

"I've honestly never been happier in my life. The way I see things, everyone's life is a blank canvas, but the only difference is what colors they choose to use. And I believe, I've painted my canvas with the right colors and that's how I've ended here."

Absolute gibberish.

Javier Diaz stood up from his seat. The camera lights flashed all over his face as he walked out of the conference room, surrounded by guards. The guards pushed and drove through the crowd of people, very desperate to meet Diaz, also dubbed by many as "the legend", "my hero" or even "the new Michelangelo".

Javier Diaz, unlike what many people thought, had a very difficult past. Growing up in the slums and streets of Mexico, he always dreamt of making it big in the States. He spent majority of his childhood dreaming and pondering over the thought of getting into the United States. After years of digging tunnels and climbing walls, Diaz finally made it into the States at around '04 and spent most of his early years doing and dealing drugs.

How do I know this?

Well, I read his case file. After all, he is recognized as "the best success story" by the guys in the precinct.

But I always find myself on the skeptic side of things when it comes to Diaz although, it's definitely more personal than philosophical having had that man hold a gun against my head quite a few times.

Anyhow, after serving his maybe 5th spell in prison, we were all quite surprised to see that Javier Diaz, who was cuffed to my table a few months ago had just sold a million-dollar painting. Maybe he did have some skills, but the painting he sold was nothing more than a triangle painted blue. I bet my kindergartener could've drawn better. I was very open about this.

But, they ridiculed me. Apparently, it was something very "minimalistic", something a "simpleton" like me could never comprehend. All I've ever seen in that picture is a blue Dorito, nothing more, no "deeper meaning" to it. This was literally the easiest million dollars I've ever seen anyone make.

But, what do I know? I'm just a cop who's now providing security to the man I spent days hunting down, merely a couple of years ago.

Truly, the tables have turned.

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