
The start of the chunin exams.

currently its the day before the start of the chunin exams, and im on my way to to the hokages office.

I walked right on up to the door without any trouble at all this time. I guess the secretary learned her lesson.

*Knock Knock*

"come in" hiruzen

I walked in and saw him doing paper work, and he had alot of it, but then again the chunin exams were about to begin.

"sir, can you send the anbu out." zero

hiruzen looked up to look at me a moment before waving his hand and the anbu left.

"what is it." hiruzen

"hokage-sama, i think we have a problem." zero

"oh, what kind of problem." hiruzen said interested.

"a snake problem." zero

once I said that he looked serious, he the got up and put a silence seal on the wall.

"ok explain." hiruzen said while looking at me

"ok sir, im pretty sure orochimaru is going to infiltrate the village and join in on the chunin exams. I think he plans on marking sasuke with a curse mark during the second part of the exam and im pretty sure that he intends to attack the village along with the sound and sand villages." zero

hiruzen looked pale when that was said.

"are u sure." hiruzen

"yes i am sir" zero

"very well, you may leave." hiruzen

with that said i left and went home to sleep for tomorrow. Im guessing naruto, sasuke and sakura already ran into kankuro and gaara. so there nothing left to do.

the next morning I got dressed then met my team along with narutos team along the way. when we arrived we automatically noticed the genjutsu placed on the academy and the to guards outside not letting people in.

when we arrived the Lee, Tenten, and neji where already there trying to get in.

"let us through." Tenten

"your taking the chunin exams and you can't even pass us." the genin guard scoffed.

"please just let us through." Tenten.

"you know ive never liked bully's." zero

"bully's, where trying to save your lives. the chunin exams are no walk in the park. you could die." the second door guard said.

"thats nice, now out of my way of ill make you." zero

"hahah, make us I'd like to see you try." guard A

"yeah" guard B

"ok ill show you then." zero

they looked at me while i activated my mangekyou sharingan and pressed gravity down on to them. they fell down and couldn't get up.

"what did you do to us." guard B

"I taught you a lesson." zero

we then continued onward. the got passes the genjutsu and made it into the classroom to already notice some people. gaara, kankuro and temari even kabuto was here. we took our seats with our names on it then. after about 15 minutes or so everyone was here. ibiki walked in.

"Everyone eyes front" Ibiki barked

"there are a few rules you need to be aware of, and I wont answer any questions so pay attention the first time around. Rule number one is : The written exam is judged on a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you may be used to, you will all begin the exam with a perfect score of ten points. one point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss 3 your final score will be seven." ibiki

"rule number two: Teams will pass or fail on the total score of all three members." ibiki

"rule number three: the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any cheating, and for every incident they spot, they will subtract two points from the culprits score.if they catch you five times, you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone foolish enough to be caught cheating by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here." ibiki

"and one more thing. If any candidate should get a zero and fail the test... then the entire team fails. the final question won't be given out until the final fifteen minutes of the testing period. you have one hour begin." ibiki

I just fell asleep, after putting a genjutsu on my test to make it look done.

(time skip)

"listen up, here's the tenth and final question. But first, there are some things you need to know. these rules are unique to question ten, so listen carefully and try not to let them frighten you." ibiki

"rule number one: each of you is free to chose not to be given the final question. It's your decision." ibiki

"so what's the catch" temari

"if you chose not to take the tenth question, regardless of your answers to the other nine, you'll get a zero. in other words you fail, and that means both of your team mates fail as well. But if you accept the question and get it wrong, not only will you fail, you will be bared from taking the chunin exam ever again." ibiki

when he said that last part alot of people gasped, while I just continued to sleep.

"of course, if you don't want to take it, you don't have to. if your not feeling confident, then by all means, skip it. you can come back and try again next year." ibiki

"now if your ready, for the tenth and final question, stay. those who don't want to take it, raise your hands. states your names then leave." ibiki

(time skip)

"WAKE UP ZERO" ibiki barked

"just get this over with, im not going to leave." zero said with a smirk

"well I admire your determination if nothing else. for those of your remaining there's just one thing left to do. Thats for me to tell you.. you've passed the first exam." ibiki

"wait why, where the tenth question." kiba

"zero, you seem to have figured it out, why don't you explain for them." ibiki said smirking at me.

"The first part of the exam was information gathering. He said IF we get caught cheating we lose points, thats could only mean that your were supposed to cheat without getting caught. Information is half the battle, the last part was to know if we had the guts to be a chunin. you can't abandon a mission just because it might be hard. A chunin is expected to lead and as he must inspire confidence and courage in his team." zero explained while everyone else was shocked.

"precisely" ibiki


the window smashed open and a figure flew through it and landed in the middle of the classroom.

"hey anko" zero said with a smile

she glaired daggers into me

"how do you know of me." anko said confused.

"well thats easy, you smell like snakes." zero smiled

anko's eyes narrowed in on me.

"mmhhmm, ok everyone, im the proctor of the second exam, Anko Mitarashi. everyone get to training ground 44. be there in twenty minutes or you fail." anko said before flickering away.

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