

so I read a comment that said that I downplayed Odin too much ,well I expected it to be the other way around like I nerfed the mc or something like that , oh well to answer to that I want to let you know that Odin although powerful is far far past his prime and his life force is being constantly drained by hella's seal. so he doesn't use any big moves so to not be unprepared for the unexpected.

the votes for new novel are open till the last chp I uploaded tomorrow.

ps. now I am going to fast forward the story a little so please be ready.

mc and Thor are 150 with Loki and Sif 149

As I went towards the throne room to ask my father about leaving for midgard , I thought about what happened in these 50 years , well first of all when Loki's birthday came he was led to the treasurery to find if something appeals to him and it did a helmet that had long horns on it. it allowed him to enhance his shape shifting powers, ( which I forgot about till now) and as he did not have a weapon I sent a message to my dwarf friend to make him a spear and as well as twin daggers that could be summoned back to his hand almost instantly ,my personal runic formula that one.

and as Sif became 100 as well she was given dual swords that connect themselves at the Handel by heimdall so I being the loving lover I am gifted her with a beautiful necklace in which I inscribed my personal runic formula and guess what it does , I will give you a hint it involves going from one place to another instantaneously , yep you heard it right I made my own hiraishin seal ,which I have also applied to all my arrows so when my released arrow touched someone or something it releases the seal on to them.

and Thor has been going on his adventures throughout the realms with his friends. as I was thinking that I reached the throne room.

as I entered and bowed after reaching the stairs to the throne I said to him,

Jarl:" greetings father"

Odin:" greetings to you too son , did you have something to say to me?"

Jarl:" yes father I would like your permission to go to midgard for a vacation " as Odin was about to reply a messenger came to the throne hurriedly , bowed and said,

messenger :" your majesty we received a msg from our allies of vanir that there is a rebellion going on there and they respect help from Asgard " well he said allies but all the nine realms are subordinates of Asgard given the names allies,

Odin stood up from his throne and slammed his spear on the ground , then said send a msg towards our generals to gather our forces and be ready to war ,then turned towards me and said,

Odin:" you can go after we settle this war and I want you to go along with our soldiers and lead the army along with our generals".

Jarl:" I will do as you say father" saying that I went to prepare my stuff for this for which will last however long.

50 years later. . . .

50 years that's how long for the war to end and in this time I improved by leaps and bounds and made a name for myself out there.

in this war at first the generals tried to undermine my authority in the army to which I did nothing but observe the ones trying to that and after proving my power out there I started to rise flames of loyalty in the army about me as instead of being behind the army and commanding them through there I commanded them by being with them in the front and killed more than the kills of more than half the army put together.

and through that I took over the army slowly but surely then those who at first tried to undermine my authority I did same to them , tit for tat I tell you , also Thor with his friends , Loki and Sif came to join the war a few times but didn't stay to long and left after being bored ,I was not required to stay too as I was just sent to get experience but I stayed because I was improving rapidly, maybe due to my asgardian bloodline I thrived in battle or the saying about the that the best place to improve is a battlefield is true ,i guess.

my relationship with sif improved a lot that you can say we were married for years ,we could understand each other by just looking in the eyes and sometimes even that is not necessary. which is also applied to the sexual side of our life too , if you know what I mean 'hehehehe' but I still did not have sex with her as I firmly believe that should only be after marriage and even making out should be too ,but she is too irresistible for that so me control the urge to have sex is enough for now.

Anyways it's time I gave myself a vacation so after returning to Asgard I rested for about a month in which I only did light training and spending my time with Sif then told her I was going to have an adventure and want to take her with me , well I say adventure but it also doubles as a mission to get the animals native to their home planets to increase my arsenal of pets. when she said yes I went to Odin to get permission again ,he said that I can go and use the bifrost as I like.

after getting the permission I went to mother ,Loki and Thor and said byes to all of them , went to my room packed then headed outside of the castle, then waited for Sif to come,when she came I instead of using my favorite eagle took out a gaint tiger and said it to take me to bifrost and he did,

when we reached there I and Sif greeted heimdall then I requested him a perk he earned by being the brother and guardian of my girlfriend, to open the bifrost, as the portal opened I took Sif in my arms not caring about her brother staring at us and asked her,

Jarl:" Are you ready my love" I know she was but I just asked for the effect, she answered,

Sif:" yes I am ready --" then leaned into my arms and whispered into my ears "master" . I whispered back to her,

Jarl:" looks like my kitty is being naughty , maybe I should stop our journey for a day and punish her" hearing that she was instantly embarrassed and dragged me into the portal saying,

Sif:" come on heimdall can't have the portal all day" I allowed myself be dragged and thought 'cute' then before stepping into the portal I looked back towards Asgard and thought just after how much time I will come back , and stepped into the portal.

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