
Angry Mike (2)

Benjamin looked extremely offended while Larcen simply spectated. 

"What do you mean by that? I fought them too, you know? I protected my sister and Emily by myself!", he fought back. In Larcen's eyes, it was a valid point but Mike seemed to disagree.

"Protect them on your own then, you fucking twat! All you did was push those creatures away and they attacked others while leaving you alone. So many people died because of you and my cousin was almost going to die too! 

If you don't know how to fight, then just fucking run, you brainless donkey!", Mike shouted angrily while he walked towards Benjamin.

"Hey man, that's not cool. He was just trying to protect his friends."

One of the guys interrupted and Mike stopped walking before he turned his head to look at him.

"Oh wait, I saw you fight too. No wait, you didn't fight. You ran around like a bitch that had its tail lit up while not giving two fucks about the repercussions. You know what, I am done with this shit. I will not fight for the sake of saving the lives of people who could potentially put my life in jeopardy. 

All of you can fuck off and if I ever see you near me, I will smash your damn skulls!"

There was pin-drop silence once he was done. Larcen looked at the remaining people closely and counted their numbers which was still at 16 and including himself, the number would go up to 17. There were 11 guys and 6 girls left. 

No one said anything and simply walked away while only 6 of them stayed. Larcen, Mike, the guy and girl he gave his weapons to, the girl with the storage skill, and a bulky guy stayed back.

Mike stared at the bulky guy for a few seconds before asking, "You too, fuck off."

"Hey man, I can fight. I killed a nine of those things man, come on!"

Mike squinted his eyes before shaking his head lightly, "No means no. This is not just about fighting but surviving. You look like someone who needs a lot of food to just stay alive and also, I saw you fight. 

You are good at smashing things but what's the point if you aren't fast enough? You were just lucky with your kills from what I could see. I want people who know what they are doing and not someone who swings his fist carelessly."

"Fuck you man, why does everyone make fun of me being fat?", he said before letting off a sigh. He then turned around and walked away, hoping he could join the other group.

Larcen stared at Mike, waiting for him to tell him to fuck off too but that didn't happen. Instead, the fighter girl walked towards him and gave him back his bat.

"Thank you, But if you don't mind, can you let me use your knife? I'm not used to fighting with bats. My name is Aria by the way."

"Lar- I mean Jack", he said and took the bat. He didn't give her his knife and instead turned his attention to Mike who walked over to him. 

"So Jack huh," he said before scrutinizing him and added, "You have really good senses... do you work with the military or do you have any kind of history with them?"

Larcen shook his head, "No, I'm just a student." 

Before Mike could respond though, Larcen frowned as he looked him in the eye, "Tell me what you want directly. You sent them all away for not being of much use but you let that girl stay. I doubt you plan on letting me stay too so I hope you can be direct."

"Oh... I guess it's reasonable for you to think like that but that girl there and Aria are my cousins. Also, it's not just about their fighting skills. They simply latched onto us and most of them tried to steal kills for a chance to get system points.

They're absolute trash and only wanted to make use of us. If it wasn't for Aria, we wouldn't know about the existence of the system. The only problem was that she shouted about the system which pushed them to try it out.

If it wasn't for that, they would've probably hidden in some house while we could've safely farmed SP by luring just a few of those creatures. Those greedy idiots attracted too many of those things and if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we would've died.

I also noticed that you simply incapacitated the creatures in the last wave instead of going for the kill and it confuses me why you did that."

Larcen sighed, "I used to smoke a lot... so my stamina is lower than normal. Even my strength stat is less since I never really exercised. The most efficient thing I could do was inflict any kind of damage I could inflict and leave the rest to you guys."

"See? That damn battle sense of yours is amazing. Stats don't matter really. We can always get stronger. Anyways, let's first find a place to sleep and you can then tell me how you found out about your system. Oh what's this?", asked as his attention shifted from Larcen to the empty area in front of him, indicating the presence of a screen there.

Everyone had the same reactions and checked the screen. 

{Notice: Planet Earth is undergoing an evolution and an invasion from the species of a different planet. Tower of Hope lends you its powers to grow stronger and keep yourselves alive until the completion of the planet's awakening.}

{Ding: All humans have been given a system.}

{Ding: All humans are given access to the shop.}

{Tower of Hope prays for your survival}

"All of them now know about the system huh....", said Mike as he ran his hand over his hair.

Larcen nodded before switching his attention to the other guy who was silent for the whole time.

"How are you related to Mike?"

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