

[7:00 P.M],

Abandoned Sector 5,

Outskirts of New Chrisland City.

Ash and smoke could be clearly seen dancing carelessly in the air, thereby polluting it, while scorch marks and giant craters designed the earth, brutally destroying multiple buildings in the area.

Three youths dressed in an all black suit, with one of them being a female, were spotted at the demolition site, seemingly investigating the area.

"Why do you think two Special Grade would be fighting each other?" The Girl curiously inquired.

"I dunno, why don't you ask Adam" One of the Guys said pointing at the latter.

"I have no idea" Adam said with a stoic expression, not even glancing at his colleagues.

"Classic Adam. Cold as ever" The Girl mockingly commented.

"Whatever you say Cassie" Adam indifferently replied.

"Drake, Inform the higher ups that we couldn't find anything at the scene" Adam promptly said, glaring at his colleague.

"Okay man" Drake replied.

As this went on, Adam suddenly spotted a crater, but unlike the others, this one was extremely massive and deep.

"What the hell?" Adam couldn't help but yell in shock.

"What is it?" Cassie and Drake simultaneously asked, rushing towards Adam.

On arrival, the first thing that caught their attention was the massive crater engraved into the earth. It was so deep that they couldn't clearly see it's bottom.

"Whatever made this, is definitely not a Special Grade" Adam thought to himself, stroking his chin.

"I think someone's down there" Cassie exclaimed.

"What the fuck!" Drake replied staring solemnly at the massive crater.

"She's right" Adam thought to himself.

"What in the world is someone doing outside the barrier" Drake confusedly said, looking at his colleagues for answers.

Due to Mana toxicity, Human can't live freely in the outside world, rather, they live in settlements protected by an immense barrier of Yin Yang Force energy, [Negative and Positive energy]. Only Awakened humans/ Exorcist have tolerance for Mana.

"I don't know, ask Adam" Drake said, frantically waving his hands.

"They is a possibility the person down there is dead, still wait here, I'm going to check it out" Adam replied stoically, immediately sinking into his own shadow.

Almost immediately, he reemerged from the darkness which lurked inside the crater. His attention was instantly drawn towards the person who was lying helplessly on the ground. Adam nearly shrieked in confusion but regained his composure, removing his attention from the seemingly dead individual.

"You guys, get down here!" Adam yelled at his colleagues

"Okay!" Cassie replied, as her body suddenly got coated with an aura of stellar energy. She levitated briefly, swooping down into the crater, while Drake simply leaped into it. Arriving at approximately the same time, their attention was immediately piqued, as they saw the individual who was in the crater.

"What in the world?" Drake replied, rolling his eyes frantically.

"Why is he naked?" Cassie exclaimed, trying to remove her focus from the naked male right in front of her.

"He looks young, real young" Adam thought to himself.

"I think he's eighteen or younger" Drake said.

"If he's actually eighteen, that means he would be two years younger than me, but how's that possible. He looks too young" Adam thought to himself, stroking his chin.

"Adam…..Adam...ADAM!" Cassie yelled, staring worriedly at Adam who was presently lost in his thoughts.

"What is it?" Adam snapped out of his self induced trance.

"What are we going to do?" Cassie curiously inquired.

"Why are you asking me?" Adam asked with indifference, giving Cassie a wicked death glare.

Hearing Adam's reply, she couldn't help but twitch her left eye in annoyance " You're the Leader of the expedition" she replied.

"Oh" Adam briefly said, walking over to the seemingly lifeless body, not minding the nudity. He placed his right hand on the neck of the individual, and was shocked by what he felt. Despite being extremely contaminated by Mana, the nude youth wasn't dead. His body was extremely warm and full of blood, which was rather abnormal.

"He's alive" Adam blurted.

"Huh?" Drake and Cassie exclaimed in shock.

"Impossible!" Drake promptly added.

"Do you think I'm lying?" Adam commented with a death glare, releasing an immense amount of bloodlust.

"No" Drake shrieked, shivering in fright.

"Let's take him back to the Bureau, Xavier will know what to do" Adam said, which Cassie and Drake nodded in response.

Two Hours earlier,

[5:00 P.M],

The Bureau of Exorcism HQ,

New Chrisland City.

An extremely handsome young male was seen currently conversing with someone. The handsome youth donned a black suit jacket, with a slim fitted black trousers and patent leather dress shoes. His trimmed, well kept black hair, rested on the edge of his face, which was presently cold. The youth was no other than Adam.

"This is really rare, why do you want me to train you?" The Man, Adam spoke with, asked with a British accent.

"Isn't it obvious, I want to get stronger" Adam replied.

"Alright, but don't you remember what I told you before. If you want to get stronger, you've got to have a sound resolve" The Man said.

Adam immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance "I know that and besides, I already have My Resolve" He said.

"I live, for revenge. You should know that by now Xavier" He promptly added remaining stoic.

Hearing Adam, Xavier instantly erupted in laughter "Of course I do, but after revenge, what comes next" He commented with his smile turning upside-down, releasing a little bit of bloodlust which didn't go unnoticed by Adam.

"Nothing" Adam said with indifference.

Xavier's frown suddenly turned into a smile, as he awkwardly caressed his hair "Classic Adam, what am I going to do with you aye".

"You could train me, just like I asked" Adam stoically replied.

"Alright, but I want you to get stronger so you could protect the people you love" Xavier calmly said.

"I don't love anyone!" Adam promptly replied, causing Xavier to bite his tongue accidentally.

"Really!" Xavier curiously exclaimed.

"Yes" The Latter replied.

"Not even me!" Xavier said, winking seductively at Adam.

"Don't make this weird" Adam commented about Xavier's weird behavior. "Beside, you're strong enough to take care of yourself" He added.

"That's true but what about Cassie?" Xavier said.

"She can take care of herself" Adam replied.

"How about Drake?" Xavier promptly asked.

"Don't fuckin care!" He instantly replied.

"In that case, I have nothing to teach you mate" Xavier commented wryly, leaving Adam totally dumbstruck.

"Why?" Adam erupted in annoyance.

"See the fact is , you're already strong, but the only thing limiting your power is, you're intense thirst for revenge. Once you let go of that and focus on protecting others, that's when you'll exceed your limits" Xavier said with enthusiasm and charisma.

"Bullshit!" Adam whispered. "Says the guy whose resolve to get stronger is just to look cool" Adam bitterly scoffed.

"Aye mate, when you're strong, you can do what you want!" Xavier replied, sadistically grinning.

Adam briefly sighed, casually placing both hands into his pocket while exiting the room.

"Where are you going?" Xavier curiously inquired.

"I've got business to attend to. See you later, Xavier" Adam said as his body gradually sunk into his shadow.

Seeing this, Xavier couldn't help but chuckle, slightly ruffling his already messy hair. "That kid" He said with a cheery smile.

"He needs to learn a little bit of respect. It's Executive Xavier you dumbass!" He erupted in annoyance.


Adam was seen casually strolling through the hallway of the building, which was as busy as ever. Adam folded the sleeves of his right hand, revealing a wristwatch which seemed to be touch sensitive.

"Shit, It's thirty minutes past five. I'm way behind schedule" He thought to himself.


The sound echoed out from his watch, attracting unwanted attention. Apparently, he had a call from Cassie which he promptly answered.

"Hey Adam where are you?!" Cassie said.

"I was with Xavier, what's the matter?" He stoically replied.

"We have a Mission" She said.

"What's it about?" He curiously asked.

"Sightings of Five Demon-Class Grade-B Primes in Abandoned Sector 4" She answered.

"Alright, where are you guys?" He inquired with diminished enthusiasm.

"We're at the parking lot" She immediately replied

"Okay, I'll be there soon" He said.

"We'll wait here for…." She said before she was interrupted by Adam's sudden appearance. Before she could finish her sentence, Adam shockingly ascended right out of the concrete floor.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Adam asked, solemnly staring at her.

"It's nothing" She replied in gibberish as her face turned red.

In front of them, was a black colored SUV and inside the driver seat was Drake. The blonde youth stared out the window, immediately spotting Adam.

'Yo dude!" Drake exclaimed with excitement.

"Hey Drake" Adam said, dramatically waltzing into the car, promptly slamming the door closed.

Cassie followed suit, entering the car dramatically. She sat in the passenger seat, while Adam took the front left seat.

"Alright what are we waiting for, let's go already"

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