
Assassin System Or: How to Stop the Urge of Killing Just to Level Up

[Hello, Master! I am your one and only Assassin System! Please complete my missions for a chance to leave your mortal shell and enter the immortal realm!] Daniel just wanted to live a peaceful life, skimping off from the government's UBI month by month. However, when he went on a whim and climbed a mountain just to see a celestial event, he didn't expect a calamity to strike at him instead! Surviving a meteor impact, Daniel, who thought he was going to die, was instead bounded with an alien system, who constantly want him to assassinate others just to retrieve all the remaining fragments of the system's body! "No! I am just a normal teenager! How do you expect me to suddenly go around killing people for no good reason?!" The system: If Master does not complete your mission within 24 hours, you will die or turn into a vegetable for the rest of your life. Gambatte!

Niizawa · sci-fi
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66 Chs


Daniel had thought that he was being smart when climbing all the way up a 300 meter tall mountain just to view the meteor shower that is predicted to arrive at 9pm in the evening. Most people would just view such a magnificent celestial event at their local park, at the rooftop of their own homes. Some may be lazy enough to simply watch the meteor shower from their own homes, through the window or through the news channel. Either way, Daniel thought that he would be the only person to travel all the way to the countryside and hike up a mountain through a long abandoned path he had found earlier through recorded satellite images. Little did he know that such an act would become his downfall!

"Sh*t! Didn't the scientists say that upon impact on Earth, the meteorite will turn into a million pieces before burning up in the atmosphere? Why do I still see hundreds of rocks flying towards me?!!!" Daniel screamed within his mind as he ran as fast as he could down the mountain. However, since it was completely dark outside, Daniel could not ran as fast as he would have wanted, since the down-trodden path of the mountain trail is filled with slippery green moss and broken tree branches. If Daniel were to run even faster, he would have directly tripped and fell. Luckily, since he had long prepared to camp on the mountain for the entire night, Daniel had brought a solar-powered LED flashlight with him, allowing him to illuminate the area. Unfortunately, it doesn't really help much when the metorite fragments are currently heading towards him at a speed faster than the exit velocity of the Earth!

"F**k! S**t! WTF! Who's bright idea was it to come all the way here just to watch a stupid celestial event! If I simply acted like a normal person and just watched this meteor shower from the local park, I would have already gone inside the shower by now!"

However, it was too late for regrets.

Daniel took one last look towards his back. Finding the meteorite the size of a rock now within touching distance, the only thing he could think about before blacking out was, "F**k my life."


If the meteorite currently crash landing on top of the mountain was actually a normal rock, upon impact with Daniel, the latter would have already been torn into a million pieces, exploding like an egg being microwaved. However, little did Daniel know at the time, instead of directly impacting against Daniel's body, all the pieces of 'rocks' that landed on him ended up being absorbed instead. Though, since the first piece of the meteorite landed on top of his head, the absorption process caused Daniel to black out instead, allowing for the elements within the 'rock' to fully merge into Daniel's brain without any interference.

The rest of the meteorites landed on many different parts of Daniel's body. Like the first meteorite that got absorbed, the other meteorite rocks also managed to seep through Daniel's clothes before dissolving into Daniel's skin. After a certain amount of rocks were absorbed into Daniel's body, a qualitative change happened within Daniel's brain. At that time, if Daniel were conscious, he would have heard a rather cheerful robotic tone that sounded within his mind.


[Syncing connection with other system parts]

[Found 1.32kg of adamantine within host's body. Proceed to convert its mass into energy]

[Mass-energy conversion completed with 11% energy loss due to various factors. Now inputting 105 peta-joules of energy to power the system... Powering up...]

[Warning! Due to lack of constituent parts and energy, the system cannot be fully activated. Freezing secondary functions. Freezing irrelevant functions. Recalibrating... Accessing host's memories to create the best way for the system's revitalization... Completed. Re-designing program to fit the host's personality...]

[Ting! Assassination System model created! System reboot in 3... 2... 1...]


An slight burning sensation made Daniel subconsciously lift his hand to cover his face. Squinting, Daniel slowly opened his eyes and stared towards the sky, taking a look at the sun through the slits separating his fingers. It was only then, after being conscious for a few seconds, that the numbness of his muscles started to seep in, especially in his legs.

"Ow.... I must have ran too hard just now..." Daniel muttered to himself under his breath. "Wait a minute... how am I still alive?!"

Widening his eyes with his sudden revelation, he temporarily ignored the pain in his leg muscles and immediately jumped up to observe the situation before him.

Unlike the previous night, where Daniel was sure he was standing close to the summit of the mountain, Daniel found himself standing in the middle of a huge crater that is at least 50 meters wide in diameter. All life except for himself seemed to have been completely wiped out from the meteor shower earlier, leaving only a conspicuous individual standing in the middle of the field of death.

"How the hell...?" Daniel looked visibly confused as he contemplated about what the f**k had happened. In the end, he could not think of anything since he had been unconscious for the entire duration of time since the first meteorite landed against the back of his head. Instead of mulling about it any further, he decided to first run back home and think about the consequences later. After all, he would not know what the government officials would do to him when they come and investigate the aftermath of the meteorite strike.

"I better get out of here!" Daniel thought as he started running east, which was the direction closest to the city.

After running a few kilometers, Daniel could finally see a hint of civilization when he saw the outpost located at the very edge of the city that operated as a toll booth for vehicles. Actually, he was able to return to the country road where he had originally alighted before his hike the previous night, but due to the entire road being cordoned off by officials, Daniel thought that it would be better to avoid attention and simply cut through the woods as fast as possible so he could return back home without raising any suspicions.

Since the toll booth was connected to a highway resting stop, Daniel simply had to wait until nobody was watching before walking towards the parking lot from the woods, acting as though he was simply one of the customers as he entered the convenience store located on the other side. Little did he know, the second that he arrived before the store, a security camera had already took notice of him and sent his relevant information to the police force.

As Daniel pretended to shop for the nutrition bars at the very last aisle of the convenience store, he found people giving a few curious looks at him, making him feel a little too conspicuous. It was only after taking a look at his own clothes that he found out why people were looking at him from time to time.

"Damn it! I didn't notice it until now, but my clothes and pants are all soaked in mud from earlier! I should have found that out sooner!" Daniel cursed under his breath. However, since it was already too late, he could only act natual and proceeded to bring a bottle of water and two protein bars to the counter at the very front.

After scanning the micro-chip inside the wrist of his right hand, Daniel took his snacks and bolted out of there. Unfortunately, the second he took a step outside, he found several officers staring at him with emotionless eyes. All of them looked as though they were already waiting for him by the time he came out, proving that the officers must have been here for quite a while.

"Officers, how may I help you today?" Daniel said, trying his best to hide the nervousness behind his tone.

"Are you alright, young man? You look as though you have just passed through a hurricane." One of the officers joke with a slight grin that, to Daniel, looked more menacing than endearing.

At this time, the officer standing next to the one who gave the joke simply elbowed him before slowly walking towards Daniel, forcing the latter to shrink back lightly. Seeing such aversion from Daniel, the officer immediately raised both his hands and tried to give out the most coaxing smile he could manage. Unfortunately, due to his muscular build and fully equipped clothes, and the bulging weapon placed next to his waist, Daniel felt even more threatened instead.

"Don't worry. My name is Warden and my colleagues and I are from the Traffic Department. We usually man the toll booth right outside, you see?" The man turned his body and pointed at the toll booth behind him to further his explanations.

"After the meteorite disaster, your name had come up on the missing persons list, and a security camera from the convenience store managed to capture your face, so we're simply here to escort you to the police station. Since you have disappeared for the entire night, we need you to make a statement on what had happened to you during that time before letting you off. Just standard protocols."