

Fantasy Romance
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What is Arisuu

Lesen Sie den Roman Arisuu des Autors epicus_lizard23, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Daoist477C2o · Sport
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28 Chs

Childhood lovers Loving till the end of time

Crystal Cris is a virgin beauty who is 23yrs and was still waiting for her lost love. When she was 3yrs old, she met a kid who is 2yrs older than her at a playing park. His name was Akrofi but she never knew her surname. The became besties and loved each other so much. They were in the same school and also they were neighbor. Due to their relationship their families became friends too. They promised each other and they even planned their wedding. They wrote love stories about themselves and their children. They were so much in love and they even started calling their selves husband and wife. They had many sleepovers, parties in their tree house . They promised and wrote their future together in a diary. Then one year later when Cris her most nightmare came. Mr. ceaser Akrofi's grand father died so they needed to move from Canada to the United Kingdom. This broke their heart very much, but they had no choice. Akrofi promised to call everyday and also promised he will come back for her. A year later lost contact, disappointed Crystal didn't no why but she kept waiting, and do her best to avoid guys, buy Akrofi never called or came for her. After 5yrs she forgets his face and how he looks all she knew was his name Akrofi and nothing more no even his surname. 11yrs later.. Crystal is all grown in a beautiful lady , she is done in her university but due to bad luck she never find a work, so she chooses to work in the most famous coffee shop in town to help her family. It wasn't easy for her cuz Miss Genilina never made it easy for her. They never knew the CEO , the CEO was unknown. She never knew the shop was for her lost love Akrofi. Her mom kept pressuring her to marry but she kept refusing. After her bestie's wedding, Miss Genilina's daughter who hated her drugged her and she accidentally slept with a handsome guy, not knowing he was a billionaire and her lost love Akrofi. what will happen next will they find out they were childhood lovers or not. well Crystal got pregnant though.. Read the story and find out. Childhood lovers has big surprises for u. Childhood lovers Respond: Loving Till The End Of Time

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9 Chs


At that time, there lived GODS, KINGS, AND MYTHIC HUMANOIDS. First, GODS AND KINGS destroyed the magical creature to eliminate dark magic from the world. After that, gods aided humans to have kingdoms and wealth; gods and kings ruled over people for years. Wandala was the birthplace of civilization; the gods co-existed among the mortals and created flourishing lands for them to share. The son of ITZAMA, CHAAC was the God of land and water, while his brother AHAN was the God of wars, his second brother Ek was the God of the afterlife, and his only sister Akan was the goddess of love and serpents, years pass; The kings ruled over the lands and worshipped the gods for prosperity and triumphs, all of wandala is under the king's rule with more than ten kingdoms, kings fought wars among themselves to have supremacy over the lands. There is a tradition that the gods have wedded the daughters of kings, who lived as priests in the temple. But the daughter of ITZAMA wedded a small trader and had a son named Achilles; the gods didn't accept their sister marrying an ordinary man and slaughtered him. So, Akan went mad and cursed the gods that his son would take vengeance against the gods. The birth of Akan's son (Achilles) brought back the dark magic to the world; Akan sealed magical powers in his child so that gods couldn't touch him until he mated a woman. As the son was born to a human and a goddess, the boy becomes a demigod with the powers of a god and the intelligence of a man, and the people loved the charm and strength of Achilles more than the gods and kings; Achilles married the daughter (MIA) of king eros the most powerful ruler at that time, king eros named Achilles as his heir the people loved Achilles and treated as similar to the goddess. People started to worship just Akan and named her son Achilles the people's God. Eros declared Achilles as the God, which made gods angry; the god chaac killed eros with lightning in the temple of Zeon, and God Ahan rapped the wife of Achilles and killed his first-born son so that no more demigods would exit. Angered, Achilles teams up with a few kings' and declared war on the gods, resulting in an apocalypse where kings and gods fight each other. Achilles won the war, killing all the gods, but he died in the war then his commander usurped wandala's throne, plunging back peace and prosperity. After many centuries the descendants of gods and demigod Achilles were born, resulting in the genesis of dark mystical creatures, bringing back chaos to the world for dominion over lands. The book is all about who concurred the world descendants of gods or kings or the mystical humanoids.

Ranjith_writter · Fantasie
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3 Chs


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