
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · Anime und Comics
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94 Chs


Returning at the camp. I lose my composure when being dragged into a tent full of women around. Riveria, Tiona, Tione, Lefiya, Ais. Finn and Gareth still ordering the party and divided the team with high-level party members to look after low-level members.

Since the purpose is mapping the floor, they don't need to fight the monster and the monster from floor 51 down to 55 only as little as the upper-level floor. It's more like a maze than a dungeon.

"Nee... Ageas. Can you start telling us?" Tiona said hugging my arm. "Emmm... Anoo... I think it's best to not know the full story." I said after thinking for a while.

"No!! Please tell us." Tiona said while the other nodded. "How do you know about Aria? Is it related to you calling Lefiya by Fina?" Riveria asked.

"Ayaa~ You heard about it." I said scratching my own head in shame. "Don't drag the conversation. Just tell it to us." Riveria said. Ais came closer to me and held my hand "Please..." She said sweetly which made me sighed hard.

"Fine... I will tell you." I said.

"Anoo... Ettooo.. How do I start the story?" I said looking for words. All the girls already coming closer except Riveria.

"Basically, I'm a reincarnation from a certain person. I'm the reincarnation from Argonaut." I said which made the people around looked at me in disbelief.

"As hard as it is to believe. Bell also the reincarnation of Argonaut." I said another thing that made them shut their mouth for a few seconds before screaming ""WHAT!!!??? EEEHHH!!!!!???"".

"Nn! Both of us are. While Bell didn't have the memory. He had his dream and ambition. While me on the other hand, well... some got into me from the other person with the influence of another high-level being." I said not to complicated stuff about Maliel.

"First.. Let me said, I'm sorry." I said while doing dogeza. "Why are you saying sorry about?" Tione said asking me.

"Well, because keeping this a secret from all of you girls. Especially, Ais." I said patting her head which she accepted with a little smile.

"Please tell us from the beginning." Riveria said while listening to the story. I looked at her before giving up trying to cover up the story.

"A long time ago. There's a boy that lost his parents and he was safe by someone. Still, the pain of losing his parents haunted him every night.

He started crying every now and then. One day, he met a half-elf that collapse close to the forest that he used to pick firewood. He brought her home and asked people about what happened.

Finally, he got news about the nearest elf village got raze for some unknown reason. When the half-elf woke up. He asked her about her parents but then looking at her expression. He knew that she also lost her parents.

From that day on. He started to protect her, even calling her, his little sister. Despite the difference between them. With the feeling to protect her little sister growing. He started to dream of becoming a hero, to protect everyone that lost their smile.

He started to act as if he's a hero to bring laugh for everyone. Back then, he would be called the 'Clown'. Eventually, news came around the village that the King is looking for Hero to save the city.

That's when the boy started his journey toward the city. Meeting every people along the journey to reach the city when finally he met a dazzling princess that running past him but since he didn't know the princess. He didn't do anything to her and let her just like that but that's the first time he fell in love.

Arriving at the castle, he met the king. The king asked the boy to look for the princess that run away which then he found her by luck. After finding the princess, the boy knew the whole truth about the kingdom. Finding the princess is not for saving the city but instead, she would be used as a sacrifice to the monster that protecting the kingdom.

After that, he made a contract with a spirit, Jupiter. The great spirit of thunder and wield his sword to defeat the monster and lost his sight in the battle.

Being close to his death, the princess sacrificed herself and ask God to turn her as a spirit to heal him but with the cost of her life.

So how was it?? Pretty good for a short story right?" I said with a smile to everyone.

"Then tell us why is she calling Ais with Aria." Riveria asked me again. "Hmm It's because of her contracted spirit. Ais's magic is base on her spirit." I said while thinking for a while.

"In the book, that's written. Aria is the spirit of wind but Aria also Ais's mother right?" I asked Riveria and Ais which both of them nod.

"How do you know that?" Riveria asked me. "Because Albert Waldstein is also one of Argonaut's reincarnation." I said making Riveria thinking harder.

"Then?" Riveria asked. "Of course, I had his memory." I said giving her another bomb. "Wait... Then.. Ageas-sama... Are you her father?" Lefiya asked me after hearing me said that.

"Yes and no. Yes that I have his memory which made me part of her father but I'm not. I'm just another person that being born recently." I said explaining but Ais seems agitated and hugged me.

"Father?" she said looking at my face. "I'm sorry, Ais." I said patting her head. "Then, please continue your story." Riveria said.

"Ah right... Everyone is a reincarnation of their past life. That's what the knowledge that even God believed. They called it 10.000 years of love. Where the people they love will get reincarnated again in this world. It's the same thing for us. I even met all of you before this reincarnation within this memory." I said while pointing at my head.

"Eh!!?? I have met you, Ageas??" Tiona said in surprise. "Tiona!! Let him talk first." Tione said while pulling Tiona down. "Yes.. I have met all of you." I said confirming Tiona.

"So, that's the reason you call Lefiya by Fina?" Riveria said looking at me with her serious face. "Yes, when I go deeper and deeper recently. My memory started to get mixed up. That's why I let it slip by calling Lefiya by Fina." I said answering Riveria.

"Please, continue." Riveria said thinking again. "The spirit of the wind, Aria. Her full name is Ariadne. By the interference of God turning mortal into spirit cost us our life. In each reincarnation, we would never saw our old life. Each and every time, we always die young. The oldest age I have got is when my life as Albert Waldstein because of the God that started to walk among mortals and give us our blessing.

But still, the curse gave us our punishment by losing to the Black Dragon that escaped." I said telling them.

"Then what's the connection with Ais?" Riveria asked. "Ais is... Hah~ You see. Ais is supposed to be Aria's reincarnation but instead born in the same era. That's why she's in a coma ever since she was born.

That's why I and Aria tried everything to awaken Ais. That's when the Black Dragon attacked us. We knew our time has come and we had to die for Ais to live.

I don't know about what happened next but looked like it worked." I said while rubbing Ais's head that still hugging me.

"Then... The magic Ais got is from her spirit inside her?" Riveria asked me. "Yes." I said giving confirmation.

"Then what about you? I mean Bell used fire magic. You said that your spirit and Bell is thunder spirit." Riveria asked again.

"Oh, that one. It's Ursu and Jupiter. Ursu is the spirit of fire, the spirit that contracted with Crozzo family. He lent me his spirit to fight." I said remembering about Ursu.

"Then, you have two spirits?" Tiona asked me. "I don't know but if Ursu is back. Then the Crozzo family could also make magic weapons again." I said giving my answer.

"Next... next... How am I when you first met me, Ageas?? I wanted to know...." Tiona said with excitement. "Let's see.... Tiona is... Olna.. Olna Lucrious... You're a cold person that even never smiled once." I said after trying to remember.

"Eehh!!?? So lame.." Tiona said with a saddened tone. "But I did see you smile. Before my death, I gave you my dairy. Argonaut's journal which made you smile. I guess you're the one that rewrote Argonaut's story." I said while smiling at her.

"Hmm... I see. I'm not so bad after all. Eh? EH!? I'm the one that wrote Argonaut???" Tiona just realized at the end. "It's just your past self Tiona. The you right now is impossible to write the story." Tione said giving harsh judgment. "Yeah.. That's true.. Tehe~" Tiona said.

"Anoo... Ageas-sama... If you don't mind.. Can you tell me about Fina?" Lefiya asked me while being shy.

"Ah, right.. Fina.. is the half-elf that became my sister." I said smiling at her. "Lit.. lit.. little sister.." Lefiya said while murmuring her words.

"Me?" Ais said while looking at me. "Ah.. Ais... didn't I already tell you. You're Ariadne... My first love.. Hehe.." I said patting her head.

"No.. That's cheating, Ais..." Tiona said while dragging me back. "Relax, Tiona. In this life is different. I won't push my feeling to any of you but I will still answer your feelings." I said to calm her down.

Actually, when I made this.

The thing in my mind is to recommend you guys to watch the story about Argonaut from Memoria Freese.

So, Check out the story.

It's a great story.

I just want to share.

Rouxkcreators' thoughts