
1.2. It's called a Prologue with a Cliffhanger

By the time I reached the small clearing around the house, light was more of a suggestion than a constant in the world. My eyes strained to see anything yet in every corner the wind made leaves and bushes rustle as if someone was creeping.

Ducking under a window I flattened myself against the houses wall, crouching in the mud. There didn't seem to be any noise coming from inside, but the patter of rain wasn't doing me any favors here. Thunder rumbled from above as I slowly rose from my position to take a peek. With my view I could see almost the entirety of the first floor which was made up of a single room. An oil lamp was illuminating the inside, it was empty of people but I still had to be careful. Shuffling toward the door, I pushed it from the side, softly swinging it wide open with a hand, it creaked with its rusty hinges but was mostly drowned out by the rain.

I cleared my mind, spun to cover the doorway while leveling my gun and keeping it close to my center. The barrel was trained onto a corner that I couldn't see from the window then, finding it clear, immediately towards the shadowy stairwell. Silently stepping forward onto the marble floor, my boots trailing mud, I searched for signs of a skirmish. I don't believe she would be taken without a fight.

The room, illuminated by the orange glow of the flame, remained as peculiar as ever even though I was staying here. This was one of the many questions I wanted to ask the woman but couldn't get an answer. There were normal items, a coat hanger with my jacket, the couch I slept on, a tiny table with two chairs. Right next to these of course was a jade Chinese dragon the size of a small dog, unopened wooden crates sitting in corners, and on half a dozen wooden shelves were trinkets of every shape and size reflecting the light, the usual items you'd think a lady on an island would have. I didn't know exactly what she was doing here or what was in the boxes but I could guess.

The storm from outside was now a dull roar when I scrunched my brow in thought, my aim lowering. Something wasn't right. A low but constant thudding came from upstairs floating through the rains noise. I tensed up and leveled my gun again. Crossing the thought out of my mind I made my way to the wooden stairs, the steps squeaking softly under me.

When I reached the second floor it was pitch black, but I was familiar with the layout.

Lightning flashed through the open windows, coloring everything black and white, a second later the rumble of thunder came. Opposite the stair well, against the wall, was a tall cabinet. Next to it stood a table on top of which make-up was meticulously arranged. To my right was a king-sized bed filled with pillows and silks while to the left was the balcony, it's doors wide open letting the wind blow through shaking the doors and making the thud sound again.

Strafing the wall I eyed every piece of the darkness, my weapon ready to fire. I got to the corner and waited. The wind came in again with a chill, this time bringing the rain and spraying the floor. A few more seconds went by and as my grip tightened on the gun the thought from before grew again in my mind. The back of my mouth was dry when I whispered into the shadows, "Knives?"

It was clearly a fake name but it was the only one she had given me. No answer. I could feel sweat building on me, swallowing I tried again, "Knives?"

She wasn't here. Then it hit me, no one was here. There were no lookout, no tracks on the floor, no person hiding in the shadows because no one was here.

Lightning flashed again and something on the bed moved.

My heart thumped loudly as I edged closer to it. The beds ornaments were actually arranged in a semicircle, the blanket and pillows forming the rim while silks were strewn on top of a shape in the middle. It moved again pushing against its cover.

Staring at it, my mouth was dry and my breathing heavy. I needed an answer, something, anything to know what was going on. I moved a hand over the shape and carefully pinched the silk, then, after a deep breath, removed it.

Under the cover was a baby. Naked in the darkness it looked to be sleeping restlessly, kicking away more sheets and scrunching its face.

I clamped my mouth shut, muscles tensed, eyes wide open, not didn't trust myself to move. I gripped the gun harder, feeling my shirt stick to my back with sweat. The wind rushed in again to fill the room, the balcony doors clattered loudly at this and I turned to the balcony still half expecting someone, anyone, to appear. A frightening thought entered my mind she isn't here. She must be outside. What if she took the plane?

Sprinting out I stopped at the stairs and looked back. The baby was still there. One problem at a time. Why was it here? One problem at a time. What was I supposed to do with it? One problem at a time.

I bounded down steps my shoes thundering against the steps. From upstairs a cry pierced the rain's rhythm freezing me in place again. One problem at a time. I took the oil lamp and grabbed the jacket on the way out.

Thunder rolled and crashed among the clouds, the wind howled making the branches of old trees creak and rain poured down like a static over the world. I've been in many dark and stormy nights, that was most nights for me, the only difference now was that I had to deal with it.

My name is unimportant, it could be Benny or Banks or some other name that started with the letter B. I've changed so many times that it's lost any meaning now.

I wonder what people would think if they saw me tonight. For as long as I could think everyone has assured me that I was impeccable. Perfect eyes, perfect teeth, perfect form. But right now, could they see the fear in my eyes? The desperation in my jaw? The franticness in my feet. With the rain matting down my hair, soaking me to the bone, I called out, "Knives!"

In one hand I still clutched the gun while in the other the lamp had gone out. Lost in the dark woods I needed more light. I clenched my jaw and felt my eyes light on fire. "KNIVES!" I shouted.

The air steamed and hissed around me, the rain evaporating the instant it touched my skin. Around me objects materialize instantly, a lightbulb shattering from the heat of creation. A lamp appearing too high and broke on the ground. A flaming torch doused by the rain. The woods were filled with blue bursts of color that died instantly when finally a single flashlight landed in the mud. Its white beam shooting forward to reveal the plane.

The wind rocked it gently to and fro, the rain pelted it merciless, but it was still here. No girl in sight. The flashlight was still heating up and with a pop and fizzle I was in darkness again.

I was breathing heavily. Lightning pierced the sky and something broke inside me. I would never know happened here. My body gave up, I dropped my gun in the mud. I looked at the plane, then down at the mud, got up and decided to turn around.

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