
Suspicion of Family Member

"Avatar Silva?" Guan Shenyi looking below muttering faintly.


"It was what people calling me" I told her that.

"Then your real name?" she raised her head asked again.

"Silva Beifong" I answer her again.

"Ah" she let out a sound as she remembered something.

I saw her straighten her body.

"My name Guan Shenyi" she bowed introducing herself to me.

"It was a beautiful name" I spoke to her acted as someone that just met her.

She smiled a little for getting her name praised.

"By the way, why did you save me?" she asked me a little bit confused, from the conversation with

her mother previously she conclude that the man in front of him is not someone that sent by her family.

"It was just by chance I saw when you were kidnapped so I chose to save you" I said to her.

"Since I was little my mother told me to help those in needs" I explain more when she is going to open her mouth.

'Also, because you are someone I know, and your attitude is quite good to me' I added in my mind.

Guan Shenyi face gave a bit of disappointed look.

When they are chatting, three cars are closing to their location and stop in front of them.

The forefront car's door opened and there is a woman ran to Guan Shenyi's direction.

"Little Yi!"

'Oh, that is her mother' I knew right away from her voice.

Guan Shenyi also walk to her mother direction.

Her woman run frantically and embracing Guan Shenyi.

After getting the feeling of her daughter in her embrace, Guan Shenyi's mother is crying.

In the car comes out several more people, most of them wearing a same suit.

'The bodyguard of Guan Family' that is what I can concludes based on their position.

'These three people probably Guan Shenyi's family member' as I looked at three people, one middle aged man, one old man and a woman around Guan Shenyi's mother that surrounded by these bodyguard.

The woman also advancing to Guan mother and daughter pair that still embracing.

Seeing Guan mother and daughter, reminding me of my current mother and sister.

Guan Shenyi is like an older version of the current her.

The two men also approaching Guan Shenyi and chatted a bit with her before shifted their attention to me.

"This is Silva Beifong, the one that saves me" noticing the two men's gaze, Guan Shenyi introducing me to them.

"Thank you for saving my daughter" the middle-aged bowing to me immediately after he heard what her daughter is say.

The old man also bowing with the middle-aged man thanking me.

"No problem, it was my duty to save those in needs" I wave at them to not mind it. I also unconsciously uttered the next word.

In the previous world I often said those word after saving someone.

Both of them surprised when they heard me.

They surprised because of the man's voice in front of them sound so young.

They also realized this man's build and skin still looks so young.

Then they held doubt, does the man is really the one saved Guan Shenyi and not someone that designing a plan to play the heroes save beauty.

The man in front of them could hire men to act and kidnap Guan Shenyi.

After that he would play as the heroes and saving Guan Shenyi giving him chance to get closer to her.

Because it was impossible for a young man as him to go against someone with a gun after all.

But both of them not a rash person. They would first as Guan Shenyi what is happen when the young man in front of them save her.

If it was found that the young man really is acting, they will make him feel what a living heel is.

Both of them exchanging glance as if understanding each other intention.

"Who send you to save my granddaughter" the old man asks me caution ally.

I'm a bit surprised at his question

'Is it because of I said "duty" before? so he misunderstands me doing mission for someone' I thought of myself, if it was really the case I did not have anything to say.

"You misunderstand"

"I was not send by anyone"

"I just save her by chance when I saw her kidnapped by those black-clothed men" I said to him.

"Where and when you saw her kidnapped?" Guan Shenyi's father ask me in inquiry tone.

"In the road. When her car blocked" I replying to his question. I was kind of a bit annoyed by the way he is talking.

"Is it? My daughter's driver told me there is no car in the road even when he is taking a way back" Guan Shenyi's father talk again, he is a bit of intimidating me.

"I was on the roadside in the top a three" I told him staring at Guan Shenyi's father straight to his eyes, even if I was lying about this one, with my manner they ought to believe me.

Guan Shenyi's father and grandfather a little bit baffled as they saw me answer their question.

The young man I the front of them sound so convinced when answering them.

Is he really the truth, and they got a wrong impression of him?

"Do you have any question?" I ask them sneered at them.

"If you don't have any question I will be going then"

"I already did not have any business here" I told them frankly, and I don't want to waste my time with them.

I really want to hurry back home.

I start walking away from them, Guan Shenyi is still chat with her mother and the middle-aged woman, I don't want to disturb her so I just going home straight.

She also did not notice the condition here.

"Don't let him go" Guan Shenyi's father shouted.

The bodyguard from Guan family moved and encircle me leaving me no path to run.

This Guan Shenyi's father really is something, he ordered his men to surround when I was the one that saved her daughter.

I can only halt my step and tilted my head look at Guan Shenyi's father.

"What is the meaning of this?" I ask him with cold voice.

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