
At the very start! I Sign-in from a Dragon God?!

Raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 [ Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning ] (Translation ) Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang-kun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: you...have to fulfill our engagement.... Su Yang: Ophis, don't look at me like that I am not a dragon raider... (DxD—Strike the blood —Campione.....etc. ) ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · Bücher und Literatur
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27 Chs

Serafall's frustration

Although he couldn't learn all of Ajuka's knowledge in a single day, he had no problem copying it with his Alpha Sigma and memorizing it overnight using his extraordinary memory.

"Ah!~~ Do you know that this is only meant for one person? If someone else uses it, it will trigger the prohibition!~~"

"You really think it's easy to get something from Demon King Ajuka?~~"

Serafall shouted, lunging at Su Yang. However, Su Yang wouldn't let her touch him. He used the purest form of space-time manipulation, transcending all prohibitions and barriers.

"So it can only be used once? Now I understand why the prohibition outside that thing is much more complex than the one inside."

Even he couldn't decipher it at first glance, indicating its complexity.


Serafall, who had just buried her face and twin tails into the sofa in an attempt to pounce on Su Yang, instantly bounced up, her pink eyes widening slightly.

"You... you can see through it?"

Ajuka's formation, deciphered by a human?

"Yes, not only can I see through it, but I've also learned about a tenth of it. And as for the essence inside, I've learned about a tenth of that as well."

Su Yang couldn't fully understand the outer prohibition, but the learning content inside was crystal clear to him. It consisted of hundreds of exclusive, offline lessons by Ajuka.

"You!~~ You, you, you!~~ What are you saying?!~~"

Serafall's small face twitched involuntarily.

"Ajuka said this was enough for Sona to study for hundreds of years!~~~"

Serafall thought the man in front of her was definitely lying!

She already knew that he had no experience using spiritual power or any other kind of power, and he hadn't shown any strength. He just seemed very smart and capable of beating Sona in chess.

"I'm just stating a fact, Lady Serafall. I'm going to sleep now. If you need anything, the fridge is over there, feel free to help yourself."

Su Yang shook his head. He needed to sleep. He had been so focused on studying earlier that he hadn't noticed, but now he could clearly feel his body was exhausted.

He had always been a disciplined person, and staying up this late was an exception for him.

Casually tossing Serafall's magic wand onto the sofa, Su Yang walked towards his room.


Serafall yelled after Su Yang, completely disregarding her image.

Am I really this unlikable? I'm Sona's sister! And a magical girl spreading love and justice!~~ And also a Demon King!~~

Oh... right, he doesn't know I'm a Demon King.


Serafall grabbed her magic wand and swung it furiously in the air.

The terrifying aura of the magic circle flickered on her wand. One swing could probably wipe Kuoh Town off the map!


However, as she swung down, the light on the magic wand dimmed.

"Sona-chan is still here, I can't be impulsive... But... the more I look at this man, the more I dislike him!~~"

Serafall stomped her feet in frustration.

Even if Su Yang didn't want to become her sister's servant, he was someone Sona valued highly. Hurting him would definitely anger Sona-chan.

Serafall paced back and forth in Su Yang's villa, venting her frustration.


As she walked, she suddenly remembered something important!

"Turning him into Sona-chan's servant? I don't need his consent, do I? If he becomes a devil, then I can bully him and make him do whatever I want, can't I?"

Serafall-chan!~~ Big discovery!

Serafall's white legs trembled with excitement.

"Alright! That's what I'll do!~"

Serafall, a very decisive Demon King, took only a few minutes to sneak back from her sister's place with all the unused devil pieces.

Of course, she did it without Sona knowing.

Holding the blood-red devil pieces, Serafall wore a satisfied smile.

Hehehe!~~ Once this annoying man becomes a devil, I can bully him all I want!~~

Serafall didn't notice the subtle change in her mindset. Originally, she wanted to recruit servants for Sona-chan, but now she just wanted to put this man in his place.

"Six Pawn pieces, one Rook piece, and one Knight piece, totaling fourteen. Even someone with a Sacred Gear shouldn't need more."

For high-level Sacred Gear holders like "Blazer Shining Light," nine pieces would suffice. Transforming you, a human who just awakened a heroic bloodline today, should be easy.

In the dead of night, Serafall, having made up her mind, sneaked into Su Yang's room.

She believed that even if she performed the reincarnation ritual a billion times, she wouldn't make a mistake.

"Well then~~~ Live for my sister Sona."

Serafall flashed a charming smile and placed a Pawn piece into the reincarnation magic circle.

The red light from the magic circle flared intensely but dimmed almost immediately.

"As expected, a bit of talent, huh?"

Serafall wasn't surprised. She threw another Pawn piece into the circle.

The same thing happened again. The light flared for a moment and then dimmed.

"Seems like he has quite a bit of talent." Then she threw in the third Pawn piece.

No reaction.

"...In human terms, you're quite a genius." Then she threw in the fourth Pawn.

Still no reaction.

"...Huh? Still no reaction?" She then threw in the fifth Pawn.

No reaction again.

"...Last Pawn. Who on earth are you a descendant of?!" She threw in the sixth Pawn.

As she feared, no reaction.

"...Damn it! I will turn you into Sona's servant no matter what!~~"

Feeling a bit desperate, Serafall tossed in a Rook piece.

A Rook piece was equivalent to five Pawns! This had to turn him into a devil!


Meanwhile, as Su Yang slept, he felt waves of warmth flowing through his body. He hugged the thing beside him that felt like a pillow, sleeping even more soundly.

Given his potential, a single devil piece wouldn't suffice to enhance his power—it would take truckloads of them.

All in all, Su Yang had a very restful sleep.

Subconsciously, he forgot one thing: he had never bought any pillows.


Time passed quickly.


**Congratulations, host! Location check-in triggered! Check-in level: Bronze!**

**Check-in location: Kuoh Academy!**

**Check-in time limit: 2 hours.**

At six o'clock, Su Yang was awakened by the sound of the check-in system refreshing.

"Ah~~... Mmm..."

Yawning, Su Yang sat up in bed.

As he sat up, he felt something odd around his legs.

"Could it be Serafall? But she has no reason to sleep with me..."

His mind still foggy, Su Yang forgot he had drawn a significant prize yesterday.

Gently lifting the bed sheet, Su Yang felt a nosebleed coming on...

A white-haired loli was quietly hugging him. Her delicate brows and small nose formed an irresistibly cute face.

With her snow-white, smooth, shoulder-length hair, she looked as beautiful as an angel.

Her silver-gray stockings reached midway up her thighs, not fully pulled up, revealing her fair skin at the top.

"Esther? The holy sword that slays demon kings?"

Su Yang finally remembered that he had indeed drawn this item yesterday.

"...Mm? ...Mmu?"

Esther seemed to hear Su Yang's call, opening her eyes slightly.

She sat up from Su Yang's legs, looking around.


Esther finally asked Su Yang.

"Yes, Esther, I'm your master. Please take care of me~~" Su Yang smiled and extended his hand.

Word count : 1213

Ash_Paradoxcreators' thoughts