
Are you My Guardian Angel?

A soldier met a doctor and later realises her problems with the gang called the " Black Dragon" and protects her, becoming her guardian angel. But both of them eventually had feelings for each other. How will it end?

DannyChin2557 · realistisch
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

All three of them sigh in relief but suddenly they heard gun shots behind them and sees that the gang had sent bikers to tail us.

"This can't end huh?" James sighs and loads his pistol, peeks out of his car window and shoots at them. "I still don't know what's happening!!!!" Irene screams in confusion.

"Faster man!!!" James yells at Mark. "I know your car is a super car, but there's still a limit!!!" Mark yells back. " Man I can't deal with this anymore" He gets out his Assault rifle and shoots at the bikers, one by one. "I'm out of ammo, there's still a bike!!!" Mark then loads his pistol, turns the car sideways and shoots at the biker directly. BOOM!!! The bike explodes. "We should go to a safehouse"

James suggests. "Where though?" Mark asks. "I'll call up general" James thinks and says.

James calls General Hanks and request for a safehouse to lay low for the time being. Mark drives to the location. They arrived after some time. They got out of the car and looks at the safehouse. "Irene, this is where we are going to lay low for the time being" James says, looking at Doctor Irene. "I'm still confused" Doctor Irene says. " Well you see, you remember when you told me someone saved you from that warehouse... I think they are here for revenge." James thinks. "But how would you know?" Doctor Irene says, confused. " Well, they looked too sketchy and I saw that they have guns, and then I remembered about what you told me and everything seem to piece together. So I had to go in a grab you out of there." James suddenly falls to the ground and holds his ankle. "My ankle!" James grunts in pain, he was so focused on other task that he forgot his ankle got sprained.

Mark and Doctor Irene brings James in the safehouse and places him on the couch.Doctor Irene proceeds to check on his ankle. "Your ankle got sprained , James. What did you do?" Doctor Irene says, concerned. James looks at Doctor Irene "I jumped down from the 3rd floor since there was no other choice" James says in a tired voice. He then passes out...

"James!" Mark and Doctor Irene shouts.

"We'll have to bring him to the hospital to treat his sprained ankle" Doctor Irene says to Mark. "Yes, I agree to an extend. But it's risky!" Mark says. "How about this, I call general and ask to send the needed. equipment here to the safehouse for you to treat his sprained ankle?" Mark suggest. "Sure, if it's better I guess" Doctor Irene says without arguing.

Mark calls General and asks for medical assistance. He hangs up shortly after and sits beside James, with Doctor Irene still trying to treat James's sprained ankle without any equipment. "General says the equipment will be delivered to us in a few hours" Mark tell Doctor Irene. "Alright" Doctor Irene replies. Mark pats James inanimate body on the shoulder and says "You're going to be fine, my friend...."