
Apocalyptic Transmigration

Fang Xue fell asleep while reading an apocalyptic novel suggested by a friend. The original villainess of the story has rebirthed and embarked on the way of revenge against the original heroine of the novel who has caused her death. She stole the heroine's goldenfinger space and successfully stole the attention of the male lead Mu Yihan who she have loved for a very long time. As for Fang Xue, she had transmigrated to the body of a character who could barely be called a cannon fodder. Worst, she was being hunted by a certain possessive man who wanted to swallow her on his stomach!

Sweet_leaf · sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Chun Feng

At 11:00 in the evening, Fang Xue entered the most flourishing brothel in the city. She disguised herself as a man, wearing very lose clothes to hide her exceptional figure, wore a short wig to hide her long hair, and wore a face mask to cover her face. Otherwise, this face of hers will only cause her trouble and Fang Xue doesn't want it.

Being beautiful is also not a good thing.

Currently, she is on a VIP room of the brothel. Watching the bustling business from above behind the window's curtain.

Well, she doesn't came here to drink alcohol nor get laid. She only came here to satisfy her curiosity about how really successful this business was. In short, she paid money for sightseeing!

Fang Xue really wanted to beat herself for spending money over nothing. Although her curiosity was already fulfilled, she decided to stay here a little longer.

The sexy looking attendant on the side was already ignored by Fang Xue for so long. She kept on glancing at Fang Xue from time to time.

Meanwhile, Fang Xue was watching the commotion happening below this time. Seems like the wife caught her husband flirting with a prostitute in here. It was very messy.

The wife aggressively attacked the prostitute and gotten herself to a fight. The prostitute was looking miserable, she has already several scratches and fallen hair.

Fortunately, the husband dragged his wife away before the security does. On the other hand, the prostitute ran away from the scene crying loudly.

After finished with the drama, people returned to their own businesses like nothing happened.

" Leave," Fang Xue glanced at the attendant prostitute.

Although hesitant, the attendant still exited the room obediently.

As soon as the door closed up, Fang Xue quickly stood up and stretched her body.

She went towards the door and opened it up. Fang Xue was dumbfounded.

" Why are you still here?"

" It's part of the job sir," she coquettishly answered and swayed her hips flirtatiously. Staring at him with an innocent pair of eyes while slightly bending to show off her bulging bosoms.

Fang Xue felt goosebumps at the way she's acting. In addition to that, she also felt her lips twitched because of annoyance. In her mind, she was belittling this prostitute's inferior body figure.

She frowned and started walking around.

" Show me around," Fang Xue said.

Aside from her flirtatious and suggestive movements, Fang Xue couldn't comment on the prostitute's efficiency when showing him around.

However, Fang Xue soon lost interest in roaming around. She was instead intrigued in the commotion of the prostitutes from a distance.

" Is this the worker's resting area?" Fang Xue turned her head to the person next to her.

" Yes sir. However, that's a prohibited area for customers. We have to leave," the prostitute said a little agitated.

Fang Xue ignored her words and walked towards the commotion. An angry voice soon started to be heard clearer as soon as she came closer. In addition to that, the sound of a whip hitting a skin also became clear.

" Useless thing! Even If I feed you to a dog right now, no one will care at all! "

" Remember, I spent a million dollar at you! You have to be grateful that I spent it on unwanted trash like you! Do you get it? Huh! Do you get what I'm saying? Hmm? "

" So even if your sick, you have to work! You have to work! Work! Work! because I said so! How dare you reason for yourself! How dare you defy me! How dare you not work you cheap little thing! Even if you die while working, I don't care!! " With that, the whipping sounds became even more louder and continuous.

Fang Xue frowned unconsciously. Meanwhile, the prostitutes whispered with each other. Some male prostitutes were even gloating at the misfortune of others.

Fang Xue fastened her steps and pushed away the prostitutes blocking the door. Some screamed while some of them cried aggrievedly.

When she finally saw what's happening, Fang Xue was stunned. A middle aged woman in her revealing clothes and make-up is currently whipping a man on his back. The slender and tall man was lying on the floor, his head bowing down making it hard for Fang Xue to see his appearance. His both hands were clenched very tightly. His clothes already torn due to the excessive whipping and his back also full of blood. However, not even a single sound came out his mouth every time the whip lands on him. Instead, his clenched hands would only tremble slightly.

Fang Xue was really enraged with this kind of sight! The man was already at his wits end. He will surely die if a few more hit lands on his body.

" Stop this instance," Fang Xue said between her gritted teeth.

The middle aged woman raised her head aggressively. However, when she saw the unfamiliar man in the room, she quickly changed her appearance and smiled at him pleasingly.

" Sir, you are not supposed to be in here. However, I apologize that you need to witness such a scene of me teaching a disobedient slave a lesson." she softly said, very different from the aggressive voice she had earlier.

Fang Xue quickly concealed her emotions and nodded at her. She shifted her sight to the bloodied man on the floor.

" How much?" Fang Xue suddenly blurted out.

" Pardon?" the middle aged woman asked in disbelief.

" How much is he?" Fang Xue repeated.

The face of the middle aged woman instantly brightened. " 1 million dollars," she quickly answered. The whispering around them also loudened.

Fang Xue laughed mockingly at her.

" Don't try to fool me. You see, he's already a dying ma..."

" Half a million dollars then. As long as you buy him this instant," the middle aged woman interrupted.

In her mind, she needs to dispose this useless man quickly, otherwise, he will be dead anytime soon and will cost no value at all. Why not take this opportunity to make money and send this trash away!?

" Bank account," Fang Xue asked, taking her cellphone out from her pocket. The middle aged woman immediately let out a happy laugh and told him her bank account.

Fang Xue transfered her the money.

All this time, the man stayed quiet. The middle aged woman called for some male workers and let them carry the wounded man away. They all exited from the backdoor to minimize gaining attention.

When reached her car, Fang Xue instructed the male workers to let the wounded man lay on his stomach at the backseat to avoid his wound from being touched. At this moment, before the man lost his consciousness.

" Chun Feng," he muttered.