
Attack On Titan: Ackerman's Legacy

Our Comrades ' deaths will never be in vain

O_Tamashi · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 5: Wrong Slip


The passage of time etches a new chapter in their lives within the confines of the underground.

However, as Levi grew older, his path meandered into darker alleys, entangled in unsavory ventures that Roku hadn't foreseen.

One evening, Roku returned home to a disarrayed dwelling. Levi, his countenance worn and marked by the strains of his clandestine endeavors, stood amidst the disorder.

"What's all this, Levi? What have you gotten yourself into?" Roku's voice was laced with concern and frustration.

Levi's defensive stance mirrored his irritation. "None of your business, Roku! I can take care of myself!"

Their confrontation escalated swiftly into a heated exchange, their words clashing like opposing tides. Frustration and independence clashed against concern and responsibility.

"I'm not a child anymore, Roku! I don't need your constant hovering," Levi snapped, his frustration palpable.

"You're getting into dangerous stuff, Levi! I'm just trying to protect you," Roku pleaded, his worry evident in his voice. Their argument spiraled into a physical scuffle, a culmination of pent-up tension and conflicting desires for independence and protection.

The clattering echoes of their discord reverberated through the small, cramped space. Levi, yearning for autonomy, pushed Roku away, his frustration with their confined existence boiling over.

"It's my own choice" Levi's voice quivered with an intensity Roku had seldom seen. Roku's gaze softened, realization dawning upon him. "I get it, Levi. But I can't stand by and watch you fall into this darkness."

Their clash of ideologies, an embodiment of conflicting desires for freedom and protection, painted a vivid picture of the internal struggle within the underground's constraints.

As the night settled in, their silent understanding echoed the turmoil within—Levi's desire for independence clashing against Roku's unwavering commitment to safeguard the only family he had left in this bleak, unforgiving world. 

A week had passed since the rift between Roku and Levi remained unresolved. The tense atmosphere within the confines of their living space urged Roku to attempt a reconciliation.

He called out to Levi, suggesting a leisurely walk. Levi, still harboring resentment, reluctantly agreed, trailing Roku's steps with evident reluctance.

As they traversed the familiar underground streets, an assortment of sounds seeped through the murk, including indistinct clamor emanating from a nearby bar. Roku's sharp ears picked out a voice he recognized—it was Marie.

Curiosity aroused, he hastened his pace toward the establishment, Levi begrudgingly following suit. Upon entry, they stumbled upon a distressing sight—Marie surrounded by a group of rowdy men whose jeers and taunts filled the smoky air.

Roku attempted diplomacy, urging the men to back off, but his words fell on deaf ears. The situation quickly escalated, prompting Roku and Levi to defend Marie.

At first, their Ackerman prowess was enough to hold the group at bay. Roku's calculated strikes coupled with Levi's agile maneuvers momentarily suppressed the chaos. Yet, as the brawl intensified, more troublemakers poured in, vastly outnumbering them.

Levi acted swiftly, sensing the imminent threat. With a protective instinct, he swooped in, taking Marie by the hand, and bolted toward an open window.

Roku, comprehending the urgency, followed suit, diving through the opening and landing with a muted thud. They found themselves in a narrow alleyway, cornered by further adversaries who emerged from different directions.

Roku and Levi, though outnumbered, stood their ground. With every punch thrown and every strike landed, they defended themselves and Marie with unwavering determination. Levi's defense of Marie led to a few minor injuries, a testament to his valiance in protecting her.

Amidst the scuffle, Roku kept a vigilant eye on both Levi and Marie, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos. As the confrontation reached its crescendo, Roku and Levi managed to overpower the gang members with their sheer tenacity and combat prowess, leaving the attackers sprawled across the ground, defeated and disarmed.

Exhausted but resolute, Roku guided Levi and Marie back to their dwelling. The atmosphere inside was charged with a mixture of relief and concern.

Roku immediately attended to Levi's injuries, utilizing what little medical supplies they had. Levi, though visibly hurt, maintained a stoic demeanor, brushing off concerns as Roku treated his wounds.

Marie, though shaken by the ordeal, expressed her gratitude profusely. "I owe you both so much. Levi, you saved me," she murmured, her voice filled with both appreciation and concern.

Roku, however, recognized the peril they had stirred. "Levi, we've invited trouble. The Underdog Gang won't let this slide. We have to move from here," Roku warned, his tone laced with a sense of urgency and worry.

Levi, still reeling from the physical toll of the fight, nodded in silent agreement. The gravity of their actions sank in, and the trio knew they had to prepare for an uncertain future—a relocation imminent to evade the brewing storm of retribution.


End of the Chapter

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