
Royal Gaurds?

Today was like any other; washing clothes, cleaning dishes, shopping, and visiting friends but something unexpected happened ..

--Homura POV--

"hmm~ hm~ mmmh~"

While humming my favorite song I here a commotion outside while cleaning my home. Getting curious I peek outside and see a crowd gathered around something now even more curious I look out side and join the crowd

Spotting my friend Kurutta I rush to her and tap her on the shoulder she turns around and says to me in a happy tone

"Finally what took you so long Mura-chan ?"

getting confused I ask her what was happening in the square

"Kuru-chan what is going on?"

Kurutta gasped dramatically and then said

"Didn't you hear? the emperor is looking for some girl that made a beautiful painting for one of his maids!"

"Hmm? why is everyone so excited then?"

"well duhhh! his majesty is looking for the girl and is holding a contest for all of the girls in the empire to see who is the mysterious painter!"

"Is it you?"

I ask jokingly

"Of course not but I wish it was!"

confused I ask why

"Why is that kuru-chan?"

"Because! once the his majesty finds the 'Angelic Painter' he will request a painting and that girl will be given 200,000 gold coins!!"

"T-two hundred- th-thousand??"

"yup I was surprised too."


Before we continue! this is the currency in this world:

1 platinum coin = 10,000 gold coins ( only excess-able by high ranking nobility and some priest's and the pope.)

1 gold coin = 100 silver coins

1 silver coin = 100 copper coins

1 copper coin = 100 pento coins

1 pento coin= 0.5 coin ( this type of coin is worthless than a penny about half of it really)


I think of what I could do if I was that girl who earns 200,000 gold then sigh inwardly I think about it then realize I'm never gonna be that girl I wont ever know the luxury of having available money to spend for myself and not my siblings...

-Author POV-

Homura wasn't exactly doing the best but with help from the villagers she can live a stable life with her younger siblings, Shizuki, Kurai and Akari

Their parents died in the war 4 year's ago when Homura was 17 but that's another story...


A knight announces;

"All women in the village over 14 please report to the palace at noon."

'I thought only the girl would go to the palace?'

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