
Fierce Battle with the Half-Corpse

At the same time, Noah also saw the four lines of text that appeared above the meat mountain's head:

- [Half-Corpse: Starving Tyrant LV8]

- [Skills: Super Evolution, Gluttony, Frenzy, Bloodthirst]

- [Special Ability: Super Energy Storage S]

- [Wealth: 26,800,000]

Seeing these four lines of text, even Noah, who was experienced and knowledgeable, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

What is this thing?

It has the level and skills of a zombie, as well as the special abilities and wealth of an awakened.

Is it a zombie or an awakened? Or both?

Most likely both, being both a zombie and an awakened.

Half-Corpse implies that it is a zombie that has not been completely infected, hence the name Half-Corpse.

Normally, after being infected by the zombie virus, even awakened individuals would turn into zombies unless vaccinated against the zombie virus.

This half-human, half-zombie breed was something he had never seen before.

Truly an eye-opener.

This must be the big boss.

No wonder the people on the island are afraid of him; this thing has completely evolved into a monster that is neither human nor zombie.

Eating humans has already become an instinct.

Given his size, his appetite is probably not small, consuming a hundred and eighty pounds of human flesh in one meal is not an exaggeration.

If he becomes pickier, a meal might consist of several adult men.

By that calculation, a cold storage full of frozen meat wouldn't last him very long.


At that moment, the big boss, who had been chopping meat, suddenly stopped moving, raised his head like a dog, and sniffed the air.

A deep, throaty sound emanated.

"Eheheh, it's the smell of fresh human flesh, how fragrant."

The big boss then abruptly turned his head towards the door, his bloated face covered in excess flesh, with one piece already torn apart to not obstruct his vision from the meat sagging down his forehead.

With a mouth four to five times larger than a normal person's, filled with shark-like serrated teeth, the big boss made a gurgling noise, reached for two meter-long cleavers from the wall, and charged towards the door, causing the ground to tremble as he ran.

Noah muttered "crap" under his breath and, without hesitation, kicked off the door to propel himself backward in retreat.

He had forgotten that the big boss was nearly as sensitive to the scent of humans as a zombie, especially since he consumed human flesh daily. In such a confined space, the scent of a living person he emitted was easily detected by the opponent.

Just as he retreated a short distance, the door was completely knocked down, and the bloated figure of the big boss slowly emerged from the dust.

Each of his hands gripped a cleaver, the two blades scraping against each other, emitting a harsh, grating sound.

"Where did this little mouse come from? Such a delicious scent, I want to devour your heart and liver, kekeke....."

The big boss's eyes, visible through the slits in his flesh, were filled with greed and cruelty as he stared at Noah.

Noah, without responding, pulled out dozens of steel rebars from his spatial storage. Electricity crackled around him as he launched the electrified rebars towards the big boss.

The big boss, without dodging or flinching, used the cleavers to shield his head, letting the rebars pierce into his body, resulting in a spray of blood and erratic flashes of electricity.

However, Noah found no joy in this sight. The rebars had penetrated only a palm's depth, barely breaking the skin for someone with the big boss's bulk.

Moreover, Noah could feel the electric power he had unleashed rapidly weakening. This was partly because the big boss's layer of fat diminished the voltage, and partly because the big boss's special ability was taking effect.

Super Energy Storage S

Simply put, it absorbs damage received for personal use while also being able to store energy, multiplying the power of subsequent attacks and returning them several fold.

Such an ability was a terrifyingly powerful combat skill, specializing in storing power for counterattacks with especially fearsome explosive power.

If you couldn't kill him with one strike, you would face a counterattack with several times the force.

"Gurulu, little mouse, you've hurt me so badly, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to eat your heart and liver,"

The big boss suddenly became extremely enraged, his pupils turning blood-red as he activated his 'Frenzy' skill

Body functions significantly enhanced, speed and strength surged again, in combination with his 'Super Energy Storage', the destructive power had reached an extremely terrifying level.

He became a monster without reason, gradually becoming more enraged.


The big boss was enveloped in a surge of blood light, charging directly at Noah with astonishing speed, like a rapidly advancing war chariot, incongruously paired with his obese body.

"Iron Body"

Noah, not daring to be careless, immediately activated Iron Body, turning into a metallic figure.

Even with Iron Body activated, Noah dared not confront the opponent head-on. Instead, he used magnetic control to lift his now metallic body into the air, kicking into the ceiling's rock to hang upside down from the ceiling.

The big boss missed his target, leaving two half-meter deep slashes in the ground with his cleavers.

Failing to hit his target, the boss, without hesitation or looking up, leapt towards Noah on the ceiling like a cannonball.

Noah, prepared, dodged with a leap.

"Bang..." The big boss crashed straight into the ceiling, causing a dull thud.

Debris flew everywhere, and the ceiling bore a large hole where the big boss's half body was embedded in the rock.


Without hesitation, Noah accelerated towards the exit of the passage.

The terrain here was too narrow, with the big boss's speed and strength both reaching their peaks. Noah had no advantage here and could only lure him to a more spacious area for a mobile fight.


The big boss roared furiously, tearing through the stone wall, his massive body thundering to the ground. In a rage, the big boss, wielding his cleavers, chased after Noah. The ground trembled with his run, each step leaving a deep footprint on.

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