
chapter 12

It was 8am , kiba waked up and left for training . Today he decided to familiar with his wind release in order not to release a A rank justu instead D rank justu as it may be inconvenient during a mission .

After the war against the stone village , it was hidden mist a(+who declared war against konoha . So as in the original plot , Guy and his team meet the seven swordman but was then defeat by guy father and he died . While orichimaru , jiraya and Tsunade fought against Anzo of the salamander . They were then given the title of " three legendary sanin" . kiba even protect them in the shadow as his quest was only to protect if Hanzo want to kill them .

kiba accept this quest because he don't want any mistake to occur as they were also his favorite character in the anime even through orichimaru become a missing ninja. Fortunately nothing did change , as it was the same fight as in the anime thus kiba was relieved .

After this mission , kiba had then been given a lot of quest which kiba complete without any problem. some quest was even to assassinate a merchant of other village without being caught . Thus kiba used the wind release to change his body structure . Even hurizen was not able to recognize kiba when he appear to delivered his report after the quest. It was when kiba return to his normal form that hurizen knew that it was kiba. Thus hurizen asked kiba about this justu and want to acquire it . But he was disappoint when he knew that it require a perfect control of wind release or else this justu may damage the body internally .

After that few year passed by ,and the third was still ongoing. Minato after several contribution to the village became the fourth hokage ( note incident that assume it kill obito has already Happened . Also Rin had also been killed as in the anime).kakashi also join anbu

kiba chakra had reached low Kage level during this year. but with his external chakra reserve he can be consider having one tails beast chakra reserve .He fire release had been completely master. Despite kiba was still young that is 14 year old, he was the one who contribute greatly and was promoted to commander anbu along with sakumo hatake.

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