
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

LXVE_MuRdxR69 · Anime und Comics
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174 Chs

CH. 19: Outbreak

(A/N: This takes places before episode 9 of the anime)

Akira and the three girls were now sitting around the table of a café outside the establishment, giving them a clear view of the outside while sipping on their favorite human beverages.

Ultima- "Hot chocolate is the best!" She said with happiness while drinking the brown milk in her cup.

Testarossa ordered the most expensive latte while Carrera went with the extreme black coffee with no milk. Akira whoever, just finished drinking some orange juice.

Akira- "How much I've missed this~" He said smiling.

Ultima finished drinking her chocolate milk and she replied with happiness.

Ultima- "This place is the best Akira!~ The food is just way too good!~" She said.

Carrera nodded and so did Testarossa.

Akira- "Well it is a relief to see your positive reactions." He said.

The day continued peacefully just like that, they had more activities elsewhere and made sure to taste any food they'd come across, that's until an uproar emerged between Ultima and a certain nobody who was being disrespectful to her.

Ultima- "Hey human! Do you know where the owner of this stand is? I really wanna taste those goodies!!" She asked the mister who had his head down and was breathing heavily.

Thinking he was ignoring her, Ultima poked the mister a few times to get his attention.

Ultima- "Humaaan!! Hello? Are you still alive?" She asked him.

Still no response, but then, the human finally revealed his face, which was completely dark, emotionless and almost dead. He launched at Ultima senselessly and tried to bite him.

"GYAAAH!!" He roared while gripping into Ultima.

Sensing his malice, Ultima quickly disappeared and reappeared behind him before he's make contact on her slender perfect skin.

Ultima- "Wowow.. I'll act like I've not seen anything.. Next time you try to touch me, I'll tear your four limbs apart~" She said in a comic way while raising her shoulders and smiling.

The 'human' quickly looked around to see Ultima behind him smiling cutely. This made him angry and he launched at her once again.

Ultima then caught the man's face and hardened her grip. He jiggled his hands everywhere to try and reach her but he couldn't.

Ultima- "That's not cute of you mister." She said.

Ultima then hardened her grip even more and literally ripped the guy's face and threw it away. His skull was the only thing that reminded alongside his empty eye orbits and cut tongue. Nevertheless, this creature did not seem to have died which surprised Ultima.

"GYAAAH!!" It roared once again.

The people looked to see this creature which caused them to be confused. Some puked in disgust while some ran away.

Ultima summoned her claws and slashed through the creature, cutting it's limbs and head. The creature fell on the ground decapitated and limbless. Ultima was so angry she continued on slashing his torso with an angry expression and a pure aura of bloodlust.

Ultima- "DIIIE !!! DIIIIE !!!!!!!" She screamed while slashing his torso and making his guts and organs fly to the sky, the black blood splattered everywhere and she continued on swinging his claws across his pierced torso, transforming his body to mince meat and even destroying the ground below him.

Ultima finally calmed down after hearing the numerous screams of the humans around her, who soiled themselves and fell to the ground paralyzed. Her little aura was no very concentrated but these weak japanese people were paralyzed by it.

"SH-SHE'S A MONSTER!!!" Screamed a man on the ground.


Ultima looked around these weak humans with blood on her face and a slight blush. She looked at everyone, sending shivers while licking the dark blood on her huge claws.

Ultima- "*spit* Tastes like aids." She spat the blood.

The witnesses started backing up as they regained their forces.

Ultima- "I wanna taste some real otherworldly healthy blood~" She said as she began attacking the humans, from kids to elderly indiscriminately, killing anyone who had seen her kill that 'creature' with no remorse.

She did not want to risk Akira discovering her showing her abilities so all witnesses must be taken down. She slices through every human at light speed and ended up killing 34 people of mixed ages.

Ultima, satisfied now, summoned her devilish wings, with each wing being more than four meters long and with immense claws at their edges, a Violet color with a tint of a golden aura emitting from each side.

She flew to the air and towards Akira's location.

[ POV - Zero ]

Akira and the two other girls were walking peacefully while eating ice cream. Akira was enjoying the moment so much that he just walked around with a happy face while licking his chocolate ice cream.

Akira- "How much I've missed this~" He said with a slight blush.

However, someone pushed Akira with minimum force but enough to make his ice cream fall on the ground.

Ice cream is ded.

Akira- "Alright! Now, who's gonna die?!" He said looking with a smile at the human who just pushed him and made his ice cream fall on the ground.

Akira's face got filled with disgust as he looked with awe at the person who was ugly beyond human. It wasn't exactly human but partially humanoid, it's dead eyes and empty aura betrayed it's origin. Akira quickly realized that something was up.

Akira- "What the fuck? I don't remember my hometown having zombies in it!!" He shouted.

The creature got even closer to Akira. "ROAAAR!!" It shouted before launching at Akira, it ran at him with medium speed and Akira looked with horror and disgust at this unknown creature before it was only a meter away from him.

And then, Carrera appeared in front of Akira and shot a bullet with her spectral gun at the creature's forehead, which was pierced in the middle by an immense hole created by the spectral bullet.

She shot out multiple times on his torso, limbs, genital and head even though it was already dead after receiving the first bullet.

Carrera blew on the canon and made the smoke dissipate.

Carrera- "Sorry Akira but i won't let a single motherfucker approach you with such malice." She said pointing towards the fading dead body.

Carrera's spectral bullet could pierce through anything in existence and once it gets touched by the bullet it fades away into nothingness making her spectral gun one of the most dangerous fireweapons ever.

Akira- "It's fine Carrera.. In fact i invite you to do the same for all these ones approaching us.." He said looking at the horde of creatures surrounding them.

Testarossa got in front of them and summoned immense claws on her fists.

Testarossa- "Leave it to me." She said making a swing, which caused all of the creatures to fall on the ground already dead.

Carrera walked forward and kicked the dead bodies with her leg.

Carrera- "These shits aren't even Hazard level. They can't even be a punching bag." She said annoyed.

Testarossa- "Also, when killed they let out souls, which means that these creatures are still alive and used to be humans.. They seem to be lower versions of the zombie monsters from our world." She said.

Akira looked at this with a question mark on his head.

Akira- "Zombies?.. Could this be an AU of Japan? Where Zombies actually exist?" He asked himself.

A zombie appeared behind Akira but he got erased from existence before as soon as he approached him enough.

Akira looked at the fading zombie. He then stretched his arms and looked at the girls with a poker face.

Akira- "I think we're in Highschool of The Dead." He said.

(A/N: The ability which killed the zombie:

[Nigh-Charity]: Any creature in any reality who has pure malicious thoughts over the user will be erased from existence.)


It has now been a few hours ever since the outbreak. Japan's peace literally flipped upside down, chaos spread across the whole country and soon around the whole world because of these new creatures.

Most of the people were either dying or metamorphosing into these 'creatures'. The number of surviving humans was decreasing exponentially with time until reaching the lowest counts possible, mostly strong people, influential and highly ranked people within the hierarchy.

Carrera shot out a single bullet which pierced through a nearby zombie, the bullet instantly killed the zombie on top of the ones behind it.

One was approaching her from behind making disgusting noises. She gave him a simple punch on the face which was enough to kill him instantly and throw him to the air. That simple punch made an impact so powerful the road was blown into pieces, since Earth's constructions are not made for punches by a berserk goddess of devils.

She put her right foot on a zombie's body and started shoving it deep inside his torso by stepping on him multiple times.

Carrera- "You little shit really dare to fuck this world with your presence.." She said as her foot pierced through his body and into the ground.

These movements of frustration caused the earth to shake and get destroyed. The nearing buildings crumbled and collapsed after a few seconds killing many zombies and some survivors in the way.

Carrera's fun was interrupted after she heard multiple gun shots from afar.



She looked around and saw some humans, precisely five highschoolers and one mature lady struggling with an enormous horde of zombies. Her attention was attracted mostly by the many zombies attacking them.

Carrera- "Shiiiit look at that pile of fuck they got!" She laughed.

She did not really care about those humans' fate, but these creatures were giving off souls when dead so she wanted to farm up even more souls to become more powerful.

Souls contain decent amounts of <Divine Energy>. As a devil, she does not have the ability to produce that kind of energy, however by collecting massive amounts of souls, the possibility of cultivating that energy was finally a possibility and by using her [Limit Breaker] she could transcend into an even more powerful divinity.

"Time for sum killing!" She said enthusiastically looking at the horde which was only getting bigger.

[ Takashi (MC) POV ]

"Damn it! They're everywhere!!" He shouted

Komuro Takashi was the main character of the series alongside being one of the five highschoolers fighting against the enormous horde of zombies.

"--Tch!!.. I'm reloading!!" Shouted another boy.

This one was another body of the group, Kohta Hirano, a chubby 16 years old guy with average male height, medium long black hair and also an expert of fire weapons.

The two were using elite special guns to fight off the group of zombies surrounding them.

"HAAYAA!!" Shouted Saeko Busujima, long purple hair and an expert in the art of katana.

"S-Saeko! Don't be so careless!" Replied the mature blonde women named Shizuka Matikawa in worry.

A pink haired girl stoped Shizuka from moving further by pointing her arm.

"Don't worry about her, just focus on staying away from them." Replied the petite girl with long pink hair and glasses named Saya Takagi.

Saeko cleared up a path for them to cross by pushing the zombies away with her katana.

She received some help by another girl who seemed to be an expert in using spears ; Rei Miyamoto.

Saeko- "Everyone! Follow this straight path and let's get out of here!"

The five other highschoolers quickly ran towards Saeko as she cleared the path quickly, receiving fatal hits on the neck or having their heads completely blown apart with the shotguns used by Takashi and Hirano.

The six people stopped on their tracks after a bit because the difference in numbers was just too big. Surrounded from all angles by numerous zombies. Saeko and Rei were starting to feel exhaustion, the weapons users were going low on ammo, as for Saya and Shizuka, they could not fight.

Hirano- "Damn it! There's nothing to do!!"

Takashi threw away his shotgun at the face of a zombie in frustration, the creature flinched a bit before continuing on moving.

Completely surrounded, the six began thinking of a way to get away to get away but the paths were all blocked, the distance between the humans and the zombies was getting smaller which made Saeko and Rei hold back in their attacks.

Takashi- 'Damn it.. So it's here we're gonna die..' He thought while hardening his fists and tearing up.

Rei- "WOA!"

Takashi caught Rei and hugged her tightly, if they were going to die here, then atleast show his childhood friend a little gratitude. The two were always fighting ever since their friend's death and soon they would join him as well.

When all hope seemed lost, the ground started shaking and zombies lost their balance and fell on the ground. And then, some creatures started fading into nothingness.

Looking at this, Takashi stopped hanging Rei and glanced with confusion at the disappearing zombies.

Saeko- 'Wh-What is happening??"

Saya- "I- I don't know.. The corpses seem to be rotting into ashes!" She explained with the most scientifically close analysis.

Rei- "N-No look at that direction!"

Rei pointed towards Carrera. She was thirty meters away from them yet her bullets pierced the creatures' forehead with great accuracy.

Carrera- "HAHA!! Now's time for the biiig motherfucking genocide!!"

Carrera then summoned a spectral assault riffle and shot out tones of bullets consecutively, each one hitting a target and making sure not to miss any creature.

The zombies's agro shifted towards the berserk battle maniac but before they could even move they would just fall on the ground completely dead before disappearing.

Takashi- "Who is that girl?!"

Hirano- "S-Such a distance yet she's still hitting them with great accuracy!!"

Saeko- "I don't know, but she's doing us a great favor."

Saeko pulled out her saber and tried to kill some zombies to help Carrera but they would fall on the ground and disappear before she could even touch them.

The horde of zombies disappeared after a minute and the whole perimeter was cleaned up.

The six teenagers looked at Carrera with disbelief, shock and respect because she had just cleaned up the whole sector with her spectral infinite weapon.

Carrera looked around and saw that every creature was dead.

Carrera- "Damn it, none are left."

She clicked her tongue and prepared on leaving.

Takashi- "W-Wait! Hold on a second!"

Takashi shouted as he saw Carrera preparing to leave.

Carrera looked behind to see Takashi and the five humans.


Thanks for Your Precious Lecture! Pa--treon.com/skyfall12 (Read ahead of everyone with the advanced chapters!)