1 Becoming the Avatar for the world of shinobi

<third person P.O.V>

<Place: ???>

Ishir had lived a very uneventful life. Complications during his birth and a certain genetic disease had his life tied down to life support machines. Fortunately, being born in a wealthy family allowed him to live, although he had to live his entire life in the hospital.

His parents were never around for him. Busy with handling the business and their four other children, he was usually neglected by them. The only ones close to him were his caretaker, Mr.Miths, and his eldest brother, Ruhnva. It was Ruhnva who had introduced him to the wonderful world of anime. Though he was one of the only siblings who regularly visited Ishir, he still had normal school to attend and couldn't come every day to visit Ishir. On the other hand, Ishir had been homeschooled by Mr. Miths and didn't have any friends to speak of.

The child, stuck in the hospital room, would spend hours on hours watching anime. Spending his days and nights waiting for new episodes or chapters, the feeling of euphoria upon seeing a new episode available was indescribable. For him, this was a way to escape his reality through anime, manga, stories, comics, etc.

Right now, this very child was walking all alone in a peculiar hallway. He woke up in here, without any idea how or when. This particular hallway didn't have any doors, just great big sheets of glass separated in intervals by thick concrete walls. He couldn't even see through the glass pane properly. All he could see was pitch darkness, that or the glass panes weren't transparent. "Trying to look through that glass pane won't yield you anything, child," a voice spoke. Ishir was already terrified from suddenly waking up in such a strange place. Scared, he frantically tried to search for the source of the voice.

The voice spoke to him once again, "Child, if you would kindly come forward, you will find a place you can sit down and gather your bearings." Seeing no other choice, he followed the instructions of the voice. He kept walking in a single direction, and it didn't seem the hallway had an exit or an end. After a while, he saw a Kotatsu table right in the middle of the hallway at a distance.

He was a bit taken aback, but he still sat down. "Alright then, child, You are here because I require you for a certain task. You are going to be reborn in the world of shinobi. You are to become the avatar for that world," The voice said. "Wait a minute, what?!" Ishir asked before continuing, "Where am I? How am I still alive?!" He questioned when he realized he had been off the life support machines up till now. "Did you just realize you were no longer connected to the life support machines?" The voice asked curiously. "Uh... yeah kinda..." Ishir muttered in embarrassment.

"And also, You don't need to rely on those machines anymore," The voice informed Ishir. Ishir frowned a little and questioned, "What do you mean? Where are you speaking from anyway?" Ishir heard a sigh before the voice spoke, "Child, I am sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but you are dead." Ishir sat there stunned. It took him a while to register the words of the mysterious stranger. When it did, feelings of dread, fear, confusion, and more confusion gripped him.

"Wh- What do you- what?" He asked in dread and covered his face. "I will let you come to terms with your death, child. You certainly did die young," Offered the voice. A look of incredulity dawned on his face. "No, it cant be. I was just 13... I still haven't seen the outside world with my own eyes. What about Rhunva and Mr. Miths..." Devastated, he continued mumbling to no one in particular. "I have heard a hot beverage helps in such situations," said the voice after letting Ishir be alone with his thoughts. A cup of hot milk tea materialized on the table.

"S-So, why am I here?" Ishir asked as he took a sip. "As I said earlier, You are here because I require you for a certain task. You are going to be reborn in the world of shinobi. You are to become the avatar for that world," The voice said, " Unlike what you might be assuming, You will have the freedom to do whatever you want." Ishir looked up, "Then why? Why is there a need for me to specifically be reborn there and be their Avatar?"

The voice remained silent for a while before replying, "I know this might be hard for you. To leave your family behind and readily reincarnate in the world of Naruto. The thing is, child. You are already dead in your original world. There is nothing that can be done about that. What I can do, is allow you to be reborn and have a better life this time.

Ishir remained silent for a while and looked towards the opposite end of the table with a forced smile. "Okay then, let's do it."

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