious, who among these fine gentlemen was able to defeat that obnoxious commander of the South?"

Eamon was trying to gauge the capability of Kei and Huno, and trying to find out if they were a threat to his ambition.

But Kei, aware of Eamon's manipulative nature, thought it would be strategic to conceal his true knowledge of Eamon's character and instead feign ignorance, and responded, "It was me who defeated him."

"Oh, you did?" Eamon said, examining his appearance with a critical eye, "I cannot argue with that. The way I perceive you, you seem really talented. May I ask, what is your name, young man?"

"I am Kei Netherwulf," said Kei, trying to maintain a calm and composed demeanor.

"Netherwulf? Strange, for some reason that name seems familiar," the Archpriest said, with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Really? You're the first one to ever say that. I always thought my name was unique," Kei responded, trying his best to keep up the facade and appear genuinely interested in the conversation.

Eamon let out a soft chortle in response, as if he found Kei's comment amusing.

Following the brief conversation, the Supreme General, Seojun, intervened and informed Eamon that Kei and the others had to return to the Guild House. Eamon was visibly disappointed as he was eager to talk more with the newly recognized practitioner of the empire, but he knew that he had no choice but to let them go. He gestured his respect again toward the Supreme General with a bow before he boarded his own calash reserved for him.

As Eamon settled into his seat inside the grand calash, his mind could not help but dwell on the young man he had just spoken with, Kei Netherwulf. "So it was you who ruined my plan," he thought to himself, "It seems Lingshu has successfully recruited another individual who could potentially be a significant obstacle to my goals." Eamon's mind was racing as he began to strategize on how to eliminate any potential rivals that may stand in the way of his ambition, and he considered Kei as one of those potential enemies. He knew that he had to be strategic in his approach and eliminate any potential threats to his ambitions, whether it be through manipulation or more sinister means.

Eamon's transponder rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked up the call and learned that it was from one of his most trusted followers.

"Your Grace, our plan to burn down the chapel was accomplished. However..." The follower said, hesitantly.

Eamon's expression turned cold and his tone grew impatient, "However what?"

"Lord Suho and his minions visited the chapel. A terrible fight broke out between them and the witches," the follower reported.

Eamon's mind raced with the implications of this new information. "What? Why Suho of all people?! Did they find any evidence?"

"Fortunately, no. But they did capture one of the witches, and I'm afraid they're torturing her now to extract information," the follower said.

Eamon felt sweat on his forehead as he heard this, his face still cold and his mind troubled. "Tell Wichelle to infiltrate their camp where they're torturing that witch. Do not let them extract any information about us, you hear me?!" he answered, his tone urgent.

"As you command, Your Grace," the follower responded before hanging up the call.

Eamon then told the rider of the calash to hurry up.

After a brief journey, Kei and the others arrived at the skywhale terminal. The skywhale's rider welcomed them aboard and set the course towards the Goryeong Fortress.

As they soared through the sky, Yeji was asleep, her breathing steady, but she was muttering in her sleep, "It's cold... Why is it so cold out here?" Seeing her discomfort, Kei removed his robe and draped it over her as a blanket, trying to keep her warm. As he did so, he could not help but feel the urge to run his fingers through her hair, being swept by the wind, but he stopped himself, knowing that it would be inappropriate. Instead, he sat beside her and observed her as she slept.

During that moment, Fredred noticed Kei's interest on her. "It seems you're becoming too invested in her, Kei. Remember to keep your feelings in check and not let yourself become a slave to them. They will only lead you to disappointment," Fredred spoke inside of him, reminding him to focus on their mission.

"I know. I don't deserve her, anyway. She's far too important for someone as unworthy as me," Kei replied to Fredred, acknowledging his own limitations and understanding.

"Remember, you will leave her someday and return to our land to bring down the Defiant."

Kei's logical mind agreed with him, however, his heart could not fully accept it.

On the other hand, Huno was also asleep at the side. As the skywhale flew over the clouds of the night sky, Kei marveled at the breathtaking view beyond. The clouds were illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, casting an ethereal silver light over the landscape. The stars twinkled above him like a billion brilliant diamonds, and Kei felt a pang of longing for his homeland, Caelum. He missed the familiar constellations and the warmth of the sun on his skin. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander, imagining the familiar sights and sounds of his original home.

Beyond the clouds, Kei could see the vast expanse of the empire, the sprawling cities, and the lush countryside. He could see the lights of the towns and villages, twinkling like fireflies in the distance. As they flew further, Kei's gaze was drawn to the majestic sight of the celestial mountain of Iona. The mountain was shrouded in mist, its upper part obscured from view, and its top could never be seen as it extended beyond the clouds. The mist seemed to swirl and dance around the mountain, as if it were alive and breathing. The sight was breathtaking, and Kei felt a sense of tranquility as he looked at them. He felt like he could stay up there forever, just taking in the beauty of the world below.

As the skywhale gracefully glided over the verdant plains beside the celestial mountain of Iona, Kei could see the rivers and streams that flowed through the terrain sparkled like jewels in the moonlight, their gentle currents creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. The forests that covered the mountainsides rustled and whispered in the wind, their leaves rustling like a symphony of nature. He could not quite put his finger on why he was only now noticing the beauty of the scenery, but he pondered that perhaps the darkness of the night was what made it all the more mesmerizing. Indeed, the true beauty of light is best appreciated when enveloped in the darkness.

He could not help but contemplate that perhaps he could be the darkness required for the light to shine brightly. As he gazed upon Yeji's face once more, a faint smile formed on his lips.

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