
Asura's Tale

The humans were blessed by the great Arch Angels. They were given gifts from God and favored because they were made in his image. Resentment grew amongst the other races, leaving the humans in perpetual war against their brothers and sisters. The invasion of monsters into their realm created destruction and death throughout the human realm. What was once a flourishing land built to prosper was now left in ruin, with cities created to be fortresses. Even their own kind has begun to side with the monsters. An Angel heard a child's cry and decided it was time to begin God's plan. A four-armed monster called an ogre would be the child's savior, possibly a savior to many. He called forth the ogre's name, Asura, the mad dog of the great king. Forced into a new realm unknown to his kind, Asura must traverse a land that holds deep animosity towards him. With cultists threatening his life and the humans wanting him dead, what must he do to ensure his safety?

Symoensbooks · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Unexpected Arrival

Asura began laughing hysterically at Malachi.

"Hahahahaha. HEHAHEHEHAHHA... You guys are stupid, man." 

The Naga woman channeled a consistent amount of mana into her sight, far more than what she needed to kill someone of Asura's size. However, it was slower than usual... It was as if Asura was resisting it, something uncommon even among the strongest monsters. A Naga's mana was potent, a poison that devoured the body once it entered the flesh. 

"What? Run out of juice there, pal? Maybe you should reevaluate who you're messing with." 

Asura raised his right two arms. Without hesitation, he punched the left side of his body with all his might. Chunks of petrified flesh and muscle broke off and fell to the ground, revealing the bone underneath. Asura didn't wince from the pain, rather he seemed overjoyed by the wound. Malachi couldn't help but be in awe of the ogre's endurance,

"How interesting..." 

Although Malachi could see the bones and portions of Asura's intestines, the wound only lasted for a few short seconds before his body began to heal. Asura would heal like any other monster, but petrification normally hindered the body's ability to recover. Yet, here, Asura was defying the laws of the world once again. 

"I can see why Master has his eye on you." 

"Oh, so you're somebody's errand boy then, huh, beast king? Probably not. His lineage has always been on the moronic side. Who's your big daddy?" 

Malachi's eye twitched at the mention of the beast king. Asura was right, this guy was working for that annoying asshole, but there had to be more. However, he couldn't understand why the beast king was working with Jormungandr. The beasts and the dragons have a long history of wars.

He couldn't even fathom that Jormungnadr would let go and forgive his grudge and team up together. Neither the beast king nor Jormungandr would swallow their pride to endure the other's presence.

Asura dug his fingers into the concrete floor, ripping massive chunks of rock and rebar out. Intense pain spread throughout his body as he moved around. The ogre's wound was still open and tender, but he pushed through. The boiling rage within prevented him from stopping or caring for such trivial pain. Malachi's death was the only thing that mattered to him.

Asura tossed the large rocks at the Naga and Beastman. As it flew through the air, the Gorgon smashed it into dust with her tail but hissed as the debris and dust showered her four eyes. Before the second chunk of concrete could smash into her, the Beastman batted it out of the air with her large hammer. She groaned at the attempt, 

"Can't you do anything new? We have seen this before-" 

From her right, two fists slammed into her mouth, breaking her jaw clean off. The force of the blow began to send her body up into the air, but as she lifted off the ground, Asura grabbed her by the ankle. Before she could realize it, the ogre slung her body over his, slamming her body straight into the ground. The front of her rib cage caved while the rest of her bones fractured after absorbing the heavy blow.

Asura laughed as the sound of her bones breaking erupted right after a splurt from her flesh being squished. It reminded him of an egg being cracked open, the sound of the liquid splattering against a surface alongside the shell breaking fit unusually well together. 

The ogre's face twisted in annoyance at the fact that he was helpless when it came to ensuring her death. 

"It really sucks not being able to kill you here. You ain't worth crap anyway, ya vile garbage." 

 The ogre let go of her body as he walked up towards her neck. He paused for a moment before raising his leg. "What was he doing?-" Malachi thought as he watched Asura stomp upon her neck, crushing it underneath his foot. 

"That should keep you from moving for a while."

A smile spread across Asura's face as he turned to Malachi. However, the ogre's eyes widened as a door took shape from black smoke that appeared from thin air behind the cultist leader. Malachi gave a simple wave before reaching towards the door with one hand... He was running again... "FUCK YOU MOTHER-" Asura tried to dash at him to stop him from escaping. 

Asura came to a halt as Malachi reached into his robe. He pulled from within the same crimson book from before, the book of Beelzebub.

"Through Beelzebub are the sins of this world rewarded. The stolen gift of Jormungadr's Breathe." 

Malachi lifted his hand, pointing his outstretched fingers at Asura. From the palm of his hand came a blinding purple light that grew more intense with every second that passed. He expected a flame to appear, but the light continued to concentrate within the single spot that rested against the cultist's palm.

"No fucking way."

He was mimicking Jormungandr perfectly... Asura tried to react to the sight unfolding before him, but he knew no matter what he did, it was useless. Instead of running, the ogre braced himself, raising his four arms in front of his body, creating a shield.

The concentrated mana resting against Malachi's palm exploded forth the moment he slightly released it as if it were no longer controllable. Unfortunately, Asura would witness Jormungandr's breath once more... 

It took a fraction of a second to reach the ogre. The flaming mana had condensed into a state similar to pure light. Its impact was painless at first, but as Asura regained consciousness, he realized he was several yards away from the factory now.

"Ouch..." He groaned as he tried to stand but stumbled while he rose. A searing pain of being burnt erupted across the front of his body, absorbing most of the mana. He could only clench his jaw as he tried to power through. Smoke rose all around him, making it hard to see out of the hole created by the blast. As he climbed out, he noticed he was still wearing clothes, with only a portion of them being burnt away. 

"Damn, I am so glad they made this fireproof." 

 Pulling himself completely out, Asura stood speechless. He could finally see the length of the damage from that attack. He was now four hundred feet from the building with nothing between them. If there were houses, those were gone... "Roads? Nonexistent." The only thing that remained was the scorched earth leading to where he once stood.

The sky was blotted out from the large black cloud of smoke that billowed up into the night. One of the only sources of light that illuminated the area was the raging fire left behind from the devastation.

"Whoever rented that warehouse should get rent half off, seeing as only half the building remained." He thought as he stretched his body. "For now, at least, seeing as the other half may burn down still." Asura was impressed, nodding to himself in appreciation of the powerful blow. He had to admit, Malachi was always prepared... 

"Damn man, yup, that's Jormungandr's alright... Although a little stronger than last time." 

Asura returned to the factory with little urgency, looking around to locate Malachi and the Naga. Sadly, just as he figured, they were gone again. "Shit-." A loud screech erupted from the opposite side of the warehouse, alerting Asura to a reemerging threat. 

"You're still alive, my guy? Holy crap." 

The tree thrashed its roots around, grasping at Asura. It wanted revenge for his first hit that left its inside mush. As the tree monster approached from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a red liquid shimmering in the fire's light. The Beastman approached, wiping off the blood that covered her face. She grinned, eager to get her revenge as well.

"Don't worry, I'll still play with you." 

In a taunting voice, Asura provoked her, 

"You keep getting left behind. Somebody isn't the favorite henchman." 

Her feline features pulled back into a scowl as she roared, 

"Last time I was stalling. This time, I'll make sure to kill you." 

She dashed at Asura as the tree tried to impale the ogre with its jagged roots. Slithering across the ground like serpents, the roots attacked in unison alongside the Beastman. The Beatman slammed her hammer forged of blood onto the ground, sending forth a wave of blood tendrils and spikes that carved their way below the earth's crust. From underneath the concrete floor, large spikes of blood shot through the ground up towards Asura's chest.

Asura was thrilled to engage in another fight. He wished he could've fought Malachi longer but this would do for now. He was feeling the rush, the sting of pain from his past wounds, and the excitement of battle, which was what he lived for. Adrenaline coursed through his veins alongside the burning rage that needed to be quenched. Asura wouldn't forget about what they did to Lily so easily... Someone has to pay.

As each root and blood spike struck at the ogre, they were met with his fists. Explosions of wood erupted before Asura as each root met its demise from the force of each strike. Blood showered Asura as the bloody tendrils, and spikes shattered against the ogre's absurdly sturdy body.

All four arms worked independently as if they had a mind of their own, leaving the Beastman in awe. She'd heard stories of ogres fighting, but watching one to this extent was mesmerizing. He truly was a veteran in combat...

A few roots and tendrils managed to find their way past Asura's attacks but were easily avoided. Ducking under a few while jumping over others, Asura dodged the attempts at his life in such a way that felt like a dance. As the battle continued, he finally decided it was time to go on the offensive.

Jumping up one last time as a root shot towards his lower abdomen, the ogre slammed his feet into the ground, preparing himself. Bracing himself for the weight of the large tree monster, he grabbed the roots, intertwining them in his grip. With a solid, firm hold, he was ready to begin. A large smile spread across Asura's face as he started to spin around, swinging the massive creature. The large creature screeched as it was drug across the ground, thrashing to free itself. 

"Helcghp MEEgh! KILLLLLLLhghl MEEEghgh."

Asura hesitated... He had never seen a Faerie like this before. Was it requesting him to kill it? Why? Asura was horrified as he looked over to see elvish faces pushing through the bark, stretching it like flesh.

"Freeghhuh USHGHUS!" 

 Screeching again erupted from the large monster's body. Releasing after a few rotations, Asura flung the Faerie, sending it flying into the wall. Rubble and debris poured down on top of them as the side of what remained of the building collapsed on top of it.

Asura was uncertain as to whether the cries for help were to make him hesitate or if the creature was somehow elves crafted into... whatever the hell this thing was. Asura began to charge forward but was met with the Beastman's hammer smashing into his forehead, causing him to fly backward. His back slammed against the ground. Asura groaned from the pain,

"Fuck... you... dude." 

It didn't take long for him to recover, though, pulling himself up off the ground just in time to watch as the Beastman walked over to the tree that struggled to free itself from the rubble. With a flick of her wrist, the blood inside the Faerie began to pour from its body, piercing through its side.

Screeching in agony, the creature began to tremble as the blood poured from its body, killing it swiftly. A smile spread across the Beastman's face as she propped the hammer up on her shoulder. The blood pooled on the floor began to rise into pillars of sloshing crimson liquid.

"Oh great, look at that, more beasts, huh? Didn't really help you last time." 

Long horns sprouted from the liquid as the blood took the shape of a bull's head. A long circular nose ring dangled from their cow-like nose. Black fur with brown splotches covered their faces revealing, "Oh... shit..." Asura's eyes widened in shock as he watched the blood solidify, revealing the rest of the beast.

It was humanoid as well. Its large muscular body from the chest to its hips was human. However, below the waist were hairy legs with hooves stomping on the floor angrily. The beast let out a deep, thunderous roar that shook the foundation of the building, 


"Minotaurs... Fucking Minotaurs. Two of them, too." Asura thought as he stared into their bloodshot eyes. Horns adorned with golden jewelry glistened from the fire's light reflecting off the polished surface. The one on the right wielded a large, two-handed black axe with a handle stained with its past victim's blood.

To the left, his brother wielded two smaller single-handed axes in each hand, shifting them around, eager to kill. Their bloodshot eyes filled with rage desired only one thing. To slaughter whatever stood in their way.

They huffed as they slid their hooves across the ground. Before they could charge, Asura ran up to the Beastman from behind, taking advantage of her focus on the summoning. Realizing he had little time to do anything before the Minotaurs processed their surroundings, he lifted her upper body with his two upper arms from the ground.

He needed to be quick, so with his lower two arms, he grabbed her waist with a wicked smile plastered on his face. Asura began to pull her torso and legs apart slowly. She screamed in agony, feeling her body being torn apart. Her spine bone stretched and snapped as her flesh ripped, leaving her paralyzed. Throwing both halves of her body apart from each other, he laughed, 

"That should buy me some time. Now for these- OOEGHH" 

 A minotaur slammed its head into Asura's chest, shooting him out of the use-to-be warehouse. Alive and well, the Beastman, still torn in half, angrily shouted from the floor, 




Tracking Asura on foot, the group traced his location using an incantation linked to the rune carved into his chest. A golden light danced in the air before them, leading them toward its binding rune. Mel cursed as they ran through the town, 

"I... I am going to kill him when I see him... So, help me!" 

As they approached the corner of a building, Wain shouted and pointed to his right. 

"There! There is Lily!" 

Approaching the group, Lily came running. Swollen eyes from crying, the child ran desperately as tears and snot streamed down her face. Mel shouted loudly, trying to get her attention, 


Hearing her name, she turned to see Mel. Her cries became louder.

"Ash, you take care of Lily and get her home. Wain, help me get Asura under control." 

Ash was annoyed that he didn't get to participate in Asura's beating but knew Lily was his first priority. Ash grabbed Lily as he turned to run back towards the cathedral. Wain gasped as they followed Asura's trace. 


Looking up into the sky, a cloud of black smoke rose into the night sky, covering the stars. Underneath it, in the distance, a large bright light illuminated the area, demanding their attention like a beacon. Wain was horrified. It was like Asura was trying to shout to the world that he was here and blowing everything he could up.

"He escaped from them for a few minutes! MINUTES!" Mel shouted internally. "If I can't kill this ogre, I'll rip his hair out for eternity..." As Mel and Wain approached the... building? There was only one building that even came close to being as large as the cathedral, the town's warehouse. But now, all that remained was a pile of rubble and ash burning in a raging fire that engulfed half the structure. Wain pointed to the side of the building, mortified. 

"What the..." 

Mel looked to see what had left Wain speechless. She couldn't believe her eyes. For hundreds of feet to the right, the ground was obliterated, leaving only a scorched path of black dirt. 

"There were two or three houses... there. What happened?" 

A sickening thud of flesh being chopped through echoed from the other side of the only remaining wall. Mel shouted as she ran through a large hole recently created, 


There he was... on top of two large corpses stood the Ogre, drenched in blood. Now reduced to a few rags barely wrapped around his chest, his clothes began to repair slowly. With a devilish grin across his face, Asura stood triumphant on two bodies, wielding a two-handed axe in his right hand that sunk deep into the neck of one of the minotaurs. Underneath the corpse Asura was standing on was another minotaur with a smaller axe buried deep within its skull. Wounds covered their bodies, spilling blood out onto the floor around them.


Asura's hysteric laugh filled Mel with worry as she pulled out her two pistols from their holster. The term monster fits incredibly well as a description for Asura at that moment. His body was drenched in the fresh blood of the minotaurs. Prepared for a fight, Wain reached deep into his bag that was tied to his waist.

Bracing his lower hands on his hips, Asura stretched his back and upper arms up towards the sky. The ogre sighed in relief, finally relieved of some pent-up anger. Then, as if nothing had happened, Asura's demeanor went back to his usual rude self,

 "Alright, well, that was fun... What took you so long? Is Lily Okay?" 

Confused, Mel and Wain remained with their weapons fixed on Asura. The ogre watched as their hands anxiously shifted. Asura crossed his arms, 

"Look, I'm always down for a fight, but I figured you'd want questions answered first... Wait, where the hell is the Beastman at?"

Asura whipped his head around to look for the two separated halves he had thrown apart earlier. However, there were no signs of her remains. "Maybe she was caught up in the fire or somehow died in the mix? Probably not, though." A disappointed sigh escaped his lips. 

"Alright, now that it's over, let's go at it! Who's first? Wain? Buddy?" 

He raised his hands up, preparing for a fight, but was met with Mel punching him in the back of the head with the grip of her gun. Rubbing his head, he asked, 

"What the hell was that for?" 

Angrily, Mel grabbed his ear, yanking him close,

"Oh, I am going to kill you... You ran off on your own. I'm in charge of you, and if you go around causing trouble, I'll get an earful till I die. Look at this! Look at what you did... there's nothing left... I am so dead. Ughhh, I'm never hearing the end of this..." 

Mel groaned as Asura put his arms up in defense, 

"What's the problem? I found Lily and beat all the monsters?" 

Mel had to restrain herself from hitting the ogre again. Letting out a deep sigh, she tried to calm herself down,

"Alright, you're right... Good work... but don't run off on your own next time. We are a team for a reason. We support each other even if you're mentally unable to comprehend it. God, I still want to kill you." 

Asura started to walk out of the warehouse while maintaining eye contact with Mel. He rolled his eyes at her comments, knowing that if he didn't take action, Lily's death was almost certain.

"I don't need your approval; I do what I want. If it's a fight, I am going to take it. If it means you die or get into trouble, so what? Fuck off." 

Mel angrily shook her fist at him as he walked away with his back turned,

"You little... I am going to kill him. I will do it. I swear, next time, ooohhhh man. I'll search the entire planet to find a way to wipe that smug expression off your stupid face."

Wain shook his head in disbelief. "What a crazy series of events..." He thought as he watched the building burn away next to him.