
A Cosplayer?

"Raul Evergreen I assume?"

I nodded slowly

"I am Captain Rikishi serving under the Gwendal Kingdom, where are you from?" The captain looks back at me waiting for my reply.

"I am from Singapore, operationally ready, rank lance corporal" I replied confidently

"Huh? Where is that?"

"In earth, part of south Asian countries. Sir, may I know where I am currently?"

"Near the western border of Gwendal Kingdom, so a spy from Singapore, a kingdom where I never heard before. What are your intentions coming here?" The Captain grin at me

"Incorrect, I am not a spy. It's a long story, to make it short. I am a lost kid. Is there a village nearby that I could get information to get back to my country?"

"Hahaha, I don't know what you are getting at, but no one can tell you how to get back to your kingdom if it named as Singapore."

"It's not a kingdom" I unconsciously retorted.

"Anyway, it's time for the hourly report. At last, there is something different to say to the messenger."

After the conversation I was thrown to a big cell, well might as well call it a cage. Food and water arranged, but it was terrible, I almost vomited it out. The food looks like a porridge while the water seems like polluted water, not that I could see in this dark cage. Being caged is uncomfortable, one thing that made it worse is the weather. It's cold, can I survive the night here? The next problem is my bladder; I need to go number one. Should I do it here?

Not long after, no I would say I felt like I suffered an eternity waiting in a cage. A group of soldiers started walking towards me. They put me into a large carriage, within minutes I was off somewhere. The only bad thing, I haven't released my bladder yet. Fine, other than that, the group of soldiers was staring at me while holding their weapons. They aren't letting their guards down. It's not like I have any powers to even fight with them. Well sure, through the internet I could at least see myself as a warrior. A keyboard warrior of course.

"Oi wake up!"

I had awakened by a poke from the flat part of the spear, though I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. It sure is comforting in the carriage as there weren't any open areas and it was not cold enough to disturb me from my sleep. Alright, the past is not crucial, now where I am?

I was kicked out of my temporary house, [The cage]. Led by one of the soldiers to one of the houses. No, this is too big for a home. It's a castle, looking back I could even see the castle walls and the drawbridge that currently slowly being pull up as you read. The shouting's I heard from afar is one of the commands from their superior. Aren't they tired? From what I believe, it should be around two in the morning. I didn't know that they are that serious about serving their country damn son.

As I entered the main hall, it shocked me as the place brightly lit. Looking up, I saw something that amazes me, a bright light that doesn't generate through electricity. This invention is awesome. If I could find the person that created this miracle, the first thing I would ask him is to create an insect repellent.

Oh, please, guys!? How can you guys even survive that attack in the forest? I am pleased to know that I manage to catch some sleep within the terror attacks.

Sorry, I kept being interrupted by various things. I don't think I should say much. Most of the items present in the hall do not need to be told. Stonewall, stone floor, big ass picture frame that contains some propaganda issue, humongous carpet, wait, stop there, I wonder how they make carpet in this time. Magic probably, alright next is full body armor and random big pots that placed at the corner of the wall. To do some stealth mission, I suppose?

"Halt there" A pair of soldiers wearing golden armor stopped the group of soldiers with me included of course.

"We were ordered to accompany this spy to see lady Eliza."

"Alright wait there."

One of them affirm it with a nod and knock on the door behind him.

"Milady, the suspected spy has arrived."

"Guide him in."

It was soft, but everyone could hear it.

The soldier started to point my back with spears again, what did I ever do to you guys? After I got into the room, the soldiers began walking away from the place. Is something scary inside here? Oi! Come back here.

"Why are you trying to call them back? You are weird…" A female voice caught me off-guard.

Turning myself around and seeing someone familiar I couldn't help myself.

"Ah, the cosplayer!" Unconsciously I blurted out something I should not.


"A person that imagine that she is someone else while wearing another person clothing." Well, that is my definition.

"I know what a cosplayer is! The question is why you are pointing that term towards me?"

"Visualization speaks a thousand words, no I mean picture. I can't use it any better in this situation." I started arguing my own words forgetting to answer her

"Is my life a lie then? Am I a bastard daughter from…"

"MILADY! that's blasphemy."

Someone disrupted her from ending her sentence.

"Lady you are thinking things too far, we are just talking about being a cosplayer." I was confused when she brings up her life being a lie.

"What's your perspective of view then?"

"More like… I am still stuck on how you know about what a cosplayer is."

"You are looking down on me right now, aren't you?"

"No I wasn't, in my view, this world shouldn't have a person that they imagine themselves to be. Wait, if there's someone they look up then I am looking down on her huh? EH! Milady, the question is who do the children here look up to?"

"God, goddess, heroes and demon king? You already admitted that you are looking down on me."

"My bad, so where are we? Why did you call me here?"

"...Sigh. I guess that you were the one that got caught while trying to catch up with us. It looks like we are correct, so why did you follow us?"

"From the way that you are running from something, I assume that it would be dangerous to backtrack from your place thus going towards safety is much better."

"...…. Milady 's true, what you guessed."

"Yes, I could see that, the thing that we were running from…"

"It's me, right?"

"…Yeah, we came from the Kingdom of Gwendal. Well if you remember the way back. Or would you like to stay in our cell?"

"Cell? Ah no. As for going back outside, let me say this. It's dark out there!"

*Sound of explosions

"What is that?"

"You! Follow me." The princess got out of the room after pointing to me and approach the frontline.

Meanwhile, I got shocked of my life. Unknown creatures were five hundred ahead of me. Probably baring their fangs at us. The princess seems amused by my emotions. Damn it.

The princess sighed to herself and took a deep breath.

" O'spirits around us, gather to me as I need your help to eliminate the enemy before us."

Lights started to gather from within and around the princess, as it reaches an absolute peak the princess makes a weird pose while shouting.

"Wind Slash!"

The bright light quickly dispersed. Honestly, I didn't see the output at all, and I thought the princess had failed and was about to tease her that she is too old to be a chuunibyou. Seconds later, sounds of crying and growling in pain were heard, and the voices of the soldiers started cheering.

"Magicians are too powerful."

"Our savior has arrived!!"

"Thank god for letting her reach here safely."

"I want to marry her!"

A couple of voices heard from among the crowds.

"Hey, someone only cares about you reaching here safely but not going back and someone…"

"I heard, you do not need to repeat it twice thanks."

Someone had proposed to you just now, well I can't say it to her, but I can tell it in my heart, right? What's with that dramatic crying does it hurt a lot? I can't see much from here, does each of them have eagle eyesight? Or owl? Whichever is fine, I too want to look at the effect of the magic just now.

"Do you guys ever sleep?"

"What do you think?"

"Does it happen every day?" A wrong question, I quickly changed the problem.

"Once or twice per month, the monster is getting more and more aggressive. The rumors are true then, the demon king is back. Why am I even talking to someone that isn't in this world?"

"Y-You know about me?"

"So what's your power? Would you like to serve the kingdom of Gwendal?"

The words of the princess touch my heart.


What's my power?

Thank you very much for reading my novel.

Hit me up if you find any typo or grammar error.

fyrokaicreators' thoughts
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