
As We Claim Our Wicked Fates

Three best friends, two choices, one fate. Waking up with splitting headaches in a wrecked carriage, three girls were met with unfamiliar faces and attires that seemed oddly out of date for the year that they were currently in. But when realization hit, that those unfamiliar faces that were wearing those oddly outdated clothings were no other than themselves, the only thing they could do was stare at each other for a long period of time, until another realization came crashing in.. stepping out of the havoc, and looking around the scene, the three became more aware of the situation they were in. "The carriage that the sisters were riding on fell down a cliff..", they muttered those words like it sealed their fates. They were in a fantasy novel.. a fantasy novel they just started to read together before everything they knew became someone else's memories. Someone that's role is to eventually die.. a heinous villainess. And now, with the obvious death route that's laid for them to walk on, the three of them only had two choices.. take the death flags that were given to them, or change the plot to their advantage. But with only having to read halfway through the storyline, will they be able to push through? With their impending death routes marching along the clock, will they be able to change their shared fates in time? One fate, one chance.. as the girls live on with their completely altered lives, will they be able to survive, as they claim their wicked fates?

Hyrsthyn · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 02

"And whoever we meet, whatever they ask.. we don't remember anything-- got it?"-she added quietly, as the carriage wheels stopped right above the cliff, where they laid below, faking unconsciousness.


Current time...

"My Ladies!"-A familiar voice from behind them shouted, pulling them out from their reverie. They turned to look at a someone running towards them and stopping just a few steps away from where they sat, barely catching his breath, it was a young boy, who was just older than them by a year. Bane, their coachman slash personal butler.

"My ladies, where have you all been? I've been running around the school for hours now, trying to find you!"-He exclaimed, still trying to catch his breath, and reaching for his handkerchief on his front chest pocket to wipe off the sweat beads on his forehead.

"Well first of all, hello Mr Bane, how was your day? Ours was great! And second of all, why did you run around to find us, when you're supposed to just wait in the carriage for us, as per our discussion?"-Helia greeted him playfully with a tad bit of sarcasm.

Her personal way of scolding the rude boy, who may be older than them by a year and their butler in this current world of theirs. But he's actually younger than them by a two years, if they consider their ages in their past lives. Bane was a nineteen-year-old, while their characters were eighteen. But as their twenty one old selves, they couldn't help but see him as, just a young boy who still needs to get taken under their wings.

"I-I was.. there was.."-He started to explain but stumbled on his words.

"Is there something the matter?"-Fiore intervened when he saw that he was having a hard time explaining himself.

"T-there were.. these- earlier they.."-Bane still stuttered yet again, looking almost pale from exhaustment. Lila scrunched her brows, stood up and pulled him to sit down on her seat earlier.

"Get it together Bane, you look like you've just escaped a life and death situation."-Lila tapped his shoulders and stood beside where Fiore was sitting. Waiting for Bane to catch his breath before questioning him again.

"Now talk."-Helia nudged after he calmed down.

"There were three noble ladies by the academy's entrance, where I stood by earlier, waiting for your arrival. They were speaking about teaching Lady Helia a lesson. So I ran to find you."-He explained looking concerned, even looking around them, like searching for possible threats in sight. The three exchanged looks, thinking about who might those be.

"Did you happen to recognize which noble family they belong to?"-Fiore asked after she stood up, facing Bane. While Helia and Lila were quietly listening in. Not really making a deal out of it, but still curious.

"I didn't.. but one of them had blonde hair and freckles.. she was the one who seemed the most upset about Lady Helia, saying she needs to get back at her."-Bane answered, trying his best to recall the details of what he saw and heard. Fiore and Lila looked at each other, then turned to Helia, who was currently looking behind them, the direction where Bane came running from earlier.

"Well, I think I know exactly who you're referring to right now, thank you Bane."-Helia smiled and stood up, walking around the bench they were sitting on to meet their uninvited guest. Lila, who stood beside Fiore earlier sat herself down again but now facing where Helia and the three noble ladies were, smiling widely of anticipation. Fiore doing the same thing, except.. she's more worried than excited.

"Helia.."-She called her attention, and gave her a warning look when she looked back. Telling her to not escalate the situation too much. Which Helia only answered with a wink, making Fiore heave out a sigh and just watch.

"Oh no.."-Bane muttered under his breath, his back still facing them. Suddenly having an ominous feeling even without looking.

"Bane relax, Helia can handle just this much."-Lila spoke, her eyes never leaving the scene in front of her.

"That is quite the point, Lady Lila."-Bane sighed in defeat. Knowing that this will not be ending well.. for those people.

"Oh my, it's good to see you again Lady Julia, it's been like what? An hour?"-She greeted the girl who she just talked to earlier playfully.

"And you brought new friends! What a pleasure. By the way I'm Helia, nice to make your acquaintance."-She continued still smiling, making the girl and the girls she was with, fume even more.

"We're not here to make friends with a bitch like you."-She said through gritted teeth.

"And how many times do I have to tell you? It's Janette!!"-She screamed, her banshee-like voice making Helia, Fiore, Lila and even Bane wince back.


"My ears.."

Lila and Fiore muttered, Lila giving the lady named janette an annoyed look.

"Okay, do tell me what you came here for then?"-Helia spoke again, a smile still on her lips.

"Do not act as if you do not know why I'm here Lady Helia. You know exactly why."-Janette raised her brows and folded her arms in front of her. The two girls she's with, doing the exact same thing.

".. That was cringe-y"-Lila whispered to Fiore and laughed a bit. Which made Lady Janette snap her head in their direction.

"And what are the both of you whispering there about? This matter has nothing to do with you, so can you please leave us?"-She rolled her eyes and looked back at Helia.

"Did she just--"-Lila tried to stand up and walk over to where the Lady was, to give her a piece of her mind, but was held back by Fiore.

"Nah-uh sit down. Last week's incident hasn't even gone down yet. We can't have the both of you stirring this one up."-Fiore put her arms around Lila's neck, putting her in a light chokehold, so she doesn't get away.

"Not fair."-Lila crossed her arms but stayed put.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue, please enlighten me."-Helia continued to feign ignorance, just to annoy the lady more.

"Hah, do you really think you can talk your way out of this? Apologize. Apologize for what you did, then maybe I'll let you go peacefully."-Lady Janette spoke confidently, looking back at the ladies she brought with her. Making sure that Helia sees that she's got someone to back her up.

"Hmm, and if I don't?"-Helia asked, after pretending to give it some thought.

"Are you telling me that you won't?"-Lady Janette scoffed and laughed.

"Do you seriously think I won't do anything to you, just because you're the Duke's daughter?"-She challenged and stepped towards Helia.

"Unlike you, I'm a legitimate daughter."-She whispered to Helia and smirked. Like she just discovered a hidden card. Giving Helia the impression that she just found out about her being adopted, before that very moment.

"My father would take my side in any given situation. But you? The Duke would drop you the minute my father tells him about what you did."-She continued taunting Helia, who was just staring at her blankly.

"What? Did you just realize how badly you messed up, Lady Helia? I told you.. just apologize, and I may reconsider telling my father everything. Well, that also depends on how sincere your apology will be."-Lady Janette laughed and looked back at her friends, who then laughed with her. A laugh that was cut short when Helia suddenly spoke.

"Well in that case, I won't."-She smiled again.

"What? You won't what?"-Lady Janette raised her brows yet again.

"I won't apologize."-Helia stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Do you have any idea, of what I can do to you?"-Lady Janette scoffed, appalled that her threat just got disregarded yet again.

"What 'can' you do?"-Helia retorted, still smiling. Lady Janette opened her mouth to answer but was slow to think of an answer.

"Hmm? Are you going to tell my father, how improper of a lady I am? How I flirted with your fiancé right in front of you? Is that it?"-Helia questioned her, like she was asking for an answer from a child.

"Can't I? It's the truth! You were all over him at the cafeteria!"-Janette exclaimed, losing her composure. Obviously annoyed, just by the thought of it.

"Are you certain that it's not the other way around?"-Helia spoke after letting out a sigh.

"What? Are you telling me that he came onto you out of his free will?-Janette laughed at the idea.

"Yes he did, actually."-Helia was quick to answer, cutting Janette's laughter off.

"And you know it."-Helia added with certainty, making Janette's face suddenly redden.

"You just want to make me look like the bad one, so you can have an excuse to accept your poor excuse of a fiancé all over again."-Helia continued, looking at Janette seriously. Giving her a chance to stop the act she's pulling and not make a fool out of herself any further. But she stood her ground and looked at Helia dead in the face.

"Why would he want a slut like you, when he has me?"-She laughed insultingly.

"I don't know, ask him."-Helia retorted and shrugged. Disappointed that she still chose to save face and side with that fiancé of hers. Janette's face fumed profusely.

"Why you-- hold her!"-Janette screamed and gestured for the ladies she was with to step forward and grab Helia. Which Lila and Fiore, who stayed quiet and watched, like they were in the movies until then, was quick to stop.

"Touch her, and the next thing you'll be touching is the ground.. with your faces."-Lila dared, glaring at the girls, who immediately stopped in their tracks.

"I wouldn't do that, If I were you."-Fiore calmly warned, while clutching the back of Lila's uniform. Both still sitting on the bench.

"You two are still here? I thought I told you already, that this has nothing to do with the both of you?! So scram!"-Janette shouted and stomped her foot. Starting another tantrum.

"She's our sister, that makes every matter involving her, personally ours."-Fiore glared at her, but calmly answered.

"I don't care, this is between me and her, so stay the hell out of it!"-Janette continued to scream, drawing attention of a few students who were passing by from afar.

"It's between the two of you, but it's you who brought two unidentified gremlins for help. How does that make sense?"-Lila sarcastically answered. Raising her brow at the two ladies whose faces suddenly turned beet red. Feeling outed. Janette fell silent for a short moment, before deciding that she won't back down just yet.

"Hah, you're sisters. Figures why you're taking the side of a bitch. You are all the same. And sisters? Don't make me laugh, someone told me that you're all adopted by the duchy.. you were all taken in because of mere pity. I feel bad for the Duke and Duchess.. They took in imbeciles who couldn't learn and act like proper ladies. You'll bring nothing but shame to the Alcaeus name."-She threw insults after insults, trying to gain back the upper hand. But they just stared at her blankly.

"My fiancé would never leave me for the likes of you. He even promised me that it was the first and the last time that it'll ever happen. So don't even think of coming near him again. "-She added, huffing after talking continuously.

"The first time?"-Helia laughed

"He's been following me like the dog that he is, everyday for almost a month now.. and I rejected him every single time. What you saw at the cafeteria definitely wasn't the first time he acted that way. You're pretty, young, and privileged.. but here you are, trying so hard to keep someone who doesn't want to be kept by one woman alone."-Helia shook her head and looked at Janette with disappointment.

"He's a womanizer.. and you know it, that's the truth that you kept refusing to accept."-She continued ,watching Janette facial expression turn dark.

"Stop lying, you bitch!!"- She lunged and tried to slap Helia, but found herself being the one to receive one. Her 'subordinates', came to her aid, making her realize that she ended up on the ground.

"No wonder you're as stubborn as you are. Your face is too thick to get through you."- Lila, who gave her a slap, rubbed her own hand, feeling the sting.

"You just hit me..."-Janette who could not believe what just happened muttered lowly.

"I did, and I would do it again, try me."-Lila answered nonchalantly. Janette turned and glared at Helia, who was just smiling innocently. Upset that she let her sister do what she just did.

"Sorry about that, but I did tell Lila that I only slap someone once within a day.. she just did me a favor."-Helia reasoned, even giving her an apologetic smile. Teasingly.

"You really are all the same.. impertinent bitches! This is far from over!"- She shouted, her eyes tearing up.

"Sure! But next time, make sure that you have something other than,us being adopted, to use against us. It's really old news.. you can definitely do better."-Helia answered in an encouraging tone. Pissing her off more.

"My father will hear of this.."-She threatened, while the two, helped her stand back up.

"Please make sure of it this time. Don't come back and try pulling an act like this again, before actually doing it."-Fiore suggested and smiled. Holding Lila's uniform again, before glaring at her.

"I told you to just sit still."-She scolded.

"I'm sorry, I just had too, besides she called me a bitch too-- Bane?"-Lila's sheepish smile turned into confusion when she looked back at Bane, who sat still not moving in his place all this time.. stiff as a rock.

"What's the matter? Breathe Bane, you look like you're about to pass out or something."-Fiore was the first to approach him and patted his back, still pulling Lila with her. Helia threw a quick glance at Bane after hearing Fiore, and shook her head, smiling, knowing full well what was going on.

"You can't faint on us right now, Bane, you still have to take us home."-Helia joked, still standing where she was earlier, watching the ladies as they started to walk away, after Janette glared at her for the last time.

"Yeah, we can't have you fainting here at the academy Bane.. especially not in front of us, we might just get accused of, not only stealing a man but also attempted murder."-Lila butted in, intentionally letting the ladies who were still within hearing distance to hear it.

"Which is also not hard to give truth to, they just have to try me."-Lila added, before they were completely out of sight.

"That took longer than expected."-Fiore who was still patting Bane's back sighed, and sat next to him. Finally letting go of Lila.

"Are you okay now?"-She asked after he slumped down on his knees. Feeling his shoulders relax a bit, after the noble ladies finally left.

"I'm not.. how would I explain this to the Duke this time?"-He cried out, feeling the pressure of the world. Lila, Helia and Fiore fought back a laugh, but still felt a bit guilty.

Knowing Bane, they were sure that he ran around the academy to find them and take them straight home, so they could avoid trouble. And he can avoid another incident report to give to the duke, about his lovely little daughters. Which was obviously unsuccessful.

"And here I thought you were just worried about me."-Helia teased, which he just answered with groan, still slumped down on his knees.

"Let's just go home for now."-Fiore chimed in and stood up, pulling Bane, who looked like a walking corpse, with her. Helia and Lila following closely behind.

In the carriage...

The three were spending a quiet ride home, thinking about what just happened, and what to explain to their parents once they arrived. On the front part of the carriage, which was close to the coachman's side, Lila was slowly dozing off beside Fiore who was looking out the window, while Helia who sat opposite to them, facing the back of Bane-- their coachman, was looking at him.

"I still remember the first time we got here.."-Helia suddenly spoke, after a long period of silence, they spent on their ride home.

"Don't even start, Helia."-Lila immediately warned, suddenly snapping out of her drowsiness, knowing exactly what she was about to bring up.

"What? It was hilarious."-Helia laughed out loud.

"What was?"-Fiore asked out of curiosity. Not sure which part they were talking about.

"Remember when we pretended to faint? The first time we met, Bane.."-Helia trailed off, giving Fiore a chance to remember what she meant. Which made her burst out laughing when she did.

"Ha ha very funny."-Lila sulked, remembering the embarrassment she went through, back when they faked unconsciousness in the carriage incident.. Where she also happened met her current self's most beloved possession, for the very first time.


"Come on, the estate physician is also on his way, so we should hurry back to the mansion!"-They heard the voices coming closer to where they were. The sound of their footsteps getting louder by the second.. and so did their heartbeats.

"There are only three of them.. where is their coachman?"-Another man's voice entered their ears. As they tried to remain as motionless as they could.

"He probably fled the scene. Because by the looks of it, these ladies are nobles. He probably got scared of the consequences he'd receive for not escorting them safely.. wherever they were headed to."-The same voice from above the cliff stated while he checked the carriage's emblem.

"They came from the east. This is Duke Alcaeus' family emblem."-He later continued.

"You mean these ladies are 'those,' daughters of his?"-The man earlier questioned back, suddenly sounding a bit annoyed. The three grimaced internally. Given their character's reputation. It was quite understandable. They themselves hated them with a passion too.. before they, unfortunately, became those characters in question.

"Seems like it."-The other man said calmly. Not seeming to hate them as much.

Given that the carriage incident happened somewhere along the fifth chapter. They were pretty sure that they're still early-in the novel, and their character's evil deeds were only exposed after the female lead entered the scenario. But even way back before she did, their characters were already known to be spoiled and insufferable. Bullying low born nobles in their school, getting into fights with noble ladies at every tea party they attend to, and splurging money on a daily basis, almost flaunting how their lives were utterly better than anyone else, especially among people born out of nobility. Which was seen as a huge let down by commoners who expected nobles, such as them, to be kind and level headed. But despite this fact. The ducal family still sang nothing praises and admiration for the sisters. Leaving commoners and even other nobles, to think about how on earth these girls act differently outside than at their own home.

"Let's just get this over with."-The other man sighed in defeat, knowing that they still need to help the girls. No matter how upset he is of them.

"Bane! Get the carriage closer! We'll have to lift these girls up as well, so come help!"-He shouted at the far back.

The girls braced themselves after hearing the man's words. While thinking about, where they'll be taken and what would be waiting for them there.

A carriage slowly stopped, just beside where they were. And after a few back and forth of what and how to do it, the three men started to lift the girls up one by one. It was Erin at first, then Nina, both of them were being gently laid down the carriage seats when they heard a new unfamiliar voice of a man,that they guessed, is the man Bane they called for earlier, calling for the ones that were helping them.

"Mister, I think this one's dead."-The man's voice sounded terrified. Erin and Nina quickly snapped their eyes partially open, when they felt the men who helped them turn their backs, to check what was going on.. worried about Ines.

"She's as stiff as a log."-The new guy Bane had a horrified look on his face, whole looking down at Ines who was.. laying stiffly straight in his arms. Erin almost face palmed herself when she got a good look at Ines' situation. While Fiore just closed her eyes again, praying that she could hold it in and not burst out laughing.

"What's wrong with her?"-The man who was calm about dealing with their situation earlier spoke, sounding concerned.

"I don't know, Mister Eustace, her body is just too stiff that it's a bit hard to carry her. Unconscious people tend to go limp.. don't they?"-Bane asked curiously, still having a hard time carrying Ines, after putting her back down and trying to lift her up again.

"Well, is she breathing?"-The one who was upset with them since earlier spoke in a nonchalant tone. Not really caring that much.

"Oh.. yes, she's breathing."-Bane answered feeling relieved after checking if her chest rose and fell twice. Which made Ines, who was completely awake and aware of all of this, feel like she wanted to just smack herself in the head to make her lose consciousness for real. While her friends on the other hand were struggling for their lives to hold in their laughter.

"Then what's the problem then?"-Annoyed, the man questioned again before walking away.

"It's just.. she looks like a plank."-Bane answered truthfully, Ines bit her inner cheeks inside her mouth to hold herself back from smacking the boy, who looked just a few years younger than them. She could almost hear her best friends laughing at her in that moment, in her head.

"Just put her in the carriage will you lad? We have to take them back quickly. Stop messing around."-Mr Eustace, answered with finality. And turned his back, before walking to the front of the carriage, where the other guy earlier already went to occupy. Bane just meekly nodded and started to walk to the carriage door.

"Here we go"-He talked to himself while trying to lay Ines' stiff body down on the carriage floor that was covered by a blanket, but struggled to do so, due to her stiff posture. Making him accidentally fall over on her when his knees suddenly gave out. Causing Ines to get surprised by the sudden movement and suddenly snapped her eyes open.

"Woa--"-Bane almost stumbled back, also surprised himself. But Ines slapped her hand over his mouth and gestured for him to keep quiet. Seeing slight movements in his peripheral vision, he turned to look at the other two ladies who were laid down on the carriage's seats. And found them both staring at them, visibly surprised as well. His eyes widened, and threw a quick glance at where the coachman's seat was, and saw that the two Misters he was with, were busy talking about something, and didn't see what happened.

"Don't.."-Ines warned, panicking internally.

"Turn around and pretend like you saw nothing."-She whispered to the boy who just stared at her with utter confusion but eventually nodded slowly.

"I'll explain later."-She added, before taking her hand off of his mouth, he nodded again, still visibly confused but didn't say a thing, before closing the carriage's door.

"We're good to go, Mister Eus"-They heard him say, before the carriage moved forward.

"How will you explain that exactly?-Erin broke their silence after a few minutes into the carriage ride.

"I have no idea."-Ines blankly stared at the carriage's ceiling, feeling drained.

"Well.. at least he didn't say anything, we're still off to a great start.. I think."-Nina still tried looking for a silver lining, but definitely felt uncertainty.

"Wait.. where are we headed to right now? Nina, do you remember from the novel?"-Erin, who couldn't recall much from the first half of the story, asked. Given that Nina was the one who spent more time reading the said novel. Nina propped herself up with her elbows and started to think about what happened after the carriage incident.

"Before the carriage fell, they were supposed to attend a tea party, at the house of the Marquis, on the west side of the empire. The Vaughan's.."-Nina, slowly spoke about what she remembered, before turning to Ines who let out a gasp.

"Aidan Percival.. Fiore's fiancé."-Ines concluded after remembering who the Vaughan's were.

"Oh no.."-Nina who just had a moment of realization suddenly felt cold. Just remembering that she was currently in Fiore's body..

"So that means, the Marquis' estate was the closest to where we were?"-Erin added her thoughts, before looking at Nina, who was visibly in a panic.

"What do I do? What if I see him?"-Nina whispered frantically. Her heart beating faster, with just the mere thought of meeting the man, who her current self, tormented and manipulated into getting engaged to her just weeks before the carriage incident. And the tea party was supposed to be the first time, they meet again, after they got one sidedly engaged to one another.

The empire's Marquis' successor, Aidan Percival Vaughan. The commander of the empire's Imperial Knights, Fiore's fiancé. Who she went through great lengths for, just to trap him into getting engaged with her. Including, accusing him of something that he never even did, and almost cost him his honor as a knight. Which he loathed her for, but still couldn't get himself to harshly reject her and break off the engagement. Because Aidan was an image of a true gentleman, calm, a man of his words, and kind, somehow too kind. He's also one of the secondary male leads, who fell for the female leads kindness and purity of heart, after meeting her through his younger sister, Evie, who became the female leads best friend, after the female lead saved her from being bullied, by none other than the three heinous sisters.

It was love at first sight. He loved her so much that he instantly broke off the engagement he bore with for a long time, just to assure her that he would always stay by her side. Leaving Fiore in the dust.. where her obsession for him, finally drove her frenzy.

"Oh god."-Nina muttered, when they felt the carriage slowly coming to a stop. She looked at her friends, who both had concerned looks on their faces. Knowing that Nina can't deal with sudden confrontations and questioning. All the more if it's for something she didn't actually do.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't be questioning you about that. It's not exactly a great time."-Erin quietly assured her, after seeing her visibly overthinking, what's next to follow.

"Just close your eyes until we get out of the Vaughan's estate, we're supposed to be unconscious anyway."-Ines comforted her, patting Nina's hand, while still laying flatly on the carriage floor.

"Yeah, we're supposed to be unconscious Ines, not statues."-Erin teased, to ease their anxiety a bit. Making Ines grimace to herself, while Nina laughed a bit. Before the carriage completely came to a stop.

"There are three noble ladies inside the carriage that's in need of the physician's aid."-They heard Mr Eustace's faint voice outside, talking to someone, which they guessed were the guards of the estate's front gate.

"They are Duke Alcaeus' daughters"-He added. The three of them exchanged reassuring looks before feigning unconsciousness yet again. Their hearts thumped wildly. Not sure of what's yet to come.

"Call for two other physicians, and tell them to come immediately."-Another unfamiliar voice of a man spoke, just outside the carriage's door. Making the girls, especially Nina, close their eyes tightly.

"Tell them that the Marquis' beloved fiancee is in a dreary state."-He added, in a serious voice. Before he flung the door open..

To be continued...