
New Ability: Civilization. Pioneer

Inside Oasis Meeting Room No. 3, all the oasis overlords were present.

The atmosphere was somewhat oppressive, and everyone's expression was rather grim.

Wu Hongyi's face was especially dark and gloomy.

Recently, the Changsheng Adventure Group has been selling catalysts in large quantities, doing so smoothly.

A vast amount of Civilization Seeds have ended up in the pockets of the Changsheng Adventure Group.

No one knows exactly how much Changsheng Adventure Group makes in a day. The jealousy among the oasis overlords was almost tangible.

Undoubtedly, with a continuous supply of Civilization Seeds for experience points, the level-up speed of those women at Changsheng Adventure Group would surely be as fast as riding a rocket.

Originally, Wu Hongyi and others had planned to develop and accumulate enough strength before launching an attack on Oasis No. 1.

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