
Results and Decision

Time flowed and before Sagar noticed it had already been two years since the system introduced itself to him. He had spent most of his time either training or caring for his mother. Having been two years the soma drop he fed her has slowly been showing it's effects. His mother had stopped having random bouts of pain for such a consistent amount of time that she decided to stop wasting coin on the medicine that she usually takes.She also felt that she was more energized and would not wear out as easily as before. Along with this she's told Sagar that she is starting to feel her legs a bit more and was even able to move her toes some.

Beatrice herself didn't know what happened for such a miracle to occur but she didn't question it much as it was nothing but beneficial for her. Not only did she miss the feeling of walking but she also did not like to be a burden on her family. Even if being a burden was understandable with someone of her condition she still felt guilty about it. Her guilt increased heavily having her son take care of her as being his mother that was her job and she wasn't able to accomplish such a thing. She knew that Sagar didn't mind as he constantly reassured her, increasing her love and pride in her wonderful child.

Besides the improvement in her physical condition she noticed that the cracks all over her mana core slowly being repaired. She was more shocked about this case than the one with her body because as far as she was aware her core shouldn't be able to self recover it was mostly impossible. The only way to repair it was by taking highly valuable elixirs that even those who amassed a great amount of power would fight over. With the cracks she was able to cast magic but it would harm her by a certain amount depending on how strong the spell was. Low level spells may just cause her to become pale or queasy but casting spells at the level she used to might end up with her going into a coma in the best case scenario with the worst being death.

Over the past two years Garris has come back home a few times and because Beatrice wanted to surprise her husband about the improvement of her health she didn't tell him about it in any of their letters. Her husband started letting out tears of joy at the news that was so infectious that it caused both her and Sagar to let out some tears as well.

Other than the changes in his mother Sagar had also experienced a great amount of changes as well.

His training regiment caused his body to become lined with muscles but he wasn't bulky or anything as Sagar accommodated for that and tried to slim out his build. He was also taller than most others his age making him appear as if he was eleven rather than seven. Sagar hoped it stopped soon as he didn't want to be freakishly taller than others.

As Sagar had not yet told his mother that he managed to accomplish a great feat such as forming a mana core while he had also practiced his internal energy, he practiced most of his mana training while she was sleeping. Sagar originally didn't wake up much earlier than his mother, but now he did so that he could put more practice in. He generally knew when she woke as well so he would stop well beforehand and start training his internal energy along with his body.

Even if Sagar hadn't seen anybody at the Intermediate level he felt confidant he could at least fight evenly with one. His stats had managed to increase a good amount from these past two years with his strength being the highest at twenty, vitality grew to eighteen, agility is at sixteen, and finally magic being the lowest at fifteen.

Sagar had also been training to use some spells and techniques as well. For magic he managed to learn most of the basic elemental spells with only the more non-conventional elements, such as nuclear, giving him trouble. He also learned 'Dia' in case he needed to heal himself along with some buffing spells.

As for physical techniques he just learned the ones that didn't require a weapon such as 'feral claw' and 'dream fist'. He didn't know what kind of weapon he wanted currently but he was fine with anything as long as it met the requirements needed for the techniques. He would of visited the village blacksmith to see what he had there but he didn't want to spend his parents coin on that. While he did feel like his mother would give him some coins if he requested Sagar wanted to earn his own coin and buy a weapon on his own.

At this point Sagar was just slowly increasing his power as he felt he needed practical experience to further consolidate his growing strength. The only problem was that he was waiting for his mother's condition to further improve to at least the point where she can walk a bit as he didn't feel comfortable leaving his mother alone for a few hours. Even if he was constantly practicing he was just right outside so if something happened to her it wouldn't even take him a couple of seconds to see what the problem was.

He also wasn't completely sure if she would let him go into the nearby forest to fight the beasts and monsters inside. While Sagar felt he could match someone of the Intermediate level and maybe if he used everything he had he could beat someone of the Expert level it didn't mean his mother would allow her son to be in danger.

Both points made Sagar consider waiting at least one more year before talking to his mother about it. He would just have to bide his time for now and it wasn't like he wasn't improving in the slightest. If it came down to it and his mother wouldn't let him go to the forest then he would just show her that he could use magic. He had to physically show her because of the fact that his mana core was enshrouded by his internal energy and since it was overall stronger than his mana no magic fluctuations rippled from him. Even if his mother made bodily contact with him to try and sense it out he wasn't sure if she could as her condition was still weakened.

He also wasn't sure if his father was going to be back at a convenient time to help confirm for her, he also wasn't stupid enough to get a stranger to confirm for her and he doubted his mother would let him attempt to in case he was telling the truth.

Sagar sighed at the dilemma but he was patient so he would just continue with daily routine.

Like this another year passed along with the day that Sagar decided he would raise his question to his mother. As for the time he decided it would be while they were having dinner as the atmosphere seemed slightly appropriate.

At the dining table with some light radiating from a light crystal that they had installed in the ceiling, Beatrice was eating some pork with a side of vegetables along with her son. Sometimes she would look at him, feeling immensely warm in her heart at the growth he had experienced over the past three years. He looked a lot older than he actually was because of his training and that cute face he used to have was slowly changing into that of a grown man. His dark hair was a decent length but not too long as well just longer than Garris'. His height is what changed the most as Sagar and her had to go to the villages tailor to request new clothes every now and then, he was now almost as tall as her. At the same time seeing how much he had grown made her slightly sad but she knew such a thing would happen eventually, she just didn't expect it to be so soon.

While slightly lost in her thoughts she heard her precious child call out to her,"Mom, I need to ask you something."

Seeing her child's slightly nervous look she was quite surprised as he was often straight forward with anything he said and hardly ever hesitated with what he wanted to say. Either way she responded, "What did you want to ask sweetie?"

Raising his eyes, that were extremely dark reminding Beatrice of her husband, her son looked her in the eyes and said, "I wish to enter the forest to hunt beast."

Here's the next chapter. As a side note as some of Sagar's stats now surpass twenty I'm going to start using their numerical form just to make it easier to read.

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