

Just when he finally mustered up the courage to apologize to Zhang Wei, some random disciple started shouting. Usually he wouldn't mind, but under these circumstances, he was utterly pissed.

[Let me kill you right now, You piece of shit!]

If that was how Asyraaf felt, imagine how pissed Zhang Wei was.

He planned to take it easy, and ascend slowly, as he builds up reputation and connections.

But a single event not only put him on the spotlight with no connections, but also made everyone's eyes turned straight towards him.

The way he is feeling right now is similar to how a typical MOBA player feels when they lost 5 games straight because a team member was a newbie.

He just wanted some time alone to cool down. He knew that in the end, because he is the Author's 'Protagonist', there was no way he would have a smooth ride.

He also didn't blame Asyraaf. Because although this situation is not ideal, it wasn't the end of the world. He just had to move forward his plans sooner.

He already accepted all the fact, but in the end, he was still bitter. So, he was going to make up an excuse to Asyraaf to go home and spend some time alone.

But who would have known that someone would come to mess with him at this exact time.

[For Fucks sake! I don't have the mood for this.]

Zhang Wei looked back and saw a large group of people coming towards him and Asyraaf. Judging by the robes all of them were wearing, they are all disciples of the Refining Division.

They all looked at Zhang Wei with stern cold looks.

The one who stood at the very front was the very person who was against Zhang Wei being named the Successive Disciple the most, Richard Dickinson!

Since he was the one leading the whole crusade against this decision, many people stood at his side. Though all of them had their very own selfish reasons.

Some hated the fact that Zhang Wei took something that they saw, belonged to their respected seniors, some hated him because he was a disciple of the Medical Division.

The majority however, hated that he, in one day of his enrolment, surpassed all of them.

Which of these Martial Practitioners weren't proud of themselves?

In their minds, they were the best, and other people who are actually better than them, will be surpassed soon.

Who cares if Zhang Wei was the most qualified? As long as they were here first, he shouldn't be ahead of them. That was the nature of seniority.

Richard went in front of the group and glared at Zhang Wei. He sized him up from top to bottom, he wanted to see how exactly, is this new disciple better than him.

"You're Roland?" He asked coldly.

Zhang Wei at this point was feeling very stressful. "Yes. What do you want?"

Richard was unsurprisingly annoyed at the way Zhang Wei responded. "Little Dog! Don't you know the meaning of respecting your seniors?"

"Seniors? If I'm not mistaken, since I'm now the Successive Disciple, I'm YOUR senior." These people were all the same as those cliched baddies from a typical novel.

They couldn't accomplish anything on their own, and when someone uptakes them, they act like they're superior.

[Such trashes!] On any other day, would be ignored completely by him, but today… Today he would make them shut up!

"Hmph! You think you're qualified to be the Successive Disciple? With your trash aptitude, you're not qualified to even face me!"

Zhang Wei was not surprised by this answer. "Doesn't matter, the Division Head named me the Successive Disciple, so I'm still the Successive Disciple.

Or are you trying to going against the Division Head's orders?"

Richard was enraged, [You think I'm scared of those rules? My master is an Elder! He said the rules are worth jack shit!]

"Like I care about the Division Head's orders! All I know is YOU'RE NOT QUALIFIED!" He released all his aura. Letting out the full force of a Level 3 Martial Practitioner.

His original plan was beat Zhang Wei till an inch of his life and prove himself as being superior.


Asyraaf had told him before, about the rules of the academy. What he emphasized the most was the sacred rules of all Divisions. Just so happens, this fool broke the very first one.

Since he was justified by the Division rules, there was no way he wouldn't use it to make a statement.

Even though Richard was a Level 3 Martial Practitioner and his stats was still restricted, Zhang Wei would never do something, if he did not have a plan!

[System… Restore!]

That's right! Before going out of the Refining Headquarters, he asked the system a simple question.


"System. Is there a way to restore my stats before the time runs out?"


"There is a way user. You simply need to activate the restore mechanism to set your status to before the restriction."

Zhang Wei was not surprised at the fact that he could gain back his stats. What he was completely surprised was, the system's voice changed!

Before, while the system sounded mechanical, there was a hint of masculinity to it. It was like, the system had a gender, and it was a male.

Now, the voice was gentler, and a bit more feminine. The tone also shifted to sound more… respectful? It was as if the system itself changed completely.

[This is strange...]

Although, at the back of his mind, he knew exactly why the system changed so much. The reason he repressed it so deep, was because he was not ready for it.

Whatever was the full situation… it was still out of his reach to interfere. When he reaches the point in which he could understand and influence it, he will undoubtedly do something.

Well since the system seemed to have essentially revamped, he asked another question. "System, is there a way… to limit certain stats?"


"Yes. User simply needs to open the status and set each stat to the desired amount. However, you cannot exceed your stats above its current maximum cap."

[Holy Shit! I like this system more than the previous one already.]

He opened up the menu and started tweaking.


UnKnown1998creators' thoughts
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