
To buy knowledge.

In the outskirts of the Kingdom of Beresh, near the Nedea Forest, there was the city of , a small and rather peacefully city, at least for what you would found around. In the last month a gossip was around the entire city.

In the forest close to the city a specter appeared, because of this, the amount of demonic beasts in the forest decreased by a huge margin. It was even said that this specter razed the goblin city in the limit of the forest, as some hunters testified that the city was empty and there were a lot of corpse scattered all around.

In the entrance who lead from the city to the forest, the two sentinels posted in the city's doors were fulfilling their duty, while commenting the gossips about the specter. Because of their jobs as guards, they would be at the first line if ever a being like that really appeared.

"Has you had heard, some hunters saw the specters a couple of day ago". Said the younger of the guards.

"There are many who had said the same before but how could it be truth, you had heard of that incident, the spectre who wipe out a city all by itself, how could a mere hunter had seen a being like that and still live". Commented the older guard.

"I don't know, what i put attention to was the description, they said its body was pitch black, with black smoke coming out of it, it had fiery eyes who could steal your soul with a glance, also the temperature around it was incredible cold but wherever he walked by, a path of fire followed suit". Said excitedly the younger.

"Hahaha all the specters are described the same or alike, others even said you can hear the whisper of the souls the specter had killed if you are near it". Commented the veteran guard.

Both looked at each other and laughed loudly for no reason, they liked to if a specter was truly around maybe even the city wouldn't be there anymore, poor of those scared people who attached whatever they saw in the forest to the idea of an specter.

As they laughed a flimsy figure appeared in the horizon coming from the forest, his body was pitch black and some black smoke was coming out of it. From time to time, it disappeared from sight and appeared again a bit more close. The laughing guards, caught sight of the scene and their back became drench in sweat in no time, even their face loss all color.

"Spe-spectre". Both said at the same time.

"Quickly, quickly, go and bring the captain". Yelled the veteran after regaining some calm, still his body didn't stop trembling.

The other guard, hearing the command and knowing the how serious the situation ran at top speed as his life maybe was depending of that. Soon a medium group of men came led by an old man who was the captain of the guards, despite his age, he was one of the most powerful fighters in the city.

"Captain" Saluted the guard at the gate, he had regained his composure but he looked like a man who had accepted his fate.

"Where is the...". The captain didn't even end his question when the specter appeared out of nowhere in his sight. It still had the same pattern, constantly disappearing, and reappering closer to the city.

When the guards accompanying the captain saw the phenomenon their all unsheathed their weapons, and for first time, the specter which was less than half a kilometer of distance put its eyes on them. A few ones fell to the ground when they were stared, while other had to do an utmost effort to avoid this, even the captain had a solemn look in his face. Then he gave an order who left his soldier dumbfounded.

"Sheath, your weapons".

"Hadn't you hear me? SHEATH YOUR WEAPONS!". Screamed this time the captain as the guard didn't follow his order the first time.

They may no knew, but he was the captain, he had heard and see more than they, and while he never saw a specter before, he was sure of something, with the strength of them if that approaching thing was truly an specter, the city would had been threw in chaos by now.

After an unknown amount of time, which seemed as the whole life to the soldiers, the specter finally arrived in front of them, suddenly the smoke or fog around him disappeared and a person with a snake tatto in his right hand was seen. Somehow everybody felt relieved when they saw the man, the captain come in front the man and made a respecteful bow.

"Welcome to our humble city". The captain said.

The man just stared at him for a moment and passed by without even taking a second look, but the captain didn't felt offended,in fact he was quite relieved the man didn't took the 'reception' in a bad manner. The soldiers open a path for the man and didn't even moved when the man was passing by, some even stopped breathing momentarily.

When the man was out of their sight someone suddenly asked.

"Was that an inheritor?"

"An inheritor, no way, but he seemed quite powerful he shouldn't be far from one"

"Why would come an inheritor to our city anyway?"

An inheritor, the simple thought of it seemed impossible for they, what kind of concept was an inheritor? Those were being who had been blessed multiple times, and in some point gained the acceptation of a god allowing them to inherit some powers from the god, they were in a totally different league from normal people and wherever they went havoc would follow suit.

"What do you think captain" One of the guards asked.

"I don't know , i can't be sure, but he is far more powerful than me, and no someone to mess with. Pass the voice to not disturb him..." Commanded the captain, he hoped no incident would happen.

The specter or flimsy figure was Akin, and all the scene before was him testing his powers, the fog around him was the Cloak of Darkness something he came up to by imitating the Star Cloak. This technique surrounded his body in a dark fog which not only made harder to see him in darkness but also detained any sign of him. Was it smell, sound, spiritual energy or soul power unless you had a higher amount of spiritual energy or soul power than him it was almost impossible to detect him, this was what he used to attack the oblin city.

And, as for him, disappearing and reappearing, that was his Shadow Walk, this technique allowed him to move through the shadows and in his lastest improvement even in his own shadow but he could only maintain the technique for short moments each time, so, to onlookers it seemed as he was disappearing and reappering.

Akin didn't mend around the city, as he didn't liked the excesive proportion of soul alike to that of the hunters he killed before. He just asked where the market was and went directed to it, in the past month he killed a crazy amount of demonic beasts, and stored everything he thought would worth something inside his Shadow Space, this toguether with the gold he pillaged from the goblin city should be enough for what he wanted to do.

Even when he didn't had any knowledge about the selling price he wasn't worried about being scammed, as long as the buyer soul power wasn't bigger than his this would be impossible. After amassing what he thought was a big amount of gold coin, he asked for directions again, and moved to his goal, Mammon's Greed.

Mostly, by common sense if someone wanted to learn something a library would be the option that would came in mind, as to why Akin choose Mammon's Greed instead of a library, there were two main reasons. First it was the statement or logo of the company, "If you can pay it we can provided it", the second the gossip of the company being funded by a god itself, even if this was a lie, a company as bigger as this was said to be, couldn't be in shortage of information. Third and not a main reason, from Habib memories he didn't remember the existence of any library in the place he went at least.

Standing in front of the building Akin didn't found anything noticeable, in fact it was more common that the buildings around, but things not always are what they look like, he knew this very well, and taking a step inside the building, he couldn't be more surprised.

from power to knowledge, would you choose the pen or the sword? ideas versus raw strength...and bla bla bla...

SoyNegrocreators' thoughts
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