
As a Superd in Mushoku Tensei

Ruiweld reincarnated as Ruijerd's son.

Gold_Silver_4810 · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Against the Demon King once again

Atofe and his men surrounded me. Each of his men are powerful warriors, and they also have high quality equipment. I recognized some of them, I fought them for a while and they were quite skilled. Anyone who survived that war are now considered legends. From the looks of their partially covered faces they didn't have any intention of letting me get away.

I could tell that this encirclement would be tougher to escape than the ones with the thousand Demon Army.

"I am Immortal Demon King, Atoferatofe Ryback, wife of Kalman Rybak, the founder of the North God sword style."

"Dead End Ruiweld Superdia! I come to take you under me! Submit yourself to me and become a member of my personal guard! Do so and I shall spare your life!"

Oh that's right. Atofe is this kind of person who loves bringing strong people under her as her.

Even though she just got released from her seal a few decades ago, she's already so active.

"And if I refuse?"

"I am giving you the best armor, the best training, and allowing you to enter the most renowned guard in the whole of the Demon Continent! There is no greater honor! You won't be able to oppose me once you sign the contract. Not that you would try anyway, I'm sure, even without such a formality. In fact, you must be overjoyed right now."

Hearing her answer, I didn't hesitate and got ready for battle. I pointed my spear at her, a sign that I refused her offer.

"You know that I really don't want to follow someone who just lost to me."

"Then you made a foolish choice and accept your death!"

"You can come and try me."

Atofe looked at me with fury in her eyes. But the smile on her face spurned a fire on her.

"I'll beat you down!" Atofe moved at me in a blinding speed. Her movements are completely different from the last time.

I put my guard up to block it with my spear.

The enermous force came crashing towards me. The ground beneath my feet starts to crack from the sheer weight.

"I see so you started to learn a thing or two."

"Heh, my husband has taught me his sword techniques. I won't just get beaten by a single attack, don't you dare understimate me, HOYAH!"

She delivered a kick to my flank which I guarded quickly. I let the force throw me and I somersaulted to negate the force.

"I'm still not done yet! Here I go!"

We fought again and again. Unlike the last time where Atofe simply relied on mindless brute force, her sword are now not just heavy but also sharpened. That North God really taught sword techniques to this brute, the results were astonishing. Even against all of the warriors I've fought, Atofe now stands above them all.

I redirected my attack with a feint and managed to hot her with a direct blow to her shoulder. It shattered the durable jet black steel shoulder guard and even the flesh got lopped of from her torso. It was the arm carrying her weapon, which means I managed to neutralized a formidable warrior with that strike.

Atofe was on her knee, her arm a few meters away still holding her weapon.

"Do you understand now?"

"Hmph, like a small scratch like this would hinder me." Atofe stood up. Her arm turned into a liquid like substance like a flaccid flesh and reconnected back to her torso. As if her injury hadn't been there before.

Atofe immediately charged to attack me once again.

I met her charge midway striking her greatsword with my spear. It was a pure contest of brute strength.

Our strikes were so strong it created a shockwaves all around us.

However it didn't even look like our matchups are even since my attack sent her flying.

Atofe's jet black armor creaked and shattered from the impact to the ground forming a small crater. Three visible holes on the breastplate on it. I could tell this armor are really durable. Normally this armored should have turned into clumps of iron by the power of my last attack, but Atofe used Battle Aura so it remained intact.

Normally such attack would have mixed up and turned my enemy's internal organs, but my opponent is an Immortal Demon King. Her regeneration is so broken it should be cheating.

I mean how many healthbars does she even have? Even Demon God Laplace got a weakness you know? The only method to really kill them is to use a magic barrier to seal them up. What a troublesome enemy.

Because of that in each round of fighting I had to deliver a devastatingly fatal blow each time. The Mana consumed to used to deliver each attack were massive. However I hadn't felt any fatigue or exhaustion. In fact I didn't even feel the bottom of my Mana.

Boom! I sent an arm, a leg, and her head flying in a single round. In my eyes her body is like livestock ready to be butchered in the market a number of times.

I could now feel her regeneration rate starting to slow down. I even had to wait ten seconds more than usual for he to regenerate back to her full state.

This time I didn't wait for her to fully regenrate her body. I focused my Battle Aura into my spear, the amount of Mana in the spear I put into it is even greater than the one I used on Demon God Laplace. You know after several decades I also grown stronger.

With my final strike Atofe's whole body disintegrated down to bits. Her body tuned into flesh of water scattered all throughout the area. Even her armor turned into nothing but dust in the air.

After that her body remained unresponsive. A minute, two minutes, a whole ten minutes, the clumps of liquid flesh remained still.

I looked at the sky, it seems the sun has been setting now. I started to feel a little bit hungry.

"Hey you." I turned to Atofe's personal guard nearest to me.


From his trembling voice I could tell he was afraid of me. Maybe it was because of my emerald green and third eye jewel on my forehead, my trait as a Superd. Or maybe because I just completed utterly dominated their master in a fight.

"How long had we been doing this?" I asked pointing up the sky.

"The sun has risen and fallen three times. You have fought for three days and three nights."

I hadn't noticed.

I pointed my spear at the small hill of flesh that was Atofe before."Your Master hadn't recovered from my attack and remained unconscious. That means I won right?"

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