
Have You Seen My Little Bear?

These dry rations and water, if used sparingly, are enough to sustain a single soldier for a week.

Each soldier is equipped with rations to prevent them from being scattered by zombies or surrounded during battle.

This allows them to hold on for a bit longer, waiting for rescue to arrive.

In fact, Doug's task was to hold the corridor while waiting for Raven to complete his mission and safely retreat, and he was under no obligation to provide supplies to the manager and others.

He did so entirely out of compassion.

Survivors would even fight fiercely over a bit of food, let alone give a week's worth of food and water for three people to strangers, which was already exceedingly generous.

However, as soon as the manager received the food, his expression changed instantly.

"What's the meaning of this? Carrying out other tasks? Is there any task more important than our lives?!"

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