
Chapter 7: A strange Phenomenon

We reached the entrance and saw a girl standing there, she had waist length white hair and sky blue eyes, her face looked perfect without any blemishes, she was Selene Neoma, our friend and my crush.

"Hey Selene, were you waiting for us?" Elijah called her, which grabbed the attention of the other students and also earned a few curses, because Selene was one of the most beautiful girls in this university, some would even say she's the most beautiful and ofcourse I am one of them.

Selene looked towards us and for a second I saw her eyes get wide in surprise but she suppressed it soon.

"Hey Ryan and Elijah, both of you are 10 minutes late." She said with a smile.

"Oh it's because of Ryan, he overslept." Elijah said while pointing back at me.

If I had the option to turn into a dragon, the first thing I would do is skewer him with metal rods then sit by the bonfire to enjoy him.

"That's rare because it is something you would do, not him." Selene smirked at elijah.

Ah..the best girl.

"Ehem...so shall we go?" Elijah said while clearing his throat.

"Okay." I said while patting his shoulder.

As we were walking around the university, I noticed that the people were looking at me quite differently.

Before.... they looked at me like I was a nerd, because of my good scores, but now, they are looking at me with a shocked face, sometimes they even let out a sigh of fascination.

"Hey, isn't that Ryan?" A woman spoke in a low voice to her friend

"Hmm...he looks like him, but at the same time he doesn't." the friend replied.

"Damn, he's an eye candy." I heard someone say this, but didn't bother looking around.

I looked at Selene and called her, but she didn't listen, then I tapped her shoulder, she turned towards me but her face held a frown.

Selene, did something happen, I asked her

"No, everything is fine, just some bugs are bothering me." She said with a scorn.

Hmm...okay, I didn't pry much, but then I heard Elijah speaking "Fuck, I don't want to see that bitch."

Dude, calm down, she won't eat you.

"She has her reasons, you never pay attention to what she's teaching." Selene said in an indifferent tone.

Anyway, as we walked towards our classroom, I smelt something different. It had an iron-like smell. Is it blood?, hmm.... close but not exactly blood. I wonder who this smell belongs to.

We reached our classroom, and I saw a woman in her 40s. She was our teacher. She looked at us and Said in an annoyed tone, "Late again, why don't you guys stay at home, no need to come here."

"Ryan and Selene, go to your seats, and Elijah, my favourite student, please stand outside." she said with a smile.

"I am fucked, aren't I?" Elijah asked with a weird smile.

"Yes, you definitely are." We said before going inside the class.

As we moved inside, I saw that all the girls were looking at me with fascination. On the other hand, guys were looking at me with pure hatred oozing from their eyes. I guess this is what happens when you are friends with a top beauty.

As we took our seats, Selene said "Aren't you enjoying yourself too much?"

"I guess, this is quite new to me." I said, smiling back at her.

"Ryan, stop talking." Miss Higgins said.

"Alright teacher, but what are you teaching about?"

"Oh I guess you don't know about it, yesterday a strange phenomenon was seen in the sky, some people even say they heard a menacing roar, a lot of pictures and videos were taken, and here, we have some of them." She said and played a video. In this video millions of stars were seen moving, they were arranging themselves to create something in the sky, the constellations were glowing brilliantly as if welcoming a new friend, and soon the dragon which was made up of stars was complete.

The dragon looked majestic, it had 3 pairs of wings and an almost humanoid shape, Its wings were like blades. Soon the light emitted by the constellations increased to a new level and the dragon let out a roar, the video ended there.

Why didn't mom and Rebecca tell me about it, this is so cool, was it because of my awakening?..... impossible, I am not that powerful.

"Selene, why didn't you tell me about it?" It was really weird that no one informed me about it.

"I thought you already knew this." Selene said she was still looking at the image of the dragon.

"Beautiful, no matter how many times I look at it." Miss Higgins said, still mesmerised by it.

"Ehem.... Scientists have no explanation about this as they are shocked to the core because this changes everything we know about space." she said in a stern voice.

"And ofcourse there are people who say that our end is coming, we all might die and stuff, but as I always say, they are just creating gossip material." she said in a mocking voice.

"But don't you guys think it's dangerous." A man said from the back row.

"Dangerous.....I don't know, but it looks so-" A woman said.

"Stunning." Her friend completed her words.


"Our class ends here, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Miss Higgins said before leaving the class, after she left Elijah came inside the class and said in an amusing tone "That almost made me nut on my pants."

"Elijah, you are disgusting." Selene said with a frown.

"Hey, that's just a way to talk, I didn't-" He tried to say something but when his hands went inside his pockets he stopped.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." He said and left the classroom in a hurry.

"He couldn't control himself, pitiful guy." I said

"Hey Ryan, wanna chill out at my place, my parents are not home today." Selene said while looking at me with an irresistible smile.

"Okay." I replied in an instant as if hesitance was never a term.

"Let's go then." Selene said before standing up from her seat.

But then, that same blood-like smell assaulted my nose. This time it was close. As we left the class, I saw a blonde haired guy talking with a girl. It was Max, the so-called most handsome guy in the university, well not anymore.

"Don't bother with him, he's an asshole." Selene said, her eyes had a menacing glint.

After we left the university, I saw a car waiting for Selene. We sat inside it and went towards Selene's home. On the way we talked about mundane stuff.

Soon we reached her home. It was Mansion one would rarely see in real life. The place was huge; how many rooms does this place have? The garden had different varieties of flowers which looked beautiful basking in sunlight. The place had a beautiful Moon Statue in the middle of the garden. It didn't take long for me to realise that she was richer than most rich people.

A maid with black hair and purple eyes, she was 167cm tall, and had a petite figure, she opened the door and greeted Selene "Lady Selene, we have a guest today?" The maid asked in an enthusiastic tone.

"Jessica, ask the kitchen staff to prepare something for us and show Ryan the way to my room."

"Yes, Lady Selene." Jessica said with a smile

"Ryan, I'll meet you after I freshen up, till then you wait in my room."

"Oh, okay." I said while waving at her.

She said to wait in her room... something seems fishy, I looked at the maid who asked me to follow her, this girl why do I feel something....oh wait, she's not human.

I grinned and said "I'll just wait here."

"But Lady Sel-" She tried to say something but at this point it was not anything that held significance.

"Hmm....I already told you that I WILL STAY HERE." I said while releasing a bit of my aura.

This much should be enough right?.....Oh it's working.

She shivered a bit and said "You are not human."

"That's right, just like you I am not human." I said with a smile which showed all of my teeth, a sliver of my flame escaped my mouth.

"A dragon?" She asked in a shocked tone.

"Precisely." I said, but then I sensed Selene coming back, I looked at the scared maid and said "Keep quiet."

I wonder if she knows about me being a dragon... it'll be interesting if she knows.

"Ryan, you didn't go to my room?" She asked, surprised by it.

"Yes, I don't like to jeopardise anyone's privacy unless it's really important." I said with an amiable smile.

"Oh.....this is surprising, Elijah said that you usually enter his room without asking." Selene said with a slight smile.

"I do it because we don't have anything to hide among us, unlike you who I barely know anything about." The smile on my face is still unmoving.

"I see, so you don't consider me your friend." She said with a tinge of sadness painted in her voice, she sat down on the couch in the hall, her hairs were still wet, signifying she just came out of the bath, She was wearing a black skirt and a white top.

"I never said that, I just said that I don't know much about you and it's obvious because we didn't have much time to spend together." I said still smiling without fail.

Too weird....I don't feel good, something is very strange here, should I check her?, Hmm....that should work.

I used my optic power to check her and saw something really unusual...A circular silvery aura in her chest, I felt like I was watching the full moon on a starry night, all alone...she's related to the moon, but what exactly is she?.

"Oh are you checking me out.....how do I feel from inside?" she asked in an excited tone.

I looked at her and said "Lonely... don't you have people to take care of you?"

"I do, but they can't help me." Selene said, sadness evident in her voice.

"Oh...do you need my help for that?" I said with a slight smile

"Maybe, Mr.Dragon" Selene said with a smirk.

"Guess I don't need to explain stuff, Good because I hate explaining." I looked at her and said,

"What's your real name?" She looked straight at my eyes ready to check if I was lying.

"Just call me Ryan, you don't need to know my name yet.....and I think you already know that telling someone who is not a dragon our real name means that we really trust that person and quite frankly, I don't trust you, even a bit." I said in a deep voice.

"So what exactly are you? I asked Selene, still not removing my gaze from her figure.

"I am a goddess, The moon goddess." She said while her eyes glowed blue and I felt drowsy, but I released the black fire from my palm and covered my body with it.

"Isolate." I said, and the fire around my body condensed and formed a translucent barrier.

"Why did you try to attack me if you hold no ill intent towards me." I asked, I felt disappointed, she could've handled it better, why did she attack now?, why not before?

"So you have the power to control time, a terrifying power, do you know who held this power?." Her smile brightened even more.

"I don't care, why did you do it?" I said monotonously.

She's a goddess, I can't defeat her for now, I might look like a coward but this is for survival.

"I just wanted you to relax, from the moment you came here you never let your guard down, I tried to test you and your desires many times, but failed miserably, tell me what do you desire?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"You sound like the devil trying to make a deal with a human, but alas I am not human, so I'll tell you, I want the people who I love to stay out of this supernatural world for now because desires are like clothes, we change them regularly." I said with a smile which said I don't give a fuck.

But then Selene said something that shocked the hell out of me "Marry me."


"Yes you will but not now." She said, blushing a little.

Woah.....she almost convinced me but not today, I ran towards the door and summoned my sword to slash it, after getting rid of the door, I released my wings and did something every sensible man should do.

Oh, what did I do you ask?

Ofcourse, I ran away because a monster is better than a woman who takes things too fast.

He ran away?, but why?

Even I don't know

Alvin_Celestcreators' thoughts
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