
Around the Multiverse with Copy Ability

Reader_With_Ideas · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


One week was never this quick and long at the same time for me.

So I no longer need to eat, have super everything to quite some level so I am well into the superhuman range.

Now I am at peak captain America level(50 tons) in physical capabilities as I have no stimulus for rapid increase in strength.

The best part is that I don't have any of the weakness of doomsday like kryptonite and low intellect.

I can still die so I won't go around making trouble as that would just be pointless and stupid.

As the cooldown has gone down, it is time for my second copy.

Use World Travel.

[Select World and time.]

After a lot of thinking over the week, I decided to go with Batman as even if there was the option of Deadshot and Slade Wilson, as I can't find taskmaster in this world now, Batman had reached the total ceiling for human combat especially skills in all types of combat.

Even if his fitness may not be as good, his skills are definitely the best of the best.

So, DC universe. 10 meters from Batman when he is at his peak in skills.

[Travel successful.]

With a white flash, I was near the are of the group fight of the justice league with doomsday.

{A.N. : If you think that he has better skills at some other point, comment and let me know. But you get my point right?}

Just my luck.

I cursed but got to business quickly as I used Copy.

[Batman (Bruce Wayne)]

[Abilities : Business ability, Technology, Fighting, ...]

I looked no more and copied Fighting.

[Copy successful. Integrate?]

Just like last time, I immediately went back with integrating the ability.

[Integration successful. Travel back successful.]

Damn that's crazy.

Even with the fight going on, he still sent a trap batarang towards me.

If I had not integrated the skills immediately, I would definitely be caught in it.

Now at least I have something to do as even if I can so all skills perfectly, I would still rather familiarize myself with them.

So, the next week went by with me practicing all the martial skills as I had swords, daggers, Flying knives, nunchucks and staff with me apart from guns.

So, my strength grew faster due to me practicing almost all the time as i didn't need sleep nor rest.

Apart from that, I used super leaps and hearing to scout around, and successfully found their hideout.

The reason I haven't finished the job is that Tony is still making miniature arc reactor.

I am guessing he will be done in another two days, which is perfect as tomorrow another week will be passed.

So, after another world travel, I will be able to rescue the target the next day after more planning.

I already have their shift patterns down and even know when all people are in the camp. I will use night to finish all of them off as quick as I can and then take them out of there.

Of course, their weapons and ammo will br my loot apart from a few explosives for conclusive evidence of blowing it all up.

Soon the cooldown was over, and I used world travel.

[Select world.]

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse. Right behind the Mc when he enters the monolith for the first time.

[Travel successful.]

A white flash later I was behind the nervous boy, who was nowhere near the confident ans powerful person in the novel later on.

[Noah Osmont]

[Abilities : Infinite Mana, Fireball(F)]

I Copy Infinite Mana and integrate it and leave without him even knowing.

[Integration successful.]

[Travel back Successful.]

Seeing the new addition in my skill, I was very happy.

[Skills : Multilingual, Adaptation(Doomsday), Fighting(Batman Peak), Infinite Mana]

Well then, let's get ready.

I waited for the night to fall as I was going to do it so fast and silent that nobody would know what happened.

The next plan is to wait for Tony to complete the reactor and then get him out with Yinsen.

It was nightfall soon.

I put silencer on my pistols and sniper, put blades and flying knives, along with a short sword, and finally my staff which I had come to like a lot, on my back.

Although it was a staff, it could pop blades on its ends when needed and also break into two batons, as well as nunchucks.

It was the best and most suitable weapon I thought for me after practicing with all available ones.

The only one coming close was flying knives and chained dagger.

I guess it is true that I prefer range fight but at the same time could do close combat as well.

The martial art that I liked was wing chun and bajiquan as it gets the job done quick and efficient without too much energy waste.

Even if I have limitless stamina, I don't like prolonging fights too long.

So, I started with sniping the lone ones, and after they were done, I snuck into their camp, and started going from short groups and slowly to the main camp.

It was around two hours later when I reached the main camp which had around 30 people.

The rest who were outside were killed by me without letting anyone else know with silenced pistols.

I had timed it so that before their shift change, all of the people outside will be dead.

I waited for the shift change guys to come out of the camp and let them walk as their was a blind corner after exiting the camp where they will all die.

Soon, they came and before they went long to be alerted of the bloody sight of their companions dead bodies, I killed all of them when they were out of eyeshot from the main camp where they were eating and drinking.

Only the office where their leader was had some silence.

Outside was an absolute massacre.