
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

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78 Chs

Mind Games at the Psychic Gym

"Jessie and her friends have reached Saffron City, as Jessie is excited to compete for her fifth badge."

We see the gang walking on the streets of Saffron City.

Jessie begins to think. "Let's see here… battle plan, battle plan…"

"Thinking of a battle strategy?" Domino asked.

Jessie nods. "Yep! If I can think of a good enough battle strategy, that fifth badge is as good as mine!"

James smiles. "It's nice to see you thinking before you match this time."

Jessie turns her attention to James. "So you're actually going to watch my Gym Battle this time, right? You're not going to wander off like last time?" Jessie asked while glaring at James.

James chuckles and rubs his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Jessie. I won't this time!"

"I have a question," Meowth says. "Who's the Gym Leader here?" He asked.

"I don't know…" Jessie answered. "Perhaps we should head to the Pokémon Center and get some information from Nurse Joy like last time in Celadon," Jessie suggested.

Meowth, Domino, and James all nod in agreement at Jessie's idea.

All of a sudden, the gang hears an unfamiliar voice. "The Gym Leader here is Sabrina."

"Huh?" The gang questioned before turning their attention to the direction where the voice came from.

It was a male with pink hair and purple eyes wearing a blue shirt, black hoodie, and black jeans. The stranger was leaning on the wall.

"Sabrina?" Jessie questioned.

The title screen appears.

"Mind Games at the Psychic Gym."

The pink-haired person nods and approaches the gang. "Sorry to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I heard you are going to have a Gym Battle here in Saffron and that immediately piqued my interest."

"How come?" Jessie asked.

"Sabrina is a tough Gym Leader, thanks to her being specialized in Psychic-type Pokémon." The pink-haired person responded.

"But all Gym Leaders should be tough, right? The difficulty should be hard to prepare trainers for the Pokémon League." Domino says.

"That may be true, but Sabrina is different. I heard a story going on that a trainer lost to her three times and after the third time, they were never seen again." The pink-haired person says.

This scared the gang. They had their eyes widened.

"Wh-what happened?" James asked with a stutter from being scared.

"There have been some rumors of what happened, but no one knows for sure." The pink-haired person turns to Jessie. "I rather you just skip this gym if I was you, miss. This is a Gym that you don't want to challenge."

Jessie clutches her fist. "But I got to challenge this Sabrina person. I need to win my fifth badge right now!"

The pink-haired person stares at Jessie for a few seconds, before nodding. "Very well. If you choose to proceed, I will not stop you. I can't either way."

Jessie turns to the gang. "Come on guys, let's go!" She walks off.

Domino and James both follow behind while both of them look a little scared.

The pink-haired person stares at the gang and then smiles. "That girl… I can see she is determined to beat Sabrina, maybe she can do it." He walks off.

It cuts to the sky as a Pokémon was flying, it was pink and bipedal. "Mew!" It cried out.

It was the same Pokémon from the episode 'Mewtwo Much Power' that teleported the gang out of Cerulean Cave to safety.

The Pokémon looks down to see four familiar faces walking through the streets and decides to float down to listen in on their conversation.

"Jessie, are you sure about this?" James asked, still a little scared. "That story that the stranger just told sounds kinda real."

Jessie rolls her eyes. "Oh please and I bet you believe in anything that you read on the internet. I bet that person from earlier made up that dumb story just to hide the fact that Sabrina is just a weak Gym Leader. I'll bet I will absolutely sweep her in our Gym battle."

Domino and Meowth both sigh in disappointment.

"There she goes again, getting a big head," Domino says.

"And every time she does get a big head, things don't go well," Meowth added.

It cuts back to Mew that was eavesdropping the gang from the sky.

The Pokémon starts giggling. "Mew!" Mew then flies away.

The gang all heard the Pokémon's cry and looked up in the sky.

"Did you guys hear that?" Jessie asked. "It sounded like some Pokémon."

"I guess we all must be hearing things? Because I don't see anything." Domino says.

"How's it possible that we four heard the same thing?" Meowth asked in confusion.

"I don't know about you guys, but that cry sounded familiar like I heard it before," James says.

"You know, now that I think about it, I'm on your page, James. It did sound familiar" Domino says.

"Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. Let's just head and find the Saffron Gym." Jessie says before walking off with Meowth on her. Shoulder.

Domini and James soon follow Jessie along with her to find the Saffron City Gym. It cuts to Jessie finding and looking at a sign that says 'Gym' pointing towards a building, Domino and James soon follow in and look at the sign as well.

Jessie starts to look at the building that the sign was pointing at. "I guess that building must be the Saffron Gym."

"Alright, let's go then! I'm hungry for another Gym Badge already!" Meowth says.

"Wow, someone must be hyped." James chuckles.

Domino smiles and then chuckles as well. "Especially after Meowth got the last victory for Jessie from the previous Gym Battle."

It cuts to the gang arriving at the entrance of Saffron Gym. The doors open for the gang as they step inside the building. The gang saw a lot of torches hung up for light as soon as they walked into the Gym and started walking around.

"Whoa, look at all the torches," James says.

"Did we really enter the Saffron Gym or is this the Saffron Temple?" Meowth remarked.

Jessie continues looking around. "I don't see any battlefield or Gym Leader. That sign better not have been lying!" She pouted.

Domino spots a door at the end of the hallway. "Hey guys, I see a door." She pointed out.

It cuts the gang entering the door, what was behind the door was the battlefield.

"Well there's the battlefield, but no Gym Leader," Jessie says.

"Welcome…" An unknown feminine voice greeted the gang.

All of a sudden a person teleports at the other end of the battlefield. She has long dark green hair and indigo eyes. She also wears black boots and a red dress with yellow buttons on it. The woman had a straight face and wasn't expressing any emotions at all.

Jessie and her friends all look at the long green-haired woman across the battlefield.

"D-did she just teleported?!" James gulps, feeling scared.

"So you must be the Saffron City Gym Leader, Sabrina!" Jessie assumed.

The long green-haired woman nods, confirming her identity. "That is correct. I'm assuming one of you came here for a Gym Battle."

Both Domino, James, and Meowth back away in fear, giving Sabrina the hint that the challenger was Jessie.

"Me! I'm the one challenging you!" Jessie confirmed.

Sabrina nods. "Very well… we each will use two Pokémon for this battle. The trainer who knocks out all of their challenger's Pokémon will be declared the winner…"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the rules already!" Jessie says.

"If you win, you will receive the Marsh Badge." Sabrina shows the Marsh Badge to Jessie. "However… if you lose, you and your friends will be punished."

The gang's eyes widened.

"What? 'Punished?'" Jessie questioned in confusion.

Meowth gulps. "I got a bad feeling about this."

"Do we have a deal?" Sabrina asked.

"Jessie, don't do it!" James warned.

"Yeah, what if you lose?" Domino added in.

Jessie turns to her friends. "Don't worry guys, I won't lose this battle!" She then turns her attention back to Sabrina and nods. "I accept!"

"Very well." Sabrina pulls out a Poké Ball and tosses it up in the air without saying a word.

"She's not going to say anything?" Jessie quietly questions.

The Poké Ball releases a humanoid Pokémon with blue growths that resemble clown hair extending from the sides of its pale pink head, and there is a magenta circle on each cheek.

"Mr. Mime!" The Pokémon cries out.

"Mr. Mime?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex.

"Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon Dancing Pokémon. A psychic type. If interrupted while it is miming, it will slap around the offender with its broad hands. It also has another type that this regional version of the Pokédex cannot identify."

"Huh… interesting," Jessie says.

"Send out your first Pokémon now," Sabrina demanded.

"Alright, keep your dress on, geez!" Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball from her purse. "Electabuzz, I choose you!" She sends Electabuzz onto the battlefield.

"ELEBUBUBU!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Alright Electabuzz, Thunder Punch!" Jessie commanded.

Electabuzz's fist starts to glow yellow and is now surrounded by electricity. The Pokémon dashes at Mr. Mime. "ELEBUBUBU!"

"Light Screen," Sabrina commanded.

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime waves their hands and then a glass wall appears in front of it all of a sudden.

Electabuzz tries to Thunder Punch but ends up hitting and breaking the glass wall that Mr. Mime made. "ELEBUBUBU!" Electabuzz starts holding its fist from feeling extreme amounts of pain.

"HUH?!" Jessie yelled out in disbelief from eBay just happened.

"Confusion…" Sabrina commanded with no expression at all.

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime raises their index finger in the air and fires a beam of psychic energy from the middle of their finger at Electabuzz.

Jessie's eyes widened. "Dodge it quick, Electabuzz!"

Electabuzz tries to dodge the move, but the pain from its fist causes Electabuzz to not dodge it and gets hit. "ELEBUBUBU!" Electabuzz falls on the ground of the battlefield and faints.

"NO!" Jessie yelled out in disbelief.

James gulps in fear. "And just like that, Jessie is down to her last Pokémon."

Domino sighs in disappointment. "Jessie really needs to stop talking so big."

"Your Electabuzz is unable to battle, bring in your next Pokémon…" Sabrina demanded.

Jessie pulls out Electabuzz's Poké Ball and recalls it. "Electabuzz return!" She then turns her attention to Meowth. "Meowth, I need you!"

Meowth's eyes widened and started shaking. "C-come on Jess, you have four other Pokémon you can use."

Jessie growls and picks up Meowth.

Meowth yelps. "AH!"

"When I say I'm choosing you, Meowth, I'm choosing you! Now get onto the battlefield!" Jessie throws Meowth into the battlefield.

Meowth lands on his feet and turns back to glare at his trainer. "That was so uncalled for!" He then turns his head back around to face Mr. Mime.

"Use Scratch!" Jessie commanded.

Meowth's claws start to glow white. "Taste my claws, you clown!" Meowth scratches Mr. Mime.

"Mr. Mime!" The Pokémon cries out in pain.

Meowth smirks. "Oh yeah, you like them apples?"

Mr. Mime glares at Meowth, and Meowth gulps in fear.

"Confusion, again," Sabrina commanded.

Mr. Mime raises their index finger in the air, getting ready to fire another beam of psychic energy.

Jessie worries in fear. "Meowth, Thunderbolt quick!"

Yellow sparks surround Meowth's body and it fires a bolt of yellow lightning from its body at Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime then fires its Confusion. The Thunderbolt and the Confusion both collided, causing an explosion and smoke to spread through the battlefield.

"I CAN'T SEE, JESS!" Meowth yelled out.

"Teleport to Meowth," Sabrina commanded.

Mr. Mime all of a sudden disappears and is now right behind Meowth. The smoke clears up.

Meowth starts to look around and can't find Mr. Mime. "Where did that clown go?"

"BEHIND YOU!" Jessie warned.

"Mega Kick," Sabrina commanded.

Meowth's eyes widened. "Huh?!"

Before Meowth can turn around, Mr. Mime delivers one powerful kick with its foot right at Meowth, flinging Meowth towards the wall.

"AHHHHHH!" Meowth screamed. The kick sent Meowth crashing toward the Gym's wall, taking a lot of damage.

"MEOWTH!" Jessie runs over to Meowth and picks him up, revealing the Pokémon has fainted.

Domino looks down in embarrassment. "What a sweep…"

James frowns. "'Don't worry' she said…"

"You have lost… time for you three to face punishment." Sabrina's eyes start glowing red.

The gang all notice they are surrounded by a blue aura then they glow white and teleport away. It cuts to where the gang was teleported at.

Jessie looks around and sees they're surrounded by hedges. "What is this?"

"Hedges everywhere," James says, looking around as well.

"Is this… a maze?" Domino suggested.

"Sure looks like one." Jessie places Meowth in her purse to carry him. "So are we supposed to find the end to escape?"

James shrugs. "I guess so."

It cuts to a montage of the gang walking through the maze, trying to find the end but only to meet dead end after a dead end.

Domino growls. "Jessie, I blame you for this!"

"I'm not going to argue with you, Domino!" Jessie fired back. "I'm focusing more on finding the exit and getting Meowth to the Pokémon Center right away!"

James groans in exhaustion. "This is such a big maze. I'm so close to collapsing from walking so much."

All of a sudden, the gang hear stomping in the distance, shaking the ground, causing them to stumble.

"AH!" Domino shrieked. "What is that?!"

Soon a giant Pokémon stumbles upon the gang, glaring at them while the gang looks frightened. The giant Pokémon has a long, thin snout, narrow eyes, ear-like spikes extending from the top of its head, and an additional spike protruding from each cheek.

"Alakazam!" The Giant Pokémon cried out before extending its hand to try to grab the gang.

"AH!" Jessie, James, and Domino all screamed out before all of them diving out of the way to not get grabbed.

"Quick, run!" Jessie demanded as she started running away from the giant Alakazam.

Domino and James both start running alongside Jessie with the giant Alakazam chasing them right behind. The gang starts going through the maze by taking right and left turns until they reach another dead end in the maze. They slowly turn around to look at the giant Alakazam right in front of them.

James gulps. "Uh oh.."

"Aw come on, I didn't deserve anything to get punished like this!" Domino complained.

"Alakazam!" The giant Alakazam starts to lower one of its spoons on the gang, about to crush them.

Jessie yelps. "Well, this is it!"

Jessie, James, and Domino all hug each other in fear, thinking this is the end of them, but all of a sudden, a Pokémon appears right in front of them as the gang peeks.

"Mew!" The Pokémon cried out.

The Pokémon manages to teleport the gang and itself out of the maze before Alakazam's spoon hits the ground, saving them.

"Alakazam…" The giant Pokémon has an annoyed expression on its face.

It cuts back to the streets of Saffron City as Team Rocket is walking and looking around.

"Where are the twerps?" Cassidy asked.

Butch just shrugs in response. "Beats me. They could be anywhere in this city."

"Since we can't find them, can we have a lunch break?" Mondo asked. "I'm extremely hungry here!"

Team Rocket heard a loud thump nearby. The trio went to check what it was, then they immediately hid when they saw the gang.

"It's the twerps!" Cassidy says.

Butch and Mondo both shush Cassidy so the gang won't spot them.

Jessie looks around. "We're back in Saffron City?" She looks confused.

Domino is still scared from earlier. "I think I'm never going into a maze in my life ever again."

James begins to think of what happened earlier. "Wasn't that the same Pokémon that saved us from those wild Pokémon in Cerulean Cave with teleportation?"

"Right, now I remember! How did that Pokémon know we were in some maze in an unknown location?…" Jessie asked.

"I don't know, but I don't care! I'm just glad I'm not crushed by a giant spoon!" Domino says, relieved.

"Come on, let's head to the Pokémon Center. I gotta heal Meowth and Electabuzz and find a way to beat Sabrina for my rematch." Jessie begins walking off to the Pokémon Center.

"Try not to get embarrassingly swept last time..." Domino says as she begins following Jessie to the Pokémon Center.

"C-Can't we just go to a different- ugh, who am I kidding?" James also begins to follow Jessie to the Pokémon Center.

Team Rocket stops hiding as soon as the gang leaves.

Cassidy turns her attention to her partners-in-crime. "Did you hear that? The twerp lost badly to the Saffron City Gym Leader, Sabrina!"

"We were right here with you, Cassidy…" Butch says.

"This Sabrina Gym Leader must be a really good Pokémon trainer if she managed to destroy the twerp and we can't," Butch says.

"Or maybe we're just terrible in general?" Mondo suggested.

Mondo's statement got glares from Cassidy and Butch.

Mondo shrugs. "I'm just saying."

"Well, maybe you should just shut up?!" Cassidy angrily responds. "Anyways, I say we sneak into the Saffron Gym so we can watch the twerpette's rematch against Sabrina, so we can study her strategy and then we will be the ones beating the twerpette!"

"'Studying?' Sounds boring." Butch yawns. "Can't we just go and attempt to steal the talking Meowth?"

Mondo rolls his eyes. "Yeah, if you want another loss on our record, Buck."

Butch stomps his foot on the ground in frustration. "THE NAME IS BUTCH!"

"Whatever. I think we do need to study a match, especially someone like Sabrina that absolutely destroyed that twerpette!" Mondo says.

Cassidy smiles. "Now you're speaking my language, Mondo! You could learn a thing from us, Bufford."

Butch falls in disbelief because his name gets wrong once more. "Why do I even hang out with you guys?"

It cuts to the Pokémon Center where the gang is. To where Nurse Joy has healed Jessie's Electabuzz and Meowth.

"Your Pokémon are all healed up, Jessie!" Nurse Joy says with a smile, handing over Jessie's Pokémon.

"Meowth, you're okay!" Jessie runs over and hugs Meowth.

"I would scratch you right now, but the hug just saved you." Meowth hugs his trainer back.

"Jessie, that pink-haired person from earlier has a point. I think we should skip this Gym." Domino suggested.

Jessie shakes her head no. "No! I got to win my fifth badge!"

"Wow, we almost got crushed by a giant spoon from a giant Alakazam and you still won't give up? I have to say, Jessie, your determination is fantastic." James says with a nod of approval.

"But… How am I going to beat Sabrina?" Jessie frowns. "I didn't even take out one single Pokémon of hers."

"I'm afraid taking down Sabrina won't be easy." A familiar voice was heard by the gang as it was the pink-haired person from earlier walking towards them.

"You again?" Domino questioned. "Can you tell us what's your name?"

The pink-haired person introduces himself to the gang. "My name's Daniel. It's nice to meet all of you."

"Can you tell me why Sabrina won't be easy?" Jessie asked.

Daniel starts explaining. "Sabrina is a psychic-type Gym Leader. Psychic types have three weaknesses." Daniel holds up three fingers. "Ghost-types, dark-types, and bug-types."

"Oh Jessie, you can borrow my Gastley!" James suggested.

Daniel shakes his head no. "I'm afraid that won't help you."

James looks at Daniel, confused. "Huh?"

"The three ghost-type Pokémon of Kanto, Gastley, Haunter, and Gengar are also part poison-type and psychic types are super effective against poison types," Daniel explained.

The gang all fall in disbelief.

"What kind of system programs that?!" James says while in disbelief.

The gang quickly gets back up.

"Plus…" Daniel turns to Jessie. "You look like a determined trainer that wants to use their own Pokémon to beat Gym Leaders, correct?"

Jessie nods in agreement. "What about dark types?"

"Unfortunately, there are no known dark type Pokémon in the Kanto region. This explains why Sabrina is a tough Gym Leader to beat. Trainers from Kanto have a difficult time beating her. Your best option is bug types." Daniel explained.

Domino shivers. "S-stupid bug Pokémon."

Daniel explains more about Sabrina. "Sabrina isn't exactly a nice Gym Leader as you experienced earlier. She rarely smiles and she is very serious when it comes to Pokémon battles."

"How come you know so much about Sabrina?" James asked.

"Well…" Daniel rubs his head. "Me and Sabrina are best friends."

It cuts to a flashback of Daniel and Sabrina being younger and hanging out with each other, but Daniel has brown hair instead of pink. Daniel narrates throughout the flashback.

"We went through school together, played in the playground together, we even practiced our telekinesis together."

The flashback shows Daniel and Sabrina practicing telekinesis together.

"As we got older… I started developing feelings for Sabrina."

Daniel and Sabrina, now older, are looking at the sky together while laying down on the grass.

Sabrina smiles "Aren't the clouds beautiful?"

"Yeah they are, but I know something more beautiful." Daniel blushes as he says that.

"What is it, Daniel?" Sabrina questioned while still looking at the sky.

"Umm… you- youngberries?" Daniel says.

"Youngberries? Well, I guess raspberries, blackberries, and dewberries are beautiful, yeah." Sabrina chuckles.

"And good too." Daniel chuckles then he secretly facepalms himself. "Idiot." He says quietly to himself.

"But I was too afraid to ask her out…"

Sabrina stands up. "Well, I got to go before my parents worry about me. See ya, Daniel!"

"Okay, bye Sabrina!" Daniel waves goodbye to Sabrina.

Sabrina waves goodbye back as she leaves. Daniel looks down at the ground and sighs in sadness.

"A couple of months went by. One day when I and Sabrina were hanging out once more. She was being sad."

Daniel looks over at Sabrina. "What's wrong, Sabrina?"

Sabrina perks up and looks back at Daniel. "Oh nothing is wrong, Daniel. I'm fine!"

"Sabrina…" Daniel looks at Sabrina in the eyes. "We've been friends ever since we were little. You can tell me anything."

Sabrina's happy expression goes to sadness as she sighs and looks down. "My father… He is retiring as the Gym Leader of Saffron City and my mother refuses to be the Gym Leader. Which means by the Pokémon League rules, I have to become the Gym Leader of Saffron by default." She starts shedding tears. "Which means I can't hang out with you that much anymore." Sabrina sniffles.

"After she said that… my heart was crushed into tiny pieces."

Daniel was in a moment of silence from what he just heard. "Oh…"

Sabrina hugs Daniel and he hugs her back as Sabrina cries while hugging her best friend.

"I was a tough guy, I didn't cry, but she did."

"I-I don't want to be the Gym Leader," Sabrina says while sniffling.

The flashback is over as it shows the present day.

"After Sabrina became Gym Leader, we started hanging out less and less, until we just stopped communicating because of her being so busy with the Gym." Daniel sighs.

It shows the gang all crying after Daniel was finished with his story.

Domino was crying the most. "Th-that was… so sad. I hate when love never happens." She sniffles.

Meowth sniffles. "Wow… I even cried."

James pats Meowth's pat. "I got you."

"So is that why Sabrina 'punishes' trainers if they lose to her?" Jessie asked while sniffling.

Daniel nods. "That could be the case. Pokémon trainers are the cause of her being busy all the time which is the cause of us hanging out less. Which is probably why she never expresses any emotions." He stands up and starts walking towards the Pokémon Center's doors, about to leave. "Remember, your best bet is bug-types."

"WAIT, DANIEL!" Domino immediately runs and blocks the door so Daniel can't leave. "Aren't you gonna finally admit your feelings to Sabrina?"

Daniel sighs. "Sorry, but I'm afraid it's too late. Plus, I don't even know if she will even recognize me. I used to have brown hair before I dyed it pink, the color of the psychic typing."

James walks up to Daniel. "Sometimes you go to take your shot, you know? Recently I grew the courage to ask this one girl out and I even got her phone number. It's better to ask the girl out right now than to wait and regret that you should've done it earlier."

Domino starts fantasizing about attractive males in her head. "Love is the most beautiful thing in the world and I hope I meet my significant other in the future." She sighs in happiness from her daydreaming.

Meowth gags. "You're making me sick here!"

Domino stops fantasizing to glare at Meowth. "Watch it, cat!"

Jessie grins while crossing her arms. "Okay, what about this! If I beat Sabrina and earned the Marsh Badge. You gotta ask her out."

Daniel's eyes widened in disbelief at Jessie's bet. He thinks about this for a second, he was about to decline the bet but remembered what James said, before nodding. "Very well, if you win the Marsh Badge, I'll do it!"

"Jessie, you better win this!" James says.

"Yeah, Jess! You better not lose!" Meowth added.

"Don't worry guys! I'll try my best to win this rematch! But first, I gotta make some switches." Jessie announced.

It cuts to the gang walking on the streets of Saffron City with Jessie holding two Poké Balls in her hand.

"I hope these Pokémon can do it. I made some switches during the Pokémon Center." Jessie admits.

"Which Pokémon did you switch for?" Domino asked, curiously.

"I switched out Pidgeotto and Nidoran for Kakuna and Butterfree," Jessie answered. "Daniel said it's best to use bug types, so that's what I'm going to do!"

Domino shivers. "J-just keep those bugs away from me."

It cuts to the gang arriving at the entrance of the Saffron City Gym.

"Well, there it is," James says.

"Let's go in!" Meowth demanded.

The gang all head inside the Gym. A few seconds pass, and Team Rocket stealthily enters the Gym behind the gang. It cuts to the gang arriving at the battlefield and then Team Rocket as well, as they hide from them.

"So… you came back." Sabrina appears at the other end of the battlefield like before.

Jessie nods and clutches her fist. "This time I'm ready for you, Sabrina!"

Sabrina stares directly at Jessie, expressionless. "If you lose to me again. I'll punish everyone in this room much worse than before, by sending you all to a creepy place."

Cassidy's eyes widened. "Everyone in this room?' She doesn't mean us too, right?" She whispered to her partner-in-crimes.

Butch and Mondo both quietly shush Cassidy up.

Jessie doesn't look scared but looks more confident. "Fine!"

"Two Pokémon." Sabrina magically teleports a Poké Ball in her hand with her psychic powers. "Go." She sends out her first Pokémon to the battlefield.

"Mr. Mime!" The Pokémon cried out.

Jessie pulls out a Poké Ball. "Poké Ball, go!" She sends out her first Pokémon to the battlefield.

Kakuna was sent out, but the Pokémon just stares at Mr. Mime in silence.

Domino sweats. "I hope Jessie knows what she's doing."

"I'm pretty sure she has a strategy!" James responded.

Meowth crosses his arms. "She better have one."

"A bug Pokémon won't stop me… Mr. Mime, Confusion." Sabrina commanded.

"Mr. Mime!" Mr. Mime raises their index finger in the air and fires a beam of psychic energy from the middle of their finger at Kakuna.

"Kakuna, Harden!" Jessie quickly commanded.

Kakuna stiffens its body, raising its defenses by one stage. The Confusion hits Kakuna, but Harden prevents Kakuna from taking much damage.

Sabrina expresses nothing. "Mega Kick…"

Mr. Mime starts winding up a muscle-packed power kick for Kakuna.

Jessie looks worried. "String Shot, quick!"

Kakuna shoots a white string from the hole right below its head at Mr. Mime, tying it up. But Mr. Mine was still able to deliver the Mega Kick as Kakuna was sent to a wall, crashed, drops to the ground, and fainted.

"SHIT!" Jessie cursed. "You did well, Kakuna, return!" She recalls Kakuna back into its Poké Ball.

Domino, James, and Meowth look worried.

"I hope Jessie doesn't get swept again…" Domino says.

Jessie pulls out her next Poké Ball. "Butterfree, go!" She sends out Butterfree onto the battlefield.

"Free!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Use Confusion," Sabrina commanded.

Mr. Mime tried to raise their index finger, but Kakuna's String Shot made Mr. Mime all sticky to use the move. "Mr. Mime!"

Jessie smiles. "Alright! Sleep Powder, Butterfree!"

"Free!" Butterfree flaps its wings above Mr. Mime and a blue, shining powder is released from it, as Mr. Mime falls asleep.

"Looks like I have no choice but to forfeit this round… Mr. Mime, return." Sabrina recalls Mr. Mine back in its Poké Ball, forfeiting the round. She then teleports another Poké Ball in her hand. "Poké Ball, go." Sabrina sends out her second Pokémon onto the battlefield.

"Alakazam!" The Pokémon cried out.

"Could that be the same 'giant' Pokémon that chased us in that maze?" Jessie thought to herself. "Sleep Powder, Butterfree!"

"Free!" Butterfree flaps its wings above Alakazam and a blue, shining powder is released from it once more.

"Dodge it…" Sabrina commanded.

Alakazam simply teleports out of the way to dodge the Sleep Powder. "Alakazam!"

"No way!" Jessie said in disbelief.

Sabrina starts staring intensely. "Psychic attack, bring that Pokémon to the ground…"

"Alakazam!" Alakazam crosses its spoons and it becomes surrounded by an orange aura. Butterfree all of a sudden becomes frozen in the air.

"Butterfree?!" Jessie starts getting worried. "Come on move!"

Then all of a sudden, Butterfree drops to the ground of the battlefield.

"What is happening?!" Jessie asked in disbelief.

"Butterfree is under control from Alakazam!" Domino answered.

Meowth closes his eyes. "I can't watch!"

So does James. "Neither can I!"

Sabrina glares. "Finish it…"

Alakazam then releases an invisible blast toward Butterfree. Butterfree couldn't dodge it from being under control by Alakazam as the Pokémon gets sent flying and crashes towards the wall, fainting.

"OH NO!" Jessie falls in disbelief.

The gang and even Team Rocket's jaws dropped in shock from Jessie losing as Jessie recalls Butterfree back in its Poké Ball.

"So you lost to me again… time to get punished." Sabrina's eyes start glowing red.

The gang all look at each other as they get surrounded by a blue aura. Team Rocket also is surrounded by a blue aura as well.

"Oh no!" Cassidy shrieked.

"Shit!" Butch cursed.

Mondo gulps "Welp, time to go bye-bye…"

The gang and Team Rocket soon glow white and all of them get teleported to a random location.

"Childish fools…" Sabrina insulted them after the gang disappeared.

It cuts to the location where the gang and Team Rocket teleport at. They all land on the ground, hard.

"OW!" They all screamed out from landing.

Jessie sighs in sadness. "I can't believe I lost to Sabrina again…"

However, Jessie and the rest of her friends hear a familiar trio's voice, groaning in pain as the gang looks to their side to see Team Rocket right there.

"TEAM ROCKET!" The gang screamed out.

"TWERPS!" Team Rocket screamed back.