
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Teenager
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665 Chs


"Annie??" called Matt as he was uncertain, but he should not have been, he had heard her cough, multiple times now.

"Annie??" called out Matt as he looked at her face, and he could promise you that he saw her brows furrowed.

"You are awake!!" said Matt in shock, relief, fear, he was going through so much emotions right now.

"Annie, can you hear me??" asked Matt.

"Annie, it's Matt, can you hear me??" asked Matt once again as Annie coughed.

Light... that was what Annie could see, she could see a light and then finally she opened her eyes as she coughed.

She noticed that she was in a room she had never seen before, her memory was hazy, she had a severe headache, and she was drowsy, she could not hear anything.

"Annie!!!, Annie you opened your eyes!!" said Matt as he felt like jumping for Joy right this moment.

Annie could hear a faint voice calling out to her, she could hear it, but not clearly, Annie was finding it more difficult to keep her eyes open, her eyes were weary, and her eyelids closed by themselves.

"No Annie, don't go, stay with me, open your eyes again" said Matt as he held Annie's hand in his.

Annie felt a warm embrace on her hand, and she strove to open her eyes once more.

"Ma..tt???" called Annie as she turned to look at her left and she saw Matt holding her hand in his, Annie voice was cracked, it was nothing but a whisper.

"Yes Annie, Yes it's me" said Matt as he smiled.

"Listen you have to hold on, you have to wake up... wake up Annie" said Matt.

"Wake up??" asked Annie to herself, those were the only words she heard, was she sleeping.

"No, No, No, No, don't close your eyes Annie, don't stay with me" said Matt as he was panicking he did not know what to do, he did not know what to do to keep Annie awake.

Annie was slowing loosing strength, she did not want to go back to sleep but her eyes... her eyes were closing on their own, she was striving to stay awake but she just could not.

She was fighting to stay in consciousness, but her eyelids just felt so heavy, she wanted to let them rest, but every time she tried to, she could hear Matt's faint still voice, telling her to not go to sleep, to stay awake.

"No, no" said Matt as he was frustrated he did not know what to do, hope was right there, and yet Annie was still slipping away.

"Look Annie, you need to wake up, I cannot help you, you need to wake up, I know you can do it, come on push through, push through" said Matt as he was cheering her on, she had to come out of this.

"Push through??" asked Annie to herself.

She had to push through, but she could not, her head was aching, she felt like she could not move any part of her body at all, she felt paralyzed, and when she even tried to think she could not.

"Come on Annie, you can do it" came Matt's voice once again, he felt so helpless, she was right there, and yet he could not help her at all.

"You can do it??" asked Annie to herself as she heard Matt's voice once again.

She had to fight, she had to fight to wake up, she felt as if her whole body was giving up on her but she had to wake up no matter what.

It was at that moment that Annie felt like she was suffocating, and she began to couch violently as if she was without any air.

"Annie??? Annie what's wrong??" asked Matt as he was very worried, she just started coughing very violently.

At that moment Annie gasped for air and she opened her eyes and the room went dead quiet.

"Annie???" asked Matt as everything went silent and Annie just laid there motionlessly with her eyes open.

"Wa...wa....ter" said Annie as she turned to look at Matt, she was fully awake now, but she just felt so weak, and her voice was nothing but a whisper, but Matt could hear her perfectly fine.

"Okay Water" said Matt as he was panicking, Annie was finally awake, and she needed water, Matt looked around the room.

Annie tried to move her hand to touch her throat, but she just could not, it was as if an invisible weight was holding her down.

"Here" said Matt as he caught sight of a jug of water that was laying by and he poured a glass of water.

Annie looked around, she tried to clear her throat, and she could not talk well just yet, her head had stopped aching her, but she still felt so light headed.

"Can you hold the cup or should I hold it for you??" asked Matt, he was so shocked right now, he could not take a minute to just relax and think on the fact that Annie was awake, she was actually awake after such a long time.

Annie looked at Matt and she just shook her head, she tried to speak but no words would come out.

"What am I even saying of course you cannot hold it" said Matt as he scolded himself and he walked closer to Annie and he put the glass of water closer to Annie's lips and she drank the water.

Annie felt way much better, now that she thought about it, she was now awake??? and for some reason she was extremely weak, as if she was dying, and she was worried, was she ever going to recover??

She had been in a sleeping state for a month now, and she wondered what could have caused her to be like that for so long??

"Annie do you feel better now??" asked Matt as he placed the glass of water back on the table.

Annie just nodded her head, she did not want to speak because she could not strain her voice any more, it was only natural that her voice was still very weak and scratchy, she had been asleep for a month now.

It was then that it hit her!! She remembered that she had supposedly talked to her magic, in a dream like state, and that blasted magic of hers let the ground open and swallow her up, and as if that was not already enough, she had left her with unanswered questions.

Her magic was just serious annoying with a capital A, and worst of all, she did not know if she would see her magic again, even though her magic did say that she would see her later, but who knew with that thing?? It was very unpredictable.

"Oh Annie, you don't know how happy I am" said Matt as he looked at Annie and he smiled at her.

Annie turned to look at Matt, how badly she wanted to smile at him, but her body was just too weak to do anything, all she could do was strain to smile a bit.

"Oh we were all so worried about you" said Matt as he just felt very relieved right now, they were all starting to loose hope and this was more than good news.

He was even more happy that he was here... that he was the first one to see Annie as she finally woke up, the mere thought just made him smile even more, all their praying and hope had finally worked.

"We have all been waiting for you to wake up, and now you did wake up" said Matt as he smiled.

"Oh I need to go tell everyone, I am sure that they would be very surprised, and shocked and happy" said Matt, he was sure that everyone would have mixed emotions, and the main emotion would be relief and happiness.

"Oh and Curtis" said Matt.

"Gosh, finally that guy can liven up a little, I tell you, he has been sinking into depression" said Matt as he laughed and Annie wanted to laugh too, but she was sure that if she had tried to her insides would all pour out.

And the water which she had drank on an completely empty stomach was not helping her at all.

Annie just felt like going to sleep again, but she did not want to, she was afraid that she would not be able to wake up again if she did, so she strove to keep her eyes wide open.

"Annie, I will be right back, I need to go and tell everyone" said Matt as he could not hold in his excitment.

"Just relax, and please don't go to sleep again" said Matt as he was worried that if she did, she would go back into a coma again, and that would just be horrible, and Annie seemed to nod at him.

"Okay" said Matt as he took off and ran to tell everyone else.