

Synopsis Please don’t kill me, I will give you whatever you demand” The man am about to kill pleaded. . “OH! You sound nice, gentleman, I have been paid, and the thing is, I don’t collect money twice. And according to what you said, I NEED YOUR LIFE, nothing else, then your LIFE” I said repeatedly and smile sheepishly. And the word LIFE keeps echoing in my brain. “I don’t mean that, please spare my life” He pleaded crying and at the same time trembling. “OH! SORRY! It’s too late, maybe when you come back in your next life, I can help you eliminate the person that asked me to terminate your life” I said with a smiling face. “Please I promised to pay you handsomely if you spare my life,” The man said shaking. “Fuck that up man, am a very honest person and never betrayed my partner. But I will give you a chance to say your last prayer if you don’t have anything to say. I have a message I want you to deliver to my mother and siblings, just help me tell them I missed them a lot. “RIP,” I said and pull the trigger, which pump out his brain with blood spitting out all over the place. “Ouch! Did I just kill him?. Ohh MY HEART JUST MELT but is not my fault am a good girl you know. “I said and look at the man lying lifeless on the floor” I nod my head in pity “I need to get out of here, I said and jump through the window. I Know people will soon be here because of the sound of the gun. I will have used my silent pistol but the person who gave me the job, said, he want his death to be announced as soon as possible, so I need to draw people's attention. Meet Alice Heron nickname TERROR. A very beautiful and smart lady. She’s very cool or should I say dangerous. Did I just say cool? Maybe she’s cool and fun to be with, but you can never predict, she’s the most dangerous and wanted assassin. She makes everyone smile, but when she was sent to a household, she makes them cry bitterly. I think she’s cool, and at the same time dangerous, as I said. None of the people she worked for have ever seen her face, because she’s always on a mask wherever she’s out for a mission. Meet Tyler Harry's nickname SMART. A very smart and rich military guy. He was chosen to figure out the assassin that has been disturbing people’s lives. “What happened when a job was given to TERROR to kill SMART. The two smart people are on a mission of each other. Do you think she will succeed in killing him?. Do you think he will succeed in bringing her out to the world, as the most wanted assassin?. Do you also think they will fall in love?. What do you think will become her outcome?. Grap your popcorn now and let’s go on a mission to watch the thrilling moment that’s about to be shown on our screen.

Busayo_Jimoh · Aktion
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

"I don't support it, but I will give you a chance to prove that to me" General Morgan finalized.

"Okay sir, thanks for giving me a chance, and I promised to proof myself and bring her out to the word in just three month, it might seems long, but am very sure that I will complete this job within three month" Tyler said.

"I don't have a say, just make sure you keep to your words"General Morgan said.

"Sir, I will like to handle Gordon file over to colonel Alexis, I know she capable of this, she will help me in gathering detail about him, till an done with this job" Tyler said.

"Lieutenant general Tyler, I never doubt anything you say to me, you have been a brave and strong soldier, just like your father, my boss, and I see you have the same skills and desire, just be wise.

That's what I have for you, the case are on your table, only what I want is for you to summit the files with a job well done" General Morgan said.

"Yes sir" Tyler said and stood up. He salute him and l leave.

Lieutenant Tyler office

"What was his reply?" Alexis asked.

Tyler didn't reply, and put on a bore face.

"He said no, I thought he will agree knowing that you can do it, why can't he just agree to this, this is our only way out, if not, this girl will continue killing people's like chick, we don't even Know who is her next target"Alexis said angrily.

Tyler smile on and went to sit.

"Why are you smiling?"Alexis asked.

"Because am happy, that, you really care about the well-being of your people, you are a real soldier, so that's makes me smile, because, atleast I have one person to call upon"Tyler said and sit.

He brought out Gordon files and handle it over to Alexis.

"What for" She asked.

"He agreed, so I have decided to give Gorgon file to you, that's because I trust you" Tyler said smiling.

"Really!! WOW!! Am so really happy, tell me why are you teasing me, I was so angry thinking, he didn't agree to the plan" Alexis said smiling.

"WOW!!!!, do you just smile, you look so pretty when you smile, I always think, maybe you are some kind of beast that you are not allowed to smile" Tyler said resting his back on the chair.

"I am a boring girl, I leave in a family that no one has my time, so am always alone" Alexis said smiling.

"But that doesn't mean you should be frowning around, you will look old if you continue like this, I wonder how a man will ask you out because, you are always walking and talking with action, and you will be like, you can get back to me when you need me"Tyler said in a micmicking voice.

"You aren't serious, so you have choosed to taunt me today"Alexi's said and frown.

"You see what am saying, you don't look good whenever your look serious, well before I forget, I gave this case to you because I trusted you.

Please I just want you to get details about him, don't go too deep in this case, you Know this man is very desperate, do you get that" Tyler said.

"Sure, thanks for trusting me" She said with a smile.

"You are really smiling today, I think there's more to this smile, do you have a boyfriend?"Tyler asked.

"No, why do you asked?" Alexi's asked.

"Oh I forget that no guy will want to woo a military woman"Tyler said and burry his face on the ground.

He then look at her hanging his tongue by one side of his month.

"Huh huh, you are looking for my trouble, and I won't hesitate to give you. It is their choice either they asked me out or not"Alexis said with a pout.

"Hmmmm, okay, will you come with me to dinner, I will like to take you out for dinner, just as a friend, don't think otherwise" Tyler said.

"You mean we should go on a date, I will think about it" Alexis said and did some thinking.

"What are you thinking about, I Know you will think otherwise, that's how lady behave, I already told you there's no spring attached, I just want to take you out has a friend" Tyler said.

"Okay, no problem, I will be waiting for you " She said and took the file.

She saluted Tyler before she leaving.


Terror POV

Sak pasé!

I didn't mean to end his life, I know it wasn't right

I can't even sleep at night, can't get it off my mind

I need to get out of sight 'fore I end up behind bars

What started out as a simple altercation

Turned into a real sticky situation

Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing

Makes me wanna cry

'Cause I didn't mean to hurt him

Coulda been somebody's son

And I took his heart when

I pulled out that gun

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

Man down

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

Man down

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In Central Station

In front of a big old crowd

Oh, why?

Oh, why?

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In Central Station

It's a twenty-two, I call her Peggy Sue

When she fits right down in my shoes

What you expect me to do if you're playing me for a fool?

I will lose my cool and reach for my firearm

I didn't mean to lay him down

But it's too late to turn back now

Don't know what I was thinking

Now he's no longer living

So I'm 'bout to leave town, ay-uh

'Cause I didn't mean to hurt him

Coulda been somebody's son

And I took his heart when

I pulled out that gun

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

Man down

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

Man down

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down

In Central Station

In front of a big old crowd

Oh, why?

Oh, why?

Oh, mama, mama, mama

I just shot a man down (Would you hear me now?)

In Central Station

Look, I'd never thought I'd do it

Never thought I'd do it

Never thought I'd do it, oh gosh

Whatever happened to me?

Ever happened to me?

Ever happened to me?

Why did I pull the trigger, pull the trigger

Pull the trigger, boom

And end a nigga, end a nigga life so soon?

When mi pull the trigger, pull the trigger

Pull it 'pon you

Somebody tell me what I'm gonna, what I'm gonna do? Eh

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

Mi say wah man down

A weh mi say

Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum

When mi went downtown

'Cause now I am criminal, criminal, criminal

I keep singing with my earphone on my head dancing to the melody of the song. I sighted Rhian who stood by the door pole.

"Oh! you are here girlie" I said removing my earphone.

"Common am enjoying the music, is a boom" Rhian said coming inside.

"Yeah, I really love the song, especially that line she said.

Why did I pull the trigger, pull the trigger

Pull the trigger, boom

And end a nigga, end a nigga life so soon?

When mi pull the trigger, pull the trigger " I said and demonstrate like I was holding a gun

"Seriously that line is a blast, the song is boom, Rihanna is so talented, I always like all of her music and Man down was just an exceptional" Rhian said.

"Where's your boyfriend?"I asked.

"You mean Johny" Rhian replied.

"Yes of course, do you have any other boyfriend except from him" I said playfully.

"He's not my boyfriend, but am attracted to him, I do like him a lot"She said blushing hard.

"You have really fallen for this guy, if I won't lie is cute but I don't just know why I don't really like him, my spirit isn't working with his" I said.

"Please, like him for my sake, I promised you won't regret that, please I think you consider me has a sister, so, just do this for me"Rhian said holding my hand and place her head on it.

"Anything for you" I said and she blushes hard.

"Girl let's hang out tonight" Terror said.

"Hmmm, you know I work at night in a club, and am not on leave today, so let's leave it till another day" Rhian said.

"I understand buddy, I am on leave today, so, I just feel like mingling, but no qualms, I understand" I said and smile.

"Okay, I need to go and get ready " Rhian said and stood up.

I lied to her, that, I was working as a security officer in a company, because she has one asked me if I had any other job except from a Fisherwoman.

"Okay girlie, take good care of yourself"I said.

She nod her head and went out of my room.

Authoress POV

Robber hidout

Unknown POV

"Master, this bank as more and stronger security, so it might not be easy for us to get the money" One of the robber gang said.

"Why are you scared, you don't have to worry, all I know is that, you must not shoot not until I order you to, if you dare do that, I will kill you myself.

Make sure you are prepared to run incase if anything happens, and I have a new idea in which all of you will be surprised, how I was so smart to think about this" Their boss said and brought out some copies of handbook for her bag.

"See this how do you see it?" Their boss asked.

And gave all the three gang members the handbook.

"What's this for boss"Another of them asked.

."Baby face don't be in an hurry, I will explain everything to you all" Their master said and explained all the details to them.

"BRAVO!!? You deserve an award boss"Beauty one of the to robbers said.

City Bank

"Hey take me to where the money are stored" The robber boss command and point a gun at the bank manager head.

"I will take you there, please don't kill me" He said trembling and piss on his body.

"Wooooo, Are you scared, you know what we won't hurt you, just cooperate and take us to where the money is stored" Baby face said.

"Am not interested in all this talk, if you aren't careful I will blow off your head " Baggy another of the robber said and drag the man up with full force.

"Beauty you stay by the door and baby face go up and look if there is any one there" Their boss said.

As she and baggy drag the manager into the bank vault.

After they are done, they went out of the bank..

They raised their gun in the air and start shooting. They heard the sound of police siren approaching.

"Let's wait and play with them for a few minutes

Baby face, take and this and paste it on the door" Their boss said and give her a handbook.

She went to paste it at the bank door, while the remaining three stand, with their gun ready to shoot waiting for the police to come.

Baby face also come to join them after pasting the handbook.

"Fireeeeeee" the boss shouted Immediately she sight the police van. They start shooting.

The police also fired back at them but the were quite to smart that the dough all the bullet.

"Let's move girls" They master shouted.

And they ran out of that place with the bag of money they packed.

The hotel manager already collapsed.

The police leader moved closer to the door and check what they paste on it. His eyes widened.