
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime und Comics
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I have two cheat systems?

Xicas Zonve was born as a normal human in a normal world. 

Unfortunately, his parents died soon after his birth in an accident known infamously as 9/11.

After his parents death, he was given to an orphanage by his relatives. He grew up in the orphanage as a normal boy without issue, but died as a normal boy at the age of 16 from murder. 

Though, that was all what it looked like on surface. Inside the boy's mind... who knows what was going on inside that chaotic place. But one thing was for sure. That boy was everything but normal.

Soon after his death, the orphanage was closed because of the death of all the children inside the orphanage. 

Within 50 years of that that boy's death, the world reached it's end...


(Xicas's POV)

Hnn~ where am I?

I looked around to judge my situation. Seems like I am inside a building. 


I grabbed my head from sudden pain but it was soon gone.

My eyes more clear than before saw the world ahead of me with indifference.

Izanagi shinomiya, huh...? So that who I am now.

It's not like I didn't experience this before, but this one is quite permanent...

Soul distribution, reincarnation, space-time domination, fictional world creation, omni-manipulation...

Who was able to perform all this at the same time? Was it an omnipotent being that interfered? Seems so...

Still... creating a world like this in reality, it seems like this being has some great taste.

With the headache, I received my memories that gave me information of this world well enough. 

A world made by merging many fictional worlds? Let's see how it goes.

(Izanagi's POV ends)


Izanagi reopened his eyes in a building in Japan as the oldest son of shinomiya family. 

As a person interested in anime and other stuff, he knew all about it well enough. After receiving his memories, he looked outside the window for a while, and then walked out of the room.

Heading towards the main room in the building, he looked at every Maids and Butlers with coldness in his eyes. 

Yes. This whole building was his house.

After reaching inside the room, he sat on the edge of the huge bed in the room. He was constantly staring at the space in front of him to understand what kind of anomaly he was staring at.


(Izanagi's POV)

I was staring at something that even someone like me had never experienced. It was something similar to those books in past world but it was different. 

The thing I was staring at— No! Not a thing, a being! This blue coloured screen in front of me was clearly real and alive. On top of that, it was also an omnipotent existence.


Two omnipotent existences can never exist in a single universe since that would contradict themselves. Yet there were two of them. Together!! Side by side!!

There is also something written on them...

[Welcome to user interface of rebate system.]

[Welcome to user interface of multiverse simulator system.]

As I thought, they really were systems. 

When I tried to read the sentences, two female monotonous voices echoed inside my head by itself.

"System, explain yourself!" 

I said with mighty tone as my usual habit.

[Rebate system can let user get 2-20,000 times rebate from the registered person, item, or place. You will get chance to register every week and registration will reset every week. Your level will decide how many registrations you can make per week.]

[Multiverse simulator system let's user simulate a random world with a certain cooldown. You can also simulate your current world. After every simulation, you will get a rank that decides how many rewards you can get.]

Two female voices rang inside my mind one after another.

I see... 

I will need to try them...

"Hayasaka!!" I called my personal maid.

