
Assassin Straight

Assassins from different worlds are forced into an odd predicament. Before a VHS tape suddenly appeared. Playing the Audio revealed that this is nothing but a big game for the damned...

DaoistJIIvmp · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 11: To Much Snow

The priestess stared at Joseph in pure shock before she glanced around. They were still in the village however, the village was far more destroyed than it was in Ava's test and Huji had completely vanished. Ava locked eyes with Joseph before sweat dripped down her face. She didn't know why. But the man in front of her let out a stronger killing intent than the demon Huji.

Ava let out a weak cough while covering her mouth before smiling sweetly and speaking politely.

" I'm sorry, I'm a priestess blessed by a god named Ava but who are you? I'm guessing you're another player like me. "

Joseph stared at the priestess pondering before he grinned and spoke while extending his hand towards her, asking for a handshake.

" I'm sorry for the prior attitude, I was still on guard after completing the test but you are correct I'm another player. I'm Joseph a carpenter from a world called Earth. "

The killing intent engulfing Ava vanished with Joseph's words. Ava took Joseph's hand and was about to shake his hand until strong paranoia ran through her body making her bones chill. The hand she was holding wasn't rough like a normal carpenter instead it was extremely soft.

Ava locked eyes with Joseph who was staring at her confused. Joseph sensed that something was wrong, and quickly let go of the woman's hand. Joseph grinned once again before speaking.

" I'm sorry, is something about me bothering you? "

Ava stared at Joseph thinking until she nodded her head and spoke.

" Yes, your hands are far too soft to be a carpenter. And the killing intent that I felt from you earlier can't be from a normal man. "

The grin on Joseph's face grew wider before he laughed out loud. Ava stared at Joseph bewildered as he regained his composure. Joseph coughed before speaking to Ava.

" I'm sorry, I was forced to kill hundreds of monsters, so, of course, the killing intent I release would be strong and from my world, we also keep our hands soft but isn't it quite hypocritical. For you to complain about my killing intent when your spiffy priestess outfit is drenched in blood. "

Ava stared at Joseph about to snap until the memory of the woman inside the inn head falling off remerged. Ava's hands started to shake, until she abruptly spoke asking Joseph a question.

" Did you meet the blonde woman that was inside the Inn on the right side of the town? "

Joseph nodded his head before speaking.

" The one whose head got cut off by the guard? "

As soon as Joseph said this, veins started to bulge out of Ava's head as her right arm flickered and grabbed onto Joseph. Joseph stared at Ava's hand on his shoulder. As Ava asked two simple questions?

" Were you the ones that finished this test first and did you remove the residents of this village? "

Joseph just smirked while responding to Ava's question.

" Indeed, we finished this test first. As a matter of fact, we waited for you to finish and to answer your second question. I guess you could say we did that. But we need to focus on something else. Where the hell are our teammates? "

Joseph grabbed the woman's wrist and peeled her hand off his shoulder. Ava stared at Joseph before she bit her lips and spoke.

" Your right, but after we find them I need to ask you a few more questions. "

Joseph let go of Ava's wrist and spoke while walking past her.

" Feel free to knock yourself out. "

Ava looked back at Joseph confused before she spoke.

" You want me to knock myself out?"

Joseph glanced back at Ava making a funny face before his eyes widened and he spoke while holding onto the back of his head.

" Oh, not literally. It's just some slang from my world. It means feel free to basically. "

Ava just nodded her head until a deafening warping sound entered her ears followed by a bright blue light illuminating her face. A portal had formed in the middle of the destroyed down. Joseph quickly stopped walking and looked back at the portal. Before pivoting and walking towards it.

Ava watched as Joseph entered the portal while wagging his fingers asking for her to follow him. Ava scoffed while approaching the portal.


As soon as Ava entered the portal she was engulfed in a massive blizzard. She was surrounded by dead trees and thick snow. Standing directly in front of her was Joseph looking through the cover of falling snow trying to find any signs of civilization however, he couldn't find a single trace.

Joseph sighs before glancing back at Ava and speaking.

" Hey, if you're blessed by a god, pick a direction. I'm guessing you will have better luck than me. "

Ava looked at Joseph confused before closing her eyes and praying. Joseph waited patiently waiting for her to finish. After several seconds, Ava suddenly snapped her eyes open and pointed left. Joseph nodded his head and started to walk towards the left.

Ava and Joseph tracked through the snow for countless minutes, with their footprints behind them. Ava's body was shaking from the intense cold as Joseph walked through the blizzard with his lips chapped. After walking for another few minutes, an annoyed look appeared on Joseph's face as he looked back at Ava and spoke.

" Are you sure you're really blessed by a God? "

As soon as Ava heard this an angry look appeared on her face. Just as she was about to rebuttal, a message rang through her mind.

{ Welcome to the third test. This test is quite simple. You must walk through an endless blizzard and relocate with your teammates, who are also inside this blizzard. As soon as you finish this task, you will have completed the test and can move on to the fourth one. Anyway, good luck with your struggles :) }

Joseph stared at the message in front of him before scoffing and murmuring under his own breath. 

" The smug bastard left a smiley face? "...