
Chapter 7.

"You can let go of her leg now." a look in my direction and then continuing. "Poor girl hasn't even eaten much yet."

And I choked on the water I was drinking and let out a strangled gasp, trying not to spit out the water, because frankly.... That's just gross.

I coughed, trying to get the water out of my wind pipe and gasping for breath.

"What happened, dear? Are you alright?" my uncle, who was seated next to Jongin asked, concerned.

"water. Wrong pipe." I gasped in between coughs.

Leah patted my back (while muffling her laugh) just as my coughing fit slowly stopped and I directed a glare at the culprit and the devil. These two are going to be the end of me.

I kicked Jongin in the shin and he yelped slightly before letting go of my foot, having not expected me to kick him.

"what happened?" my uncle asked. Then looked at me and then Jongin and immediately backtracked. "Nevermind. I don't want to know."

I didn't miss the shameless grin sent my way by Minseok or the muffled giggles coming from Leah.

There's only so much embarrassment I could take.

At this rate my cheeks would be permanently stained red.

Glaring at my food as if it were the reason for my mortification, I looked down and hurried to finish eating and then got up to wash up my plate and running off to the living room to avoid further queries.

Kim Jongin. Just you wait. I'll get you back for this.