
chapter 002:Narla The chase

His air blown cloak disappeared after him into the dark alley twenty yards away before I could catch up with him. Damn it was I slow or did he have some wheels under his feet, because I had been trying to catch up with him for the last two minutes. I was running and he was walking but the distance between us had not reduced a fraction.

I rounded the corner as I entered the alley and was sure to catch up with him. But booy was I wrong as the empty dark alley greeted me with its emptiness.

"hello can you stop ignoring me I just want to say thank you" I yelled into the darkness.


what was I expecting anyway? a warm welcome. Stupid me. A huge rat jumped from one of the bins aligned along the street seeming to have been disturbed from finding it's supper by my loud voice. It disappeared into some deep crevicle in the wall. I held my breath and walked some distance into the alley. I looked around seeing no-one and finally gave up. Atleast I tried I hunched over and rested my arms on my knees as I breathed out finally feeling so tired from running.

After catching my so much needed breath I turned around and a screameand ripped through my throat as I jumped three centimetres out of my skin. There he was standing close to me. I could almost feel his breath on my face. My heart beat skyrocketed as I hadn't heard him approach.

"cheez you scared me" I said after catching my breath. "you shouldn't sneak up on people like that you almost gave me a heart attack "

"Why are you following me?" he spoke for the first time and his voice held a hint of irritation to it. His voice was deep and low but it was like a sweet careless even the rats in the bins that had not scurried away at my voice were quiet as if holding onto his every word. "I.. I was" I stammered. He moved closer each step calculated and menacing and I could feel every hair on the back of my neck stand as a chill ran through me. "I wanted to say thank you for saving me" I rushed out taking a step back.

"Mmmh" he hummed and moved closer watching my every move like I was some kind of threat. I couldn't see his eyes because of the big cloak that covered him head to toe, but I could imagine how dangerously they were watching me. The dark alley made his features seem darker. He suddenly stopped and turned around, his back facing me before he snapped.

"Go home now!" he growled lowly.

"um.. "I tried to talk but he cut me off

"Now! before I change my mind!" he snapped as I didn't need to be told twice.

I scurried out of the dark alley almost tripping on my own feet as I ran fast feeling lighter than before. 'damn it I forgot my shopping bag'. That's why I was feeling light. There goes my night. Just keeps getting better I huffed as I ran faster. There is no way in hell I was going back to that street. I rather loose the stupid shopping than see that man again. The threat was clear in his voice and I don't know what he meant by "before I change my mind" but I didn't wanna find out. I wasn't that stupid atleast.

I could see the neighbourhood I lived in coming into view. Just a few minutes. I flew up the steps and fumbled with the key as I flew inside shutting the door roughly behind me. I rested my back on my door and sank down pulling my knees to my chest. 'what just happened'

What had I done to deserve such a day.

I rested my head back on the door feeling exhausted by the days events. First I lost my job because I couldn't just be a good girl and allow my boss to take me under his sheets and have fun with me. As if. Well that means no money and that in turn means no final exam for me because my school fees was behind by one semester. Then I got chased by a group of bullies because of my long hot mouth. But they deserved it. Then I got saved my some stranger who threatens me for no reason, and as if Mother Nature hadn't had enough of my suffering I forget my monthly basic shopping I had bought with some of my savings.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I knew who it was before I could even pick it. I pressed the mute button and set it at my feet.Natalia hadn't stopped calling me since I told her that I lost my job. My elder sister was too worried for me and wouldn't hesitate to help me, but I knew better, she had big enough problems and I didn't need to add another burden on her.

She had been there for me since the death of our parents six years ago when I was fourteen and I considered her as my mom. I didn't feel like picking up so I let it ring. She called two more times before sending a message asking me to take care and that she loved me. I guess she finally figured it out that I wasn't in the mood to talk. I sighed as I stood to my feet. I needed to sleep and figure things out by myself. I always did.

l changed into my comfy shorts and a tank top before getting in my comfy bed I snuggled into the covers and sleep almost overtook me if something or someone wasn't scratching at my front door. That had to be leyon my neighbour's cat. He was notorious and loved sharpening it's claws on my door. I always hated cats. Especially right now that my sleep was being disturbed.

I groaned and turned in bed but the noise got even louder accompanied my some low growls. something was off and I could feel it, because that definitely didn't sound like leyon.

I got out of bed feeling angry and slightly scared. I tied my long dark brown hair that stopped just above my waist in a loose pony and carried a baseball bat. I stepped into my small living room and turned on the lights. Everything went quite in a flash. creepy. Both the scratching and growls dying all at once. 'what the hell'

I turned around ready to go to my room but suddenly my living room window broke and shattered into a million pieces as something big and black like night came flying through before landing in all fours in the middle of the living room. My screams died in my throat as my throat suddenly went dry. Because there was no way I wasn't dreaming.

The thing or whatever that was, looked like a big dog but again it was too big to be a dog. It was almost the size of a He goat. But that wasn't what got my knees weakening. The thing didn't have eyes, In its place were some blue horn like long tendrils that swayed around as if detecting it's surroundings. Its big mouth hang open revealing it's razor sharp teeth which were almost too many for its too big mouth. Its faded purple tongue hung loose as it moved close to me it's blue tendrils finally stopping on one point. Pointed at me.

What the hell is happening? and what is this creature? my thoughts ran wild.

I moved back as it sniffed the air and growled loudly before letting out a loud howl that had me covering my ears. A dead wakening scream ripping through my throat finally, I retreated back till I hit the wall. I threw the baseball bat at it but it caught it with ease with its teeth and threw it aside. well this is how I die.

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