
Ares and the fall of Olympus

Ares is a boy who seeks revenge for the supposed death of his parents. This story is based on the common earth but with demons, elves, ogres, fairies and gods. It goes back to the life of Ares who is a boy who only wants to seek revenge against the gods who they murdered their parents

silencio_77 · Fantasie
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2 Chs


That night was terrifying, I remember that night very well as the worst of my life, this is my story and I will tell it to you.

It was a rainy night and with the scorching cold of winter, me and my parents were just going to celebrate my 17th birthday with an unforgettable dinner but I never imagined what would happen...

"Come on son, it's time, we'll be late" my father said with a big smile on his face.

"I'm coming dad just finished brushing my teeth" I was excited my parents were very happy since this was the day I was going to get my powers.

"Alright, let's go," my mother said with great enthusiasm. "This time you won't escape eating your vegetables, Ares," my father said, looking at me with an intimidating look.

We arrived at the restaurant with enthusiasm and happily ate dinner together, without suspecting what would happen.

"Very well, Ares, it's time to tell you everything about your powers," my father said with a big smile.

"But father, I am not prepared to resist that power," I said sadly.

""What are you talking about Ares, are you completely prepared for this power" my mother spoke enthusiastically "but mother-" suddenly a loud explosion sounded .

All the people began to run away "ARES HIDE" my father said with great concern "it's them right" my mother said with a serious look

"Son, sorry but we won't be able to be with you any longer, you have to go-" a whirlwind of fire appeared quickly.

"Go with him, I'll stop them" my father said while he was inside the whirlwind "we are a team, don't leave him, you remember in good times and bad, Until life separated us, that united us"




"What will we do when they find us" said my mother "we won't be able to win so we will escape, but not before sending Ares to a safe place"




"It's time Ares escapes now!!!!" My father was bleeding from the flames while my mother grabbed me to throw me through a portal into the underworld.

"Ares, you are a demon but at the same time you are a God, you can endure the underworld, go and find my brother" my mother spoke to me, leaving a sheet of paper in my hand as I fell into the portal "MOM, DAD

I entered that fearsome portal that my mother made without even knowing if I would ever see them again.

"Zeus, I was very happy with you," said my mother with tears in her eyes and critical wounds.

"It was also an honor to marry and have a child with you, but I will not die without killing one of them" my father spoke looking at our children attackers were none other than the supreme five...




"Son, come, I will tell you about the heroes of this world, they are called the supreme five and one of them is your father's brother, his name is an angel, he is very powerful and he only wants to separate your father and me", my mother.

"But mom, why, because they want to separate them, they didn't do anything wrong, they just got married" I asked my mother with great helplessness "they just want to kill us because our romance cannot be possible"

""It's not fair mom, they didn't do anything wrong, I swear I will kill the supreme so they can be calm and happy" I spoke enthusiastically, I was quite innocent when I was a child




"They are dear, get up so they don't see you suffer-" my father didn't ask to finish speaking when his brother angel pierced his chest with his sword

"Leave him alone you bastard ~collapse of worlds!!!~"my mother attacked angel "~Destroyer of suns!~"it was another supreme called flame

Flame and my mother's attacks collided, destroying everything around them. "They really thought they would get away with Sulla." Angel spoke to my father angrily.

"Of course not, but what we love most is in a safe place" my father said with a smile.

"Are you talking about Ares? We will kill him after we finish you ~heavenly attack infinite cut ~"angel made a lethal cut to my father

"HONEY, I'll fucking kill them all ~final destruction!!!!!~" my mother couldn't contain her anger and destroyed everything in her path for around 5 kilometers

"Damn, is everyone okay? Flame spoke with concern. Yes, I'm okay, the ice supreme called Neva spoke.

"Those damned ones escaped us, we have to find them" spoke another supreme man with anger named Elio.

The supreme ones lost track of my parents, just as I never saw them again...

"Honey, you tried so hard for me, I appreciate it" my father named Zeus spoke 'damn if he hadn't activated hyper speed we would have died'

That night was the darkest in my life, now you will see the story of my revenge against the supreme

'Where the hell am I, my mother opened this portal for me saying that she will look for her brother, but WHO THE FUCK IS HER BROTHER, I walked for many days in the vast hell barely surviving

'And now that I'm plowing, I'm lost and I don't have a clue how to get out of this place' I suddenly remembered 'the small sheet of paper that my mother gave me, I opened it and read what it said.

"Now I understand, Mom, what this is about, you want me to go to the abyss of death."

'Mom's brother must be there, Argus uncle, I'm coming there...

I hope you like this story since it is the first one I have done

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