
Attached: a werewolves distrust

shaderix · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Are you stupid?

~°~°~°zj's p.o.v°~°~°~

We lightly joked some more before we reached her room. As soon as we did lacey instantly started checking Olivia for severe injuries. I bit back a laugh as Olivia huffed in annoyance. "Lacey, I'm fine, I'm fine." Lacey looked at me and a look of mock anger took her face.

"The hell were you thinking? Letting her fight those rams!!" While I know she's half playing, she's also half serious. I will not be talked to like that. I growled a deep warning to her. She scoffed at me and rolled her eyes. "Watch my sister better next time!" I froze as Olivia scoffed.

Sister? What the hell? 'Son come to my office' my dad linked me warily. I bid these ladies ado and did as my dad said. As I entered his office I knew what this was about. I sat down in a chair in front of his desk as he sighed.

"She took down ten of those goddamn rams on her own. This is very.....i don't even know. How is she strong enough to kill a ram that our top scouts and fighters couldn't?" He sighed out in disbelief.

"I don't know. They charged her and she dodged all of them with ease. She killed one bye snapping its neck but soon realized that took to much effort so she tried another approach. She found there weak spots, dad, it's there stomachs. I tried helping but was intercepted by hell ram, the ram that nearly killed the captain of the fighters." I said.

"He kicked my ass for twenty minutes. Olivia killed the other rams and went for hell ram. He was kicking her ass a little to, until I rammed him to protect her. Me and her hatched a plan, I took the front while she took the back. He tossed me into a rock and kicked her. The rock knock me out but I woke up in time to see her go berserk. I could feel her anger, she thought hell ram killed me and mauled his ass like a bear on steroids." I sigh at the memory.

My dad thought for a second. "Not only is she strong, dad, but she's fast to. When I chased her I could barely keep up, and she was in human form. When she shift into her fur, she was a blur and was out of my sight in seconds. Even when I shifted too, i still couldn't catch or see her. And you know the rock pillar with a cave in the top grandfather put there for his father's body?" I asked curiously

"The one by the lake?" He eyed me curiously. "Yeah, well dad, she climbed it like it was the easiest thing in the world." I said with pride. "Bullshit, that rocks impossible to climb. It's smoothed down so there's no purchase to help you climb and it's covered in a thick ass layer of slippery ass plant aloe." He scoffed in disbelief till he saw my serious eyes.

"I know, I tried climbing in after her but failed miserably. The rock is still covered and smooth. Yet she climbed it." I said seriously. "Son, we may have a descendant of an original alpha." He stated thoughtfully.

The original alphas were the first alphas ever. They made packs and took leadership because they were the strongest. The original alphas were stronger faster and smarter than any other wolf. It's said that when they barely growled the whole forest shook, and when they fully growled the ground would quake in fear.

They were all powerful and all knowing. There were only five original alphas, only three of there names are known. Arion, the original alpha known for his tactics and connection to the forest, while they all had a connection to the forest Arion was more connected than the others.

Origanal alpha Lee, known for his rage, strength, and deeper connection to his wolf. He was fearless and never backed down. In fact, he started most of the fights hes been in.

Original alpha payzon, know for his deeper knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of our kind, and this planet. He also has a special connection to all different types of animals. It's said that he gave the owls their wisdom after he learn to communicate with the other animals.

While the forth original alpha was known for his speed, his ability to adapt to any situation, and his silver tongue, his name is unknown. It's said he was so gifted in his silver tongue that he once convinced a volcano to stop erupting.

The last original alpha was a mystery. No one knows anything about him, but it's said he was the most powerful of all the original alphas.

There are wolves more powerful than the rest of us, blessed with the powers of one of these alphas. These wolves are descendants of the original alphas, although its rare to be a descendant of an original alpha.

So far the only original alpha without a descendant showing up is the last one. No one knows why.

It's also said that none of the original alphas died. They met up with each other and disappeared. People think they're not dead because over the centuries Wolves have reported seeing five wolves bigger than anyones ever seen. It's also been reported that their overwhelming, almost magic, power rolled off them and made the ground rumble with each step.

While at first no one believe it, the sightings kept popping up every couple hundred years.

"While I agree that olivia seems stronger than any wolf we have..." I started saying. "Are you stupid?!! I am not, everyone knows pack wolves are stronger than rogues. It's common knowledge. And fyi staying in a forest for 3 years as a wolf tends to make you a tiny bit more skilled." Olivia cut me off almost angrily as she then proceeded to walk off.

Dad chuckled "she's a spitfire boy. She'll be good for you. Now go get you're mate." I nodded and walked out.

I quickly left his office and caught up to her. "Im glad you've decided to join me zj...." As she said it my heart swelled until she finished her statement. "....I wanted to make fun of you some more about having your ass kicked." She smirked as I huffed and grumbled.

"At least I know you care about me" I said knowingly. She scoffed at me "as if, alpha pup." That name is starting to grow on me. "You mauled that ram because you thought it killed me." I said slyly. "I may be a bad-ass rogue but that doesn't mean I like seeing people die." She looked away sadly as if she was staring In the past.

"I've watched to many people die on account of me. Even when it wasn't on account of me, I still hated it. I am done watching people die, and if I do see someone die then I will kill whoever killed them. If you take a life and act like it's normal then you don't deserve your life." She said coldly and darkly. I just stared at her, I felt so bad for her. I can't imagine what's she been through, just the thought of it makes shade howl in pain and anguish.

Her eyes snapped to me with cold fury filling them "Stop that bullshit! I can hear your wolf howling. I can't tell you how much it pisses me off when people pity or feel sorry for me. I don't need that shit." She growled out through gritted teeth.

Way to go shade, strike two already. I sighed as I started thinking about her wolf. Her form was sleek, muscular, and hard-skinned. She was built for speed, strength, stealth, gracefulness, and defence. There was a ram with sharp horns that pierced through fur and skin easily, and when he rammed you you could feel his horn cut deep. He rammed my leg and instantly made me bleed.

He rammed Olivia and it didn't even pierce her skin. Her wolf is fierce and beautiful, she had snow white fur with small streaks of red in some places. So damn beautiful, in her skin and fur.

Moon goddess, I thank you whole-heartidly. Out of no where our head fighter, taylor, rushed forwards and bowed his head "sir, another attack on the west border. We've confirmed that the wolves who attacked us are from the bayeck pack, sir"

Fuck. Alpha tain's ass. "Double the scouts and fighters on the west border. Oh, and send alpha tain his fang and attach a note that says 'Back off or your other fang is next motherfucker'." I growled out as he nodded and left.

"Um, why didn't he go to your father with this?" Olivia asked me warily. I sighed "he's getting old. The bayeck pack has been attacking our borders. My dad knows but he doesn't do shit. Ok look, when an alpha is both ready to step down, and thinks their successor is ready be the new alpha, he holds a ceremony in front of the whole pack, handing alphaship over to their successor. But, if the successor feels the need to, he can challenge the current alpha for alphaship instead of waiting for it to be handed down."

"Ok, so?" She asked. "So, I can't sit here and wait 5 years for father to let me take over being alpha while were being attacked. I can't deal with it how i want because I'm not alpha yet. So instead of waiting 5 years, I'm going to challenge dad." I said quietly.

'That's ballsy." Olivia smirked. "When? I wanna watch you get your ass beat." I just rolled my eyes. "I'll challenge when I'm ready. I need to train more." I said.

"Oh please, that shit you guys do in the training grounds is weak. I've seen your dad fight. He was trying to find me and in the search he saved me from a bear that tried to sneak up on me. He killed it with ease." She said. I know she's right, but I have to do something.

When we finally walked out of the pack house she started heading towards the training grounds. She's been rambling on about showing how weak our training is.

When we reached the training grounds, manry, our training instructor met us. He was a tall man who look like he hit the gym everyday. He had black slick back hair and green eyes. He also has tons of scars littering his body from his years of being captain if the fighters.

His son Taylor has taken over that position now. "Ah, the new girl. Come to test out pack training?" He said with a smirk. When she nodded he automatically had her start with the weighted obstacle course race. You have to wear weighted ankle bracelets, arm bracers, and a backpack with four cinder blocks and 2 ten pound metal balls while you race others through an obstacle course.

When he yelled go they were off. The first obstacle was the rock wall. She scaled it with ease and went on to the 10 foot balance beam. She ran across the balance beam like it was a piece of cake. The extra weight she's carry isn't even slowing her down or tiring her out.

She flew through the rest of the course, finishing in first place with a time of 10 minutes. Everyone else finished in 30 to 40 minutes. A short boy around my age, 18, with black hair, green eyes, and freckles walked up to olivia. His name is Frankie is one of my closest friends.

He was panting hard as he tried to talk "that...was extremely...bad-ass." Olivia just gave him a simple thank you as more of my friends walked up to is and started introducing themselves to her.