

Synopsis Please don’t kill me, I will give you whatever you demand” The man am about to kill pleaded. . “OH! You sound nice, gentleman, I have been paid, and the thing is, I don’t collect money twice. And according to what you said, I NEED YOUR LIFE, nothing else, then your LIFE” I said repeatedly and smile sheepishly. And the word LIFE keeps echoing in my brain. “I don’t mean that, please spare my life” He pleaded crying and at the same time trembling. “OH! SORRY! It’s too late, maybe when you come back in your next life, I can help you eliminate the person that asked me to terminate your life” I said with a smiling face. “Please I promised to pay you handsomely if you spare my life,” The man said shaking. “Fuck that up man, am a very honest person and never betrayed my partner. But I will give you a chance to say your last prayer if you don’t have anything to say. I have a message I want you to deliver to my mother and siblings, just help me tell them I missed them a lot. “RIP,” I said and pull the trigger, which pump out his brain with blood spitting out all over the place. “Ouch! Did I just kill him?. Ohh MY HEART JUST MELT but is not my fault am a good girl you know. “I said and look at the man lying lifeless on the floor” I nod my head in pity “I need to get out of here, I said and jump through the window. I Know people will soon be here because of the sound of the gun. I will have used my silent pistol but the person who gave me the job, said, he want his death to be announced as soon as possible, so I need to draw people's attention. Meet Alice Heron nickname TERROR. A very beautiful and smart lady. She’s very cool or should I say dangerous. Did I just say cool? Maybe she’s cool and fun to be with, but you can never predict, she’s the most dangerous and wanted assassin. She makes everyone smile, but when she was sent to a household, she makes them cry bitterly. I think she’s cool, and at the same time dangerous, as I said. None of the people she worked for have ever seen her face, because she’s always on a mask wherever she’s out for a mission. Meet Tyler Harry's nickname SMART. A very smart and rich military guy. He was chosen to figure out the assassin that has been disturbing people’s lives. “What happened when a job was given to TERROR to kill SMART. The two smart people are on a mission of each other. Do you think she will succeed in killing him?. Do you think he will succeed in bringing her out to the world, as the most wanted assassin?. Do you also think they will fall in love?. What do you think will become her outcome?. Grap your popcorn now and let’s go on a mission to watch the thrilling moment that’s about to be shown on our screen.

Busayo_Jimoh · Aktion
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

The commander chief of army Captain Leo Henkel.

Is painful losing him. he tried all his best to get this man but couldn't.

So case was closed that time, another of our great soldier and a good boss captain Harry Lionel raised this case but he couldn't get him till he retired. That because they are betrayals among us.

But am so really happy that someone among us, as decided to raise the case again and is ready to get the man down, which I believe he will do perfectly because I never doubt his competency.

So I am calling out lieutenant colonel Tyler Harry.

Let show him some respect" Captain Morgan said in an authority tone.

They all salute him. He also salute them.

He walked like a brave soldier he is to the podium.

We should respect and support him.

He will choose anyone he thinks can help him.

That's all I have to say" He said and drop the microphone.

They all salute him has he walked down the podium.


Terror POV

I was in my room when I received a message from one of my customers.

"Kill him tonight"I read the text and scrolled down to check the picture.

Wow he actually give me my food.

"My Mela, that's the most important thing" I texted him.

Well, that's the way of asking for my money.

I don't do deeds that doesn't fetch me money, I received my money, I got you job done.

I rest patiently on my bed, waiting for his reply.

"Thief, thief thief"I heard someone shouting from outside my room.

I sprang off the bed "Who are these people, why do they like to disturb my peace"I said angrily.

"Let me go and check. Is not like am a gossiper, to be sincere I don't pucknose in other affairs, but I just want to see what's going on out there" I said to no one in particular and went outside.

I saw a woman in her late fiftth crying.

"Alice a robber collected her bag from her, what a pity, but she should have known by now that, this is a ghetto and should have handle her bag more carefully"Rhian said checking her head and burst into laughter.

"You are a badass. I thought you wanted to show her some pity, but you are making jest of her" I said nodding my head negatively.

"You Know am not so merciful like you. How could she not be aware that this place is a slum.

I trust those guys, no time to check time you know. If you don't act smart, your case is, sorry!" Rhian said licking her lips together.

"I will be back" I said and went to the woman.

"Please help me, they have collected my bag.

The money inside is for my daughter surgery, I came to meet someone around here, so, she can help to add little amount of money, to the money, but they took it away from me" The woman said crying.

"Don't worry I will get you bag for you, just wait for me here, I will be back soon" I said and head to the thugs hidout.

Everywhere was really messed. I saw five of them. They were rejoicing, as they were about opening the bag.

"Hey stop that!" I said in a husky voice.

"What are you doing here young lady?" One of the thugs asked.

"I want you to handle that bag over to me, easily and without any argument" I said.

They all burst out laughing.

"What's funny here?" I asked angrily.

"Can you imagine this fool walked here, and tell us to hand I over this bag to her, just like that, is that how it's so easy to grab a bag from someone. So after all our effort to get this bag, we will just hand it over to you" One of them said moving closer to me.

"I said, give It to me right now" I said in an husky voice.

"See this fool behaving like a hero, and who gave you the gut to come to this place" A guy with full six pack and huge body said.

"And what are you gonna do, hmmm?" I asked adjusting my wrist.

"You entered into the lion den, and think you can go sxcott free"Another of them said exhaling the smokes of the cigarette in his mouth.

"I am not here to fight you guys, am only asking for simple thing, but you refused to give it to me, then I will have to use force" I said and stretched my neck.

"Is she gonna fight. Let's wait and see what she can do" Another of them said.

"I will break her into pieces. But I won't do that I will use her has my chewing stick, you know what I mean by that"He said to his friends.

And they all burst into laughter.

"Come and have the bag" One of them said and drop their bag in their middle.

This people are the biggest fool even. I will make sure they don't go scoff free with this.

I moved closer to them. They sat like a hero not even scared.

I went to there middle and took the bag.

"You fool" The guy with six pack said and held me by my hand.

I punch him hard on his mouth. He fell on the ground and his mouth start bleeding.

"If you dare try shit with me ever again. I won't mind to kill you"I said and took the bag.

One of them try to attack me with a knife. I dough it and blow on I his neck.

I could heard the sounds of the bone which show's it has misplaced.

"Ouch my neck"He groan in pain rolling on the ground.

The rest charged towards me. I manage to bring them down without dropping the bag.

I heard a shout of someone being hit from behind. I look back and saw Rhian with a log of wood.

And a guy who was on the group. There's was a knife by his side.

"Let's get out of here" Rhian said and drag me by my hand.

"Wait a minute, I said and took the knife on the floor. I slab the guy on his right lap three times.

He groan in pain. "Alice, common!"Rhian said and grab my hand.

We both leave the visinity immediately.

Authoress POV

"Why do you want to get yourself into a big trouble, because of someone you don't even Know?" Rhian asked.

"I don't know her, but I can't leave her just like that, the money in the bag is for her daughter surgery. I know I can face those thugs, that why I choosed to help her" Terror replied.

"You would have been slab, if I didn't come out of my hidden place.

"But wait a minute, how manage. I mean how were you able to brought all of them down. I mean five huge guys ooooh!" Rhian asked raising her figure in the air not able to digest the fact that Alice was able to deal with those thugs.

"I learnt kungfu when I was very young, so that potential is still in me, even after many years"Terror replied.

"WOW! I will be happy if can teach me, I will be able to face many thugs. I will hit them so hard that they won't remember anything about there pass life"Rhian said smiling.

"You know am very busy this days, I will teach you when I am spare"Terror replied.

"Thanks a lot, you are such a sweetheart" Alice said and jump up.

At a very popular club.

Terror POV

The smokes of cigarettes and sounds of music, welcomed me as I walked into the club.

I can't believe what my eyes are seeing.

There's are some stripers dancing while some guys with six pack and handsome look where straying money on their b*tt. But to be sincere am really loving the sight am seeing.

The way they are shaking their b*tt was so lovely. If not that I am here for Another thing I will have continue to watch this scene.

I stylishly look at the prey I came to kill. Imagine this fool enjoying himself with beautiful babe's.

Well enjoy yourself because this gonna be your last day on earth.

Within some hours now you will be death.

You are the next person to be in all the news paper headline tommorow. I sat on a chair looking around the club.

Two hours later.

I check my wristwatch.

"TERROR get ready, time to go" I said to myself and get up, I went out of the club.

Waiting for that idiot to come out. Luckily for me, he came out just that minute already drunk. I moves closer to him like one of those stripers.

"WOW!!" Is this an Angel?" He asked. "Yes an angel sent to you by God almighty, you know I have been waiting for you to be done with those girls since, but you took so long. You Know am speacial and I don't like dragging with those girls" I said and pull out my tongue seductively

And make feezes with the gum I was chewing.

"You should have come, I will have sent them away for you" He said.

"The First time I saw you,I have known you have a good heart" I said and caress is chest in though he was still on clothes.

"Don't let do it out here, let's go to my house" He said and we both went to his car.

He was about to drive the car. I put my hand in his lap and slowly move it to his dick.

"Common babe, take it easy with me, am going crazy already" He said breathing slowly.

"oh!! Baby I can't restrict your handsomeness, please just give me a chance to show you the type of person I am" I said and grip is d*ck harder.

I feel like twisting his manhood so he can just die but I won't do that.

"Ouch" He shouted. "Common babe, that was just a joke"I said and move my lips closer to his. I pull out my tongue and give him a fresh kiss and slowly I make it deeper.

I used my hand too caress his chest slowly. Till I get to his neck. I roll myself around him.

"Babe don't let me lose control, if you continue like this, then I won't be able to drive you home safely" he said smiling passionately and pull me closer to himself. "I want to feel you thing underneath me. I said and kissed his neck slowing.

"An I won't hesitate to make you mine, but why don't we go home first" He said and try to reconcile by caressing my breast.

"Shch, don't say a word now, just let this be, now close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your eyes" I said and he does as I said.

"Obedient boy' I use my eyebrow to tell him to look at his left hand side.

"What!" He shouted when he saw I knife close to his neck.

I wink at him, and smile wickedly.

I smile elapsed my lips while staring at the knife I used to kill my prey.

"You are small but mighty," I said to the knife and wipe the blood on it with a rag.

"Wow!!, You are too much TERROR, you deserve the best award" I said and smile sheepishly.

I went to the sink and watch the knife properly.

"They claim he is a strong man but it doesn't take me a day to eliminate him," I said smiling.


I head into my room after giving the bag back to the woman.

I already have many messages from the man