
As Luffy In MHA

Reincarnated as Luffy in MHA with all his powers.

ThisIsANormalName · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


"So, if I get this right, your name is Nika? Correct?"

The rubber reincarnated boy, now taking the name Nika for himself nodded.

"You used your quirk because no one else was doing anything to stop the... in your words 'low quality criminal', correct?"

Nika nodded once more.

"Okay, finally. You're 6 years old, no parents and no orphanage, and isn't even from this country... yes?"

"I'm from Brazil." Nika added, just as he wants to be adopted, he also wants to see if he actually had any records, anywhere in this word, or maybe this Luffy was just kapoofed into existence. Taking the gamble was well worth it.

"Ah, yeah. Of course you are. Let me be frank kid, you don't exist anywhere there. And, you speak Japanese a little too well for a year old foreigner." The cop or probably detective said, contrary to many expectations, no. Tsukauchi doesn't omnisciently observe every case in this goddamn world. Shocking.

And his gamble was shattered into completion just like that.

'Guess I was just poofed into existence, sorry non-existent people I accused of stuffing a 6 year old into a closed off trash heap. You were all innocent after all.'

"Anyways, well, since no one is going to pick you up at all, and you are free to go... we only have a single choice in this matter. Orphanage you go kid." The police said as he took the files they got, and he scanned a few of them before taking a paper and placing it in front of Niak.

'Well, I wouldn't say just as planned. Yet.' Nika thought, looking at the list of orphanage he could go into. Which was weird.

"Do... I really get to choose?" Nika asked, perplexed about this sudden gift of choice.

"From me to you, I like heroic brats. So, just you get to choose. The good ones my finger's pointing at, got a friend there so I know." The police winked at Nika, and a positive smug grin.

'Oh. Guess doing something instead of being a bystander really does pan out well.' Nika thought, smiling wryly at the smugness the police was exuding.

"Well, I'll choose this one then sir."

After that, it was just a blur of time. He stayed a bit more at the police station, they allowed him to stay and lay around the office for a few hours before the matron of the orphanage came to pick him up.

"Oh, is this the kid, Shinohara?" An old voice says as they came to view, Nika immediately sat up in vain attempt to show he definitely wasn't snoozing off.

"Yup, got a real heroic streak apparently, cool quirk to if I heard right, take care of him, maybe it's a future hero over there." He added tipping his hat before taking a pile of papers from his desk.

"Just gotta finish this bit, a few minutes more and you're good to go kid" He said, lightly swinging the papers.

Nika just nodded, and just like he said after a few minutes, he went out finally hand held by the Matron, now named as Madoka, to her pink family car. The Matron hasn't said any words yet, even until the car started and was driving him to the orphanage.

'Is she... the secretly bitchy type? That'd suuuuuuck.' Nika thought, formulating plans right then and there on how to catch her on the red and how to anonymously tip it to a police. But, his worries were soon cut as the Matron finally spoke to him.

"Do you like All Might?" She asked, looking at him from the rear view mirror.

'What an opening question! Truly, a hero based society when the opening with kids is do you like the number one hero that anybody and their mothers know! From all around the world to boot!' Nika thought, but kept the criticism to himself. Maybe, she was just the type who likes kids but are awkward with them.

"Uh. Yeah, All Might is very cool and strong and yeah hero of all time." Nika said, eating his cringe and sticking it deep, deep inside.

'FUUUUUUUUUUCK. Way to go! Social Casanova over here!' Internally he was cringing harder than the one he ate.

"Oh! I'm glad, I'm a super fan of All Might too, so all the kids at the orphanage love him too. I was once saved by him you see, and since then he was the only hero I really ever liked. I even have all my toys handsigned by him, he has a cute way of writing the A in his hero name." She would've went on and on but luckily she realized they were already there.

'You mean you went silent for a whole damned hour because you weren't sure how to bring up your huge All Might boner to a kid you're officially taking care of now?!' Nika screamed in indignation inside, but externally kept up a polite smile.

He didn't reply. He didn't want to reveal his voice that was bending over to cringe land to the kind Matron who sucks at socialization. Seriously, don't start a conversation like that.

The car stopped and the door was open, leaving Nika to fully grasp that, again, he was in a brand new world...

'Okay... it's not that different from the ones we have. I'm sorry MHA, but you're very boring.' Nika, with the incessant remarks, continued to chastise the new world he found himself in, an attempt to seal out the fact that he really didn't have any confidence to make fruit of his plans.

He was always like that after all, he makes a plan, does it and stops after some time. He wasn't equipped to follow his words to the end so he just finds something else and does the same. It was even a miracle he graduated highschool. It was even more of a miracle that he hasn't just gave up back in that trash box.

"Welcome to Shizuoka Orphan for Unfortunate Children!" Madoka smiled.

'You did not just name that, that.' Nika cried. Maybe, there was a language error, maybe best one in police words mean the worst one?

"You'll get used to the place over time so I'll skip the introductions for tomorrow, just get to sleep okay, I saw you dozing off back at the precinct already. Come follow me, I'll show you your room." She said as she took Nika by the shoulders and guided him in.

'At least it's big enough.' Nika started counting his blessings.

To his surprise it was actually very big, for an orphanage. There also lots of staff around and when they saw Madoka, they bowed. Some even slipped and called her young- before catching themselves.

'No way she's JUST a Matron. That's like secret young lady of some rich person stuff there.' Nika on the other continued to theorize, like he always did. It was still his vain attempts to keep his mind out of the pessimism chamber. Eventually however, his distractions had to end as he brought to his room.

"This is where you'll be sleeping from now on, you can decorate as you wish, it's your little own house as the little angels of this orphanage. Okay? Have a good sleep Nika." The matron said, kneeling down and patting his head before opening the door and ushering him in.

Then, she stayed at the door with a smile.

Nika looked and went to bed.

She was still there smiling.

Nika started sweating.

She was still there. Menacingly smiling.

Nika was so close to breaking the windows and screaming help.

"Nika. Please say good night matron before you sleep from now on, okay?" She finally said.

"G-Good night... Matron."

"Thank you, Nika. Sweet dreams." And so, she left.



"Shit, I thought she was a shotacon for a minute there, my poor 6 year old chastity. Okay, my plans have held up so far. I'm in an orphanage and I have to get adopted because otherwise I don't think I can last in this suffocating place." Nika said as he shuffle in his bed, his entire night has been quite hectic, he's been on this world for only a few hours and he was already receiving the shounen classic package of problems here and there.

"Oh well. I'll sleep my worries and start my training tomorrow! The earlier I learn Haki, the more time I have for my... fruit or should I get used to calling it a quirk now? I should, shouldn't I?" Keeping said advice in mind, Nika let sleep strangle him quietly and the next time he wakes up, would be his official first new day as Nika.