

Gavin was given another chance in life. he was killed by the boyfriend of the girl he loved the most. now he has transmigratted into the body of a female girl. and as if the world hates him, he was also in a new world where an apocalypse was about to begin.

lil_insane_butgood · Fantasie
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28 Chs


On another side of the military camp,

"We need to look for the others, we need to look for Kate, she could be in trouble and needs my help." John said welding his spear in his hands with determination to look for his crush

"I can't believe you're thinking about her in a time like this, she's strong enough to protect herself and more." Ben said

"You guys should focus, every part of me is screaming to leave this place... I'm scared." Stacy said, her voice filled with fear

"Let's just get out of here before things get worse." Ben said leaving both John and Stacy behind

"No! I'm going to look for Kate and the rest." John said still adamant on leaving

"Ok then, if you insist on looking for her.... Then I have no other choice than to help you, after all, you're the one with the weapon." Ben said pointing at John's spear

"I'll help you too, I don't want to be left alone in a time like this." Stacy said

* * * *

Chase tightened his grip on the shotgun like his life depended on it

*Bang!!* *Bang!!* *Bang!!*

"This is taking me nowhere, if I run out of ammo, I won't be able to save anyone, heck I won't be able to save even myself." Chase said as he shot a few zombies on the head


"Save me!!!"

"It's a zombie, AAHHH!!!."

Loud screams for help were coming from all directions and people were running about aimlessly which made it harder for chase to find the people he was looking for

"Where could they be?." Chase said as he scanned the camp for both Mia and Stacy.

* * * *

Both Mark and Kyle were struggling to fight off the almost infinite amount of zombies that were attacking them.

Both Mark and Kyle held a dagger, constantly slashing at the zombies one by one

"Kyle! get a car ready and wait for me at the school's entrance, I'll find the others and we'll meet you there." Mark ordered

"I'm on it." With a little nod, Kyle left mark alone to fend of the attacks from the zombies

* * * *

"I'm t-tired." Stacy said stopping to catch her breath after running for a while

"We can't stop now, what if the others are in trouble, what if Kate's trouble, what if they're out there praying for a hero." John said encouraging Stacy

"Hey, guys look, a survivor." Ben said pointing at a girl who was kneeling next to a dead body

"I don't think that's a survivor Ben." John said

"Yeah, who stays so calm in a situation like this." Stacy added

"You guys can think whatever you want, I'm going to save a damsel in distress." Ben said about to leave

"Hey Ben, don't you want to think about this first? I mean you don't have a weapon." John said

"I don't need a weapon when I've got this bad boys." Ben said raising his hands flaunting his muscles that were barley visible

"You've got to be kidding me, are all boys like this?" Stacy asked

"As a friend, I'm not letting you go."

"You can't stop me you're not my mother." Ben said

"Just think about this first before going, think about the negative possibilities that could happen." John said

"And I should take advices from you, the one who is willing to risk our lives for a girl who doesn't even recognize him. look John, I know you mean well for me, but it's my life and I'm the one to live my life, I can't just allow someone to die especially if that someone is from the other gender." Ben said leaving both Stacy and john.

John could feel his ego shattering after what Ben had just said.

"Don't pay attention to his words, he doesn't know what he's saying." Stacy said to John

"He's right, she doesn't notice me, I'm pretty sure she doesn't even remembers my name." John said, his voice filled with sadness

"That's not true, she likes you, she's just too shy to say it or express it. Just give her some time and space, then she'll notice what she's missing in her life." Stacy said

"R-really?" John asked, his face bright red like a tomato ready to burst

"Yeah, just give her some space, make her feel jealous and she'll come running back to you."

"Is that so?" John asked

"Yeah, I'll give you some tips, girls loves boys that plays hard to get." Stacy said with a wry smile

"She'll really notice me if I give her some space and time. This is great, thanks for the tips Stacy." John said.

Ben got closer to the girl who was strangely comfortable kneeling close to a dead body

"Maybe she lost someone important and she needs a shoulder to cry on." Ben said as he approached the girl

"Hey there, it's not safe out here come with me I'll keep you safe." Ben said to the strange girl.

The girl stood up and turned to face Ben.

"Holy shit!" Ben yelled as he tried to run from the grosteque figure with someone's intestines dangling from the side of her mouth like a long spaghetti. Unfortunately for Ben who didn't expect this to happen, lost his balance falling to the floor as he watched the girl tower over him

"Help me!!!" Ben screamed

Immediately, both Stacy and john darted towards Ben who was being attacked by the zombie.

Slashing vertically, John was able to cut of the zombie's head in one clean strike

"Are you okay?" Stacy asked with a worried look

"I-i'm fine, let's go now." Ben said

"Show me your arm Ben." John commanded

"You're not the boss of me, you can't tell me what to do." Ben said angrily

"What's wrong John? Let's get out of here before more zombies arrive." Stacy said

"The girl is right let's go now." Ben said trying to walk away.

Raising his spear with the tip pointing at Ben's neck John said

"Show me your arm or I would have no other option than to end your life right now!"

"What are you doing?" Ben said

"This is not the time for this John, we've got to get out of here." Stacy said

"Show me the damn arm Ben!!" John shouted

"Why should I? it's my arm, so I do whatever I want with it." Ben said still adamant on showing John his arm despite the spear pointing to his throat

"Then I have no other choice." John said pulling his spear backwards, prepared to thrust it into Ben's throat

"John!" Stacy shouted

"W-wait wait, I'll show you." Ben said and with those words, john stopped on his tracks.

Bringing out his arm from his back, Ben's eyes turn watery.

A large chunk of flesh was missing from Ben's arm