
Apex Of Supremacy

Of unknown origin, handsome and cold, distant yet warm, he possesses the affinity of an angel and the cruelty of a demon. He is known as The Fallen Angel. Going from a talented young master who was full of himself, to a broken man searching for his true identity while unraveling the mysteries that bind his soul. Follow the story of Eden Folker as he finds the freedom he has long wished for by becoming what he once was, The... This is the path to his Supremacy. Tag: Fantasy/Slice of Life/Mysteries/Reincarnation/Harem/Antihero/Academy/Romance/Action/Other Races. NB: Each #tag will be developed a little in an auxiliary chapter so you know what to expect. I am a beginner writer who does the writing and editing, so there may be grammatical mistakes. Don't blame me, just report them.

Whiteblack7 · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Eden Folker

4 years later, the capital of the human kingdom.

It was a large city divided into five parts by a great river. To the north of the river, there was a bustling market where adventurers could buy artifacts (magic swords, lances or mana shields) and potions to venture into forbidden areas.

There was also magical beast blood and even food rations. A great bridge connected the market to a towering building called the Adventurer's Tower. It was led by Morgane Crimson, Level: Mage 7, the elder sister of Duke Crimson, one of the four great noble houses. Following the Chief of the Tower, there were six Rank S adventurers including Arthur and Diana. Then there were adventurers of ranks A to D. All adventurers of ranks A to D were either swordsmen or mages. To become a Rank S adventurer, the swordsman must reach at least Level: Swordmaster 1, after Level 9 of swordsman. The mage, on the other hand, must reach Level: Archmage 1, after reaching Level 9 of mage.

The adventurers aimed to explore the ruins left by the Hundred-Year War and prohibited areas. They killed the monsters inhabiting these ruins and in return they found relics dating back to the time of the war. Looking to the east from the Adventurer's Tower, one could see a great crystal castle reflecting the sunlight. It was the royal castle built since the end of the war. Standing in front of the castle courtyard were several knights in shining armor patrolling.

These were the weakest among them, swordsman Level 6. In the center of the capital, one could notice a monument made of the same crystal as the castle. It was the statue of an angel with 4 wings on its back, facing the castle, hovering while offering the sun with its hands to a kneeling man touching him with the tip of his index finger. It is said that it is the First King, Leroy Light receiving the blessing of the Archangel of Courage 'LUCIEL.' Not far from the castle, there was a walled city. The whole city was actually the Academy, 'A.L.L.' built by King Leonard Light after the tragic event about 5 years ago when he lost his brother.

The purpose of this academy was to welcome and train talented young people of the continent. After 4 years of study, they would serve the six churches to fight against the remaining five sects for a year. At the end of their service, they could become adventurers, royal knights or serve one of the 4 great Dukes. The most talented among them became magic professors at the Academy.

At the far south of the capital there was a city divided into two districts. One was a rather poor district with several dilapidated houses where one could see several dirty children running in the streets, beggars, and passers-by with clothing reflecting their misery. In the other rather luxurious district, there were several mansions different from one another. Unlike the other part of the city, carriages transported people with noble appearances. It was the Noble district of the capital.

In the courtyard of one of these mansions, a man and a woman were discussing around a table while servants were serving them tea.

- Eden has been training since he was 4 and is improving at a great pace. You can see it every time he trains with his sword. Arthur said, smiling with pride.

- What surprised me the most were his magical affinities. Diana said, smiling.

- Ice and Light, this child is special even among his peers. No wonder the Supreme Sorcerer wanted to sacrifice him to Lucifer. It's never been seen before, a drake with such affinities. He's a genius, but the problem is that he doesn't want to train.

- Don't worry, Arthur. I've noticed that he's interested in magic and has a great sensitivity to mana. As I also have an affinity with ice, I can teach him some spells. He can become a great mage.

- He must become an Archmage like his father. He has the potential and he shouldn't waste it.

- Well, if you say so. Anyway, I hope Alan will also be a genius like his older brother.

- Of course, he's my son. Arthur said proudly.

At the same time, in a room that looked like a library, a 5-year-old child was reading a book. He had short jet black hair with some silver white strands, his fair skin matched perfectly with his silver gray eyes. His cute little face seemed thoughtful as he read the book in his hands.

"According to this book, there have always been 6 sects and 6 churches. The sects are led by a Supreme Sorcerer cursed by an archdemon. The Supreme Sorcerer is followed by 3 sorcerers. The churches, on the other hand, are led by a priest with the blessing of an archangel. The priest, in turn, is followed by 3 paladins. After the death of a priest or a Supreme Sorcerer, the archangel or the archdemon chooses his successor from birth."

'That's the case with the Prince cursed by Lucifer, Lucas Light.' Eden thought as he closed the book he was reading.

[Knock Knock]

- Come in.

- Young master, your father is waiting for you in the training room. A servant said, entering the library.

'Ah! More training. Father says I'm a genius, but he wants to train me every time he's available.' Eden thought as he stood up from his seat.

- Alright, I'm coming. Eden said, sighing of boredom.

- Ah! Wait for me, Eden. A young boy cried out from the top of a ladder trying to grab a book.

He had black hair with as blue as his mother's eyes. He was a 4-year-old boy, Eden's younger brother, Alan Folker.

- Young master Alan, it's dangerous to stay here, you should come down.

"Let's go, big brother." He said after climbing down the ladder.

- Yeah, if you want. Eden replied nonchalantly.

A few minutes later, in a large training room.

Arthur stood in the center of the room, hands crossed behind his back, waiting for his son, next to a mysterious young girl.

- Here I am, Father. Alan decided to come with me too. Eden said, entering the room.

- Hmmm... Well, let's begin the training, but before that, I'd like to introduce someone to you. This is Isabella Wöler from the Fire clan. Her father owed me a favor and as she also has an affinity with lightning, he asked me to take her as a disciple. Isabella, I'd like to introduce you to my two sons, Eden and Alan.

- Hello, we're pleased to meet you. The two brothers said, bowing slightly to Isabella.

- Hi. She replied.

At just 6 years old, Isabella Wöler was the only daughter of "Saad Wöler," the leader of the Fire clan. She had white hair with fox ears as white as her hair, and her eyes were ruby red. She also had a tail, a unique feature of the Fire clan, also known as "the clan of fire manipulators" because all of its members can control this element without distinction.

"Okay, now that introductions are done, we can begin training."

"Father, I prefer to rest because, as you yourself said, I am a genius, so I don't need to train like the others."

"We've already talked about this, Eden," said Arthur, sighing with annoyance. "This world is full of danger, and you need to use your talent to its full potential. Plus, you already skipped training last week."

"Isabella, according to your father, you already have mastery of the basics of fencing, so today, I will teach you one of my techniques, specifically my movement technique. The use of lightning magic to move is more or less similar to light magic, so I think with a little understanding of the technique, you can produce your own, Eden, even if it should take years. Then, I will teach you, Isabella, the aura of the sword: lightning. As for you, Alan, sit down and watch us. You don't have the physicality of Eden, so you won't be able to train at this age. (Normally, a talented child starts training at the age of 7)."

"Yes, Father," said Eden, taking a wooden sword to train before assuming a combat position just like his father, while Alan sat down on a bench looking disappointed. Isabella, who was still shocked by Eden's affinity, quickly regrouped as she burned with determination to impress her new master.