
Anime Mashup: Multiverse Traveling Merchant

On every corner of a different world, a special store is hidden, it sells different kinds of stuff that no one saw, here you can buy, sell or trade anything you want. You can also change your future, fate, and destiny if can. Goku.”Shopkeeper, do you still have Sea Kings Meat? Here I will exchange it with my Four-Star Dragon Ball!” Kurome.” I want the First and Second Hokage’s corpse, how many snacks do you want?” Hanabi.”Brother Shopkeeper, I want the same massager as my sister gave me!” Uta,” Shanks left his arms here, I want to trade it to a magic wand” Athena.”Did you see my toy?” Kurosaki Karin.” Ummm……. Do you have potato here? I can't find potato for my curry.” Shopkeeper.” When did my shop become black market? And you, can't you see i don't sell vegetables!! Wait, don't cry, here take it, add some bell pepper it seems you forgot it.”

LittleApple · Anime und Comics
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144 Chs


No one is idiot, they know this Trial is a huge not fair at on the very start so they can easily tell if there's something changes happen.

But even so they are part of Ten Wizard Saint, they are not scared to anyone, he is alone and there's ten strongest mage in the main land here so there's no need to afraid.

"What are you talking about Mr. Xin."

"You are the Council, sitting here means your smart to see the bigger picture so do I need to ask for what's wrong?" Xin calmly ask while looking at them.

"We bring you here to trial you for hurting one of the membwr of Ten Wizard Saint, do you think that's wrong?" One of them ask.

"There's nothing wrong about that but what I'm confused is why there's only 'hurt' accident? And why there's no report of someone using forbidden spell on the heart of Magnolia? Did no one see the gigantic magic above the city? Did no one see someone is slolodying because of the forbidden spell? Or the one who reported see the end of all that thing?"

All of them look to each other some of them are asking while some choose to turn silence while waiting for anyone to take a lead.

"Don't tell me you trial me without even bother to investigate? I know what is fairness is but even I close my eyes and play like stupid I can't still see any fair from all of this so called trial? So tell me oh so powerful Council, is this the fairness you old fools talking about? Why not teach your children this so called fairness you doing right now?"

"Who do you think kid! You don't have right to teach us what we need to do! We sit here because we are the strongest!"

"Hehehe~" Xin mocking laugh.

"Strong? Are you sure your strong?"



The person who try to justify his own thing suddenly press down on his chair, his chair crush while his whole body is being press on the floor.

"That strong? Sorry I can pinch you with my pinky finger if I want, don't tell me what strong is because you never see what's strong looks like."

Everyone on the Council alarm, the Rune Knights outside charge inside while surrounding Xin on the middle.

"Keep down prisoner!" The Captain of Rune Knight rudely said.

"Oh? I did not know I'm a prisoner? So can any tell me when? If I'm right you call me to ask not for a stupid trial."

Some of the members start to sweat, they can feel the gaze of other members, they know that from the very start there's something wierd going on here and they can't finds what's wierd even now.

Finally someone intervene.

"Let's be cool every, Mr. Xin I know you just want fairntso please we can calmly talk this." Yakima said.

"Sure." Xin lift the Haki from the stupid person and suddenly said.

"Actually I'm not a idiot, I can tell from the eyes of you greedy fools that you want the sword that I have."

"You can't just find a good reason to take it from me that's why you using a stupid idea and trying to use your position to press me."

Now everyone know the real real about all of this commotion, it's all about a weapon who some of them want to get.

"Well you can't help it, a weapon that can counter magic is a Divine Weapon for anyone who hold it that's why you can't stop your greed."

"But there's a simple problem you guys did not even bother to think after sitting on that wooden chairs for so many years."

Xin then expressionless said." The foundation of everything is not the weapon or the magic but your on strength."

"If your not strong enough you don't have the right even the people choose you to sit on that particular chair."

"A tittle given by the majority of the people is just a piece of tittle for those stronger than you, you can intimidate who's weaker than you but your digging your own grave if the other party is stronger than you."

"And besides, there's couple of rats on your own team that you can't even clean why bother to challenge someone who you can't even defeat?"

Everyone who sitting around turn cold, if what he said is true then the Council is already infiltrated by rats from outside.

And not only that, they got a bad review from someone who stronger than anyone else of them adding trouble for the Council.


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