

Hey guys, so update, not dead yet, and so is this fic. I just haven't had much time to really write nor look into which anime I should include. That and I've been constantly rewriting and changing the first world he goes into. Currently, I have SAO, Arknights, FSN, FGO, and GFL as guaranteed worlds but I'm open to more suggestions. (Please do not include hentai, mk? Ecchi is okayish, but honestly, I'd rather not.)

Now I understand that SAO might not be appreciated but I think the anime didn't do justice for the world of Aincrad. A lot of floors were skipped, characters not expanded upon, and stories that weren't told. So, I'll be using the main anime, progressive factor manga, and Saoif as basis.

If no strong negative feedback comes, it'll probably be his first world since, ignoring a certain creator's admin privileges which I know how to address, there's very few overpowered characters that could kill him when he's still gathering strength.

I should have a break from college in two months, which I'll use for my hobby (Guess if you want, who knows, there might be a reward) and writing this fic. Until then adios

AN: Forgot to include this, but Aincrad will probably be his main world too, until maybe when this fic reaches a certain point wherein Aincrad is cleared. I won't say what happens then, but Aincrad basically becomes his resting spot when not in missions. Obviously, no "magical abilities", just weapon skills shown in the anime and SAOIF game. Will he have a love interest there? Yes, which is why I'll actually have to make Daemon younger than he was in this fic. Same personality, just less mature and more prone to acting like the average young adult.

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