
Asura Armageddon

kenny williams, a transmigrator from earth, a former politician, wants to once again walk to the top of the world and own everything, rule over everything, the path of world domination won't be easy but he will persist

Tejus_R_Mandal · Aktion
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12 Chs

First combat

After the incident they went home as because the pursuers plan failed and they feared they would be caught if they stayed around

While spending the days in the mansion there was a weird rumour going around that Kenny was being rude to his guest Billy, when Vance told him about the rumour Kenny didn't think much about it as it was just rumours and even if it was true there was nothing anyone could do about it

Billy was acting real close to Kenny and his parents during the recent days by flattering them and making conversation about how heroic john was. Which wasn't a big deal as this was how nobles talk to people usually above their status

Billy often came out and participated in sparring with Kenny and Vance and he was quite surprised how strong and battle conscious Kenny actually was

This went on for a few days and one day Billy when exchanging pointers about their technique asked Kenny "hey Kenny what do you think of my movement skill?"

Kenny casually replied "it's quite good, the short coming is definitely the fact that you have to use too much physical strength every time you want to accelerate"

Billy was already surprised by Kenny a lot of time already so he just accepted that he was right which he already knew and said "you're right, I actually have a cultivation skill that lets me absorb mana and directly use it which has a wind element instead of storing it in my mana base and then circulate it. But with the contradicting earth element movement skill really puts me in a disadvantage"

Kenny nodded, he obviously knew what his words meant, he wanted to learn a wind element movement technique which was Vayu breeze skill. He had already brought up the topic many time already and every time Kenny just brushed it away

Billy noticed this and let out a sigh, that evening when Kenny was returning to his room he saw that Billy's attendant who came with him to the mansion was there waiting for him

He bowed down to Kenny and said "young master Kenny, I have a message to forward"

Kenny nodded and said "go on, what is it?"

The attendant replied "young master, as you know, out master Billy desires something which is in your possession"

He was silent for a moment and continued "so whatever you wanted, we can give it to you, we can come up with a deal, you may not know but master Billy has 3 siblings. One elder brother and a younger sister who is really charming"

Kenny was silent for a moment, he could not believe what he just heard

He laughed as he said "do you have any idea who you're talking to? You think you can buy something from me?! you think you can offer me women?!"

He was angrily shouting "watch your status!! You, who is a part of not even the main barton family want to set your daughter with me?! do it look like a joke?!"

The attendant was scared witless as he saw this kid speaking

"I can have anything in this country I want and there's nothing you can offer that can even compare to my maids' stuff!"

The attendant was on his knees and sweating at this point apologizing and saying that he was just the messenger and he had advised his master already to not offend the Williams family

Kenny calmed down and shooed the attendant, he sat on his bed and his eyes were glowing with a cold glint, he thought about the conversation and laughed slightly

The next day it was as if nothing had happened, Billy was still at the dining table praising and conversing with the family, he talked about the various skills he was learning and gaining pointers from john Williams

He often looked at Kenny and smiled as he usually does, it like a normal day before the incident yesterday

Kenny's eyes flickered but he kept calm

That night, when Kenny was asleep, he woke up suddenly as he felt someone was coming for him

The one coming for Kenny was a man about 30 years, he had good physique and he was wearing a robe with a hood, he looked like he was a cultivator but you couldn't tell which base as Kenny couldn't feel mana

The man come through the window and you could tell he was quite skilled as he made no sound

But Kenny was already alert and he was holding his dagger which he brought the other day as soon as the man came in he was greeted with Kenny's dagger swinging at his face'

The man was startled at this situation but he still dodged the attack by ducking and rolling forward

He quickly got up and look back to be greeted with another strike marking his vital organ, the neck

The assailant stepped back but kicked forward with his mana imbued, Kenny dodged it as he side stepped as he had no choice as the difference between a cultivator and a normal mortal in terms of strength was like comparing heaven and earth

Kenny stayed on the offensive for a while dodging slashing, his movement skills were profound anyway which had caught the assailant off guard and all his strikes were deadly, aimed precisely for the vital points